Erka Caro
Lecturer, University of Jyväskulä, Finland
PhD in Demography, Faculty of Spatial Sciences, University of Groningen, Netherlands
Armela Xhaho
PhD Research Fellow, University of New York Tirana
MA Gender Studies, Central European University, Hungary
Mob. 00355 674147534
This study aims to provide a general overview and historical context of TradeUnions in Albania alongwith theirchallenges, opportunities and evolving strategies during 25 years of transition from state controlled economy to a market economy.
Most of 83 trade unions established and working in Albania operate under the umbrella of the two confederations, the Confederation of Trade Unions of Albania (KSSH) and the Union of Independent Trade Unions of Albania (BSPSH), which both represent about 90% of the members of trade unions in Albania, whereas the rest operate independently.National Labour Council (NLC) is the highest cooperation system of tripartite social dialogue in Albania, represented by members from trade unions, employer organizations and state institutions. Although trade unions in Albania are represented in the National LabourCouncil with 10 members, they still struggle for legitimacy, enforcement of many collective bargaining agreements and resolution of conflicts through mediation and social dialogue. Unions are constantly involved in a battle for institutional representation, struggles to raise the level of unionization, inter- cooperation and representation of labor work force.
Taking in consideration the unique nature of economic, political and social transformation that took place in Albania after the downfall of communism regime, this paper represent the first study to trace and analyze the core services and benefits of trade union movements in Albania, a general background and context of their organization, how they are designed and administered, their external/international collaborators, their financing mechanisms and the hardships that the unions face in providing these services and benefits.
The paper examines as well the challenges in both trade union membership and density by looking at the strategies undertaken by trade unions to recruit new members, especially in areas other than the traditional core union ranksconsidering women and youth activation, as well as their mobilization in improving wage levels and working conditions. Given that trade unions inAlbania are almost fragmented and weekly represented especially in the private sector, thisstudy isan attempt to reveal patterns of their organizations, to outline current trends, and to draw possible conclusions and recommendations for assisting trade union in identifying strategic ways of orientation and improvements in protecting workers’ rights.
Key words ; trade unions,labor, workers’ rights,confederations, employer, employee, social dialogue, membership