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Cattle sold for a high price in northern cities because the demand there was high. The price of cattle was low in Texas because the supply there was high. The main reason for the growth of the Texas cattle drives was that Texas ranchers made money selling their cattle in the North and East.

The railroad companies took a loan through the Pacific Railway Act. The transcontinental railroad helped settlers in the West connect to eastern markets to sell their goods. Before there were railroads, each town determined its own time. This system might have been a problem because people in different regions kept different time, making it difficult to communicate the time clearly and communicate train schedule.

Exodusters moved to the Great Plains to find a place to be free from discrimination. The Exodusters moved to the Great Plains because they wanted to own their own land. Settlers destroyed the buffalo’s habitat, their cattle brought deadly diseases, and hunters killed them.The sodbusters used iron plows to farm the Great Plains. Two problems that the Great Plains settlers faced were that wood was scarce, so they made houses from sod and seeds for wheat did not grow well, so they used European seeds.

Many immigrants came to the United States looking for work and to escape persecution. One effect of overcrowding in cities was that many people lived in unsafe buildings. Many immigrants in the late 1800s lived in crowded tenement apartments without running water.

The labor union was formed to fight against unsafe working conditions and poor pay in large factories.A corporation pays part of its profits to its share owners.The progressives wanted to improve the lives of citizens and protect workers. The main goals of the Progressive Movement were to pass laws to protect workers and improve society.

The telegraph helped Americans communicate by sending electric signals over long distances quickly.The inventions in the late 1800s helped people work faster and do more work.Two important new technologies that changed cities were steel building frames and electric wires.Entrepreneurs raised money to build factories and expensive machines.