2003 Chicago Open

Round 6 – Tossups

1. Ways of testing for this property include Abel’s test and the Weierstrass M-test. If the individual terms of the series are continuous, then the series may be integrated or differentiated term by term, and the series sum will also be continuous. Abel’s Convergence Theorem shows the domain of this property for a Taylor series. FTP, what is this property of a series indicating that it converges to a well-defined function of x?

Answer: uniform convergence

2. Dorothea Krook, in her work about “The Ordeal in Consciousness” of this novel’s author, argues that the central pair in the novel is on the side of the angels, but does acknowledge that Gore Vidal’s interpretation that they are monsters of manipulation is also consistent with the evidence. It ends with the heroine’s heartbreak at seeing her father leave in a carriage and begins in London. It is specifically in a Bloomsbury gift shop, twice visited and several years apart, that the novel’s central object is found. Said object is broken by Fanny Assingham, the woman who first introduced Prince Amerigo to the heroine, not knowing the Prince’s feelings for Charlotte Stant. FTP, name this novel centering on Adam and Maggie Verver, the last novel of Henry James.

Answer: The Golden Bowl

3. Its second version was bolstered by the addition of Sicyon, which joined under the leadership of Aratus. It stayed largely in that form until the threats of Cleomenes III forced it into a three-year war. Its end came in 146 BC, when it waged a suicidal war against the Romans, who crushed it at Corinth. The first was formed for mutual protection against pirates and remained aloof from politics until the invasion of Philip II of Macedon. Initially consisting of cities on the Gulf of Corinth, FTP, name this ancient confederation of Greek city-states.

Answer: Achaean League

4. After seeing John Constable’s work in the Royal Academy, this painting’s artist returned and reworked it. The man on the left wears a red headband and stares impassively at the three crouched figures to his left. There are two daggers at the very bottom and on the right is a dead woman, and her naked baby clutching at her naked torso. To her left is a seated older woman, looking up at the rearing horse and the turbaned figure upon it. That Turk’s impassivity conveys his brutality. FTP, name this Eugene Delacroix painting depicting a slaughter from the Greek war for independence.

Answer: Massacre at Chios

5. His notable articles include “One or Two Cheers for ‘The Invisible Hand’” and “Liquidity Preference as Behavior Towards Risk.” He collaborated with Walter Heller, Arthur Okun, Kermit Gordon, and Robert Solow on the 1962 Economic Report to the President, which he called his manifesto of Keynesian economics. One of his chief contributions was a portfolio-selection theory that offered explanations of high risk versus conservative investments, but he is primarily known for a measure that predicts whether capital investment increases or decreases. FTP, identify this economist who chiefly concentrated on financial markets and developed a namesake “q.”

Answer: James Tobin

6. A fundamental particle, atom or molecule with a permanent electric dipole moment must violate it. In Hilbert space it is given by an antiunitary operator, and it holds for the Schrödinger equation only if the potential energy is real. A 1995 experiment at CERN observed its violation directly in the semileptonic decays of neutral kaons. FTP, name this symmetry whose violation is linked with CP violation in most theories.

Answer: Time reversal symmetry (accept Parity reversal symmetry before “antiunitary operator”; do not accept CP symmetry or charge-parity symmetry)

7. It is said of the heroine of this play, “But only she, and she deserves a lord / That twenty such rude boys might tend upon / And call her hourly, mistress.” This occurs just before that heroine departs for the St. Jacques monastery and after the Lord Lafew and the two Lords Dumaine try to explain the false character of Parolles to the heroine’s husband. Act IV consists of the plot hatched by the heroine and Diana to fulfill the two conditions set forth by the Countess of Rousillon’s son. FTP, name this play about Helena’s quest for Bertram, one of the lesser works of Shakespeare.

Answer: All’s Well That End’s Well

8. He once had 20,000 people killed because they could not pronounce the “r” in his language’s word for parsley. His puppets included Joaquin Balaguer, who would eventually succeed him and defeat one of his chief rivals, the former exiled writer Juan Bosch. In 1960 his regime was censured by the OAS, but this former U.S. Marine Corps trainee would die the next year anyway. FTP, name this man who, from 1930 to 1961, ruled as virtual dictator of the Dominican Republic.

Answer: Rafael Trujillo

9. As a college freshman, he was looking to bolster a team whose only star was receiver Patrick Rowe and which had lost its senior quarterback from the previous year, Dan McGwire, younger brother of baseball’s Mark. Coach Al Lugenbill had him come off the bench in the second game of his freshman season, and he broke the rushing total record of Indiana’s Anthony Thompson with 386 yards and seven touchdowns. After an immensely successful three years at San Diego State, he declared for the draft and the Colts obliged, picking him second in 1994, before trading him to his current team in 1998. FTP, name this all-world running back of the St. Louis Rams.

Answer: Marshall Faulk

10. In perhaps its most famous section, the author quotes the Italian philosopher Giovanni Papini, who said of the title concept, “it lies in the midst of our theories, like a corridor in a hotel.” In that section the author defines as “the attitude of looking toward last things, fruits, consequences, facts . . .” a method that he illustrates with his tale of a camping trip and a man and a squirrel going round a tree trunk. Subtitled “A New Name for Old Ways of Thinking,” it grew out of a series of lectures that the author began in 1905. FTP, name this work on the philosophy of its author William James.

Answer: Pragmatism: A New Name for Old Ways of Thinking

11. New detection technologies being pursued include a visible-light coronagraph, and infrared interferometry with nulling, which would allow them to be seen directly. Transit photometry is the only practical method for detecting subgiants in the continuously habitable zone. The first known system with multiple ones is Upsilon Andromedae, and the first one was found in 1995 orbiting 51 Pegasi. FTP, identify these objects found around other stars.

Answer: extrasolar planets

12. Early on we learn that the title character of this novel went out West with his brothers, bought a stage route, and married the village schoolteacher. Among the locales presented in the novel are Nantasket, where the title character took a vacation, and Back Bay, where he is building his new house. That house burns down not long after he learns that his former partner Rogers has drawn him into a securities trap. Nevertheless, Tom Corey marries his daughter Penelope, and despite his financial ruin the title character is comforted by his honesty in business dealings. FTP, name this novel, the best-known of William Dean Howells.

Answer: The Rise of Silas Lapham

13. It was touched off by the jailing of Thomas Miller and the attempted jailing of Thomas Eastchurch, two diehard supporters of the Proprietors. The primary culprit of the early violence was the new Council leader, John Jenkins, who was supported by local political boss George Durant and the event’s namesake. That namesake was defended at his trial by Anthony Ashley Cooper after he had been arrested for treason upon arriving in England. Its primary cause was tensions in Albemarle County that grew out of the recent Navigation Acts. FTP, name this 1670s colonial rebellion in North Carolina.

Answer: Culpeper’s Rebellion

14. Its notable overture opens with a religious melody for horns and its core, a theme for violins, is a tonal picture of the title character’s love. Act III includes a song of comfort by Annchen and the other bridesmaids and does not advance the story that begins with title character’s loss to Kilian and subsequent trip to the Wolf’s Glen and pact with Samiel. This opera ends with a contest at which Prince Ottokar of Bohemia is present and at which the title character unwittingly wounds his love Agathe. FTP, name this opera that includes the “Huntsmen’s Chorus,” a work about the marksman Max by Carl Maria von Weber.

Answer: Der Freischutz or The Free-Shooter

15. Its mechanism involves the use of the c-r-o protein. However the primary mechanism deals with the recognition of the O sub L and O sub R regions, which are present on either side of the cI gene. It is that very own cI gene that produces the repressor protein that, ironically enough, acts on the phage itself. As a result, the involved DNA is integrated into the infected cell, though it is greatly repressed. FTP, name this viral pathway that does not lead to the bursting of the cell, unlike the lytic cycle.

Answer: lysogeny or lysogenic cycle

16. We briefly meet the heroic character of Lepolemus in this work during his rescuing of his bride, but he is murdered by his friend Thrasillus, who is in turn blinded by Lepolemus’ bride. The title character is in service to that bride Charites, after foolishly willing to mimic the actions of Pamphile and trusting in the judgment of Pamphile’s maid, Fotis. Thus, he takes on the titular role, but is finally freed by a garland of roses made available by Queen Isis. In the midst of this the tale of Cupid and Psyche is first related. FTP, identify this novel about the transformation of young Lucius, a work by Apuleius.

Answer: The Golden Ass or Metamorphoses

17. Its collapse was imminent and came within half a century after its second greatest city, the market center Audaghost, fell. The Sanhaja had taken that city, and one of its former constituent people, the Susu, would murder its royal line. It was known as Wagadu by its citizens – a fact related to us in the chronicles of al-Bakri who described its society in detail, including its future major capital at Kumbi Saleh. Situated between the Sahara and the headwaters of the Senegal and Niger Rivers, it became the first great trading empire of western Africa. FTP, identify this African kingdom whose name lives on in a west African country.

Answer: Ghana

18. His attributes, each representing one element, are a fish, lizard, vulture, and a maize-ear – representing water, fire, air, and earth respectively. His various names include Gugumatz and the more common “God B,” which is a specific identification in his culture’s pantheon. Initially the divine hero who taught fishing, laws, and culture to the Toltecs, he would be adopted for a more prominent role. FTP, name this deity who the Aztecs merged with Quetzalcoatl and whom the Mayans revered as their creation god.

Answer: Kukulcan

19. It can be stated as “d log natural K divided by dT equals delta H divided by R T squared,” where R is the ideal gas constant. It is used to relate the temperature of the equilibrium constant of a gaseous reaction in terms of the heat of reaction at constant temperature. Commonly referred to as its namesake’s isochore, FTP, name this equation, first proposed by a Dutch physical chemist.

Answer: van’t Hoff equation

20. The protagonist of this novel is buried in a cave that is later decorated with Italian marble, though his head is buried elsewhere due to a family legend of his mistress. The two first became involved due to their mutual love for Voltaire. The protagonist’s initial affair was revealed by the jealous Valenod, while the protagonist had been on holiday with his friend Fouque [foo-KAY]. That affair encompasses the protagonist’s impregnation of Mathlide de la Mole and culminates in the attempted shooting of Madame de Renal. FTP, name this tragic tale of Julien Sorel, a novel by Stendhal.

Answer: The Red and the Black

2003 Chicago Open

Round 6 – Bonuses

1. Among its notable sections are those dealing with the “Bird of Time,” the “Moving Finger,” and the “Potter and the Pots.” FTP, each:

A. Name this poem that first appeared in English in 1859.

Answer: The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

B. This translator of the Rubaiyat did not allow his name to be associated with it during his lifetime, and it was only with the publication of the fifth edition, in 1883, that he was given credit.

Answer: Edward Fitzgerald

C. The Rubaiyat was popularized by this poet of “My Sister’s Sleep” and “The Wood Spurge” after he stumbled across Fitzgerald’s translation.

Answer: Dante Gabriel Rossetti

2. Name these early 19th-century American social reformers, FTP each:

A. This early associate of William Lloyd Garrison co-published the periodical The Genius of Universal Emancipation with Garrison. His belief in gradual emancipation led to his break with Garrison.

Answer: Benjamin Lundy

B. This Presbyterian preacher began a series of religious revivals in the east in 1824, particularly in New York State. He was a professor of Theology at Oberlin for more than 30 years and president of the college from 1851-1865.

Answer: Charles G. Finney

C. He attained national prominence through his 1804 sermon on the death of Alexander Hamilton, and helped reform the Presbyterian Church, settling as first president of the Lane Theological Seminary in Ohio in 1832. Among his 13 children was a famous novelist.

Answer: Lyman Beecher

3. Identify the following terms related to volcanic activity, FTP each:

A. These secondary vents emit gases from the sides of volcanoes.

Answer: fumaroles

B. This type of volcano is built from interbedded lava and pyroclastic flows.

Answer: composite cone or stratovolcano

C. Large composite cones often generate these destructive mud flows when deposits of volcanic ash and debris become saturated with water.

Answer: lahars

4. Name these 1980s bands that were fronted by very unattractive lead singers, FTP each:

A. Lead singer Mike Score gave up his job as a hairdresser, not surprisingly, to form this band, which has enjoyed a recent revival thanks to commercials for Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, which employ their hit single “I Ran (So Far Away).”

Answer: A Flock of Seagulls

B. Kevin Rowland’s visage and his overalls could only have hindered this group, who nevertheless had a huge hit with “Come on Eileen.”

Answer: Dexy’s Midnight Runners

C. “Do You Really Want to Hurt Me” was possibly the best song by this pop group headed by a none too handsome cross-dressing lead singer.

Answer: Culture Club [the lead singer was of course Boy George]

5. Name these figures from the Ramayana, FTP each:

A. He is the younger brother of Rama who follows Rama on his 14-year banishment.

Answer: Lakshman [LUCKSH-munn] or Lakshmana

B. He is the father of Lakshmana [LUCKSH-munn-AH] and Rama as well as Bharath [BAH-ruth], the virtuous brother who is granted the throne in favor of Rama.

Answer: Dasaratha [duh-SUH-ruth-ah]

C. She is the wife of Rama and symbol of femininity and loyalty.

Answer: Sita

6. Name these continental mystery writers, FTP each:

A. This Frenchman is considered the father of the roman policier, or detective story, and his novels include File No. 113 and The Mystery of Orcival. His Monsieur Lecoq is considered to be the inspiration for Sherlock Holmes.

Answer: Emile Gaboriau

B. This Belgian might be the most widely published author of the 20th-century, probably due to the success of his novels featuring the Parisian inspector Maigret.

Answer: Georges Simenon

C. Several novels were published under this man’s name, but it is doubtful that this founder of the surete [SOO-reh-TAY], the French police force, published any of them. Poe was a great admirer of his 1829 Memoires, and Balzac used him as the model for the fabulous character of Vautrin.

Answer: Francois Vidocq

7. Name these female Chinese rulers, FTP each:

A. Upon the death of her husband Xianfeng, she ruled as regent from 1861 to 1873. During her second stint as regent, she supported the Boxer Rebellion.

Answer: Dowager Empress or Cixi or Yehonala

B. From the period of AD 685 to 705 this figure usurped power from the Tang rulers and set up her own ruling dynasty, the Zhou, with a capital at Loyang.

Answer: Empress Wu

C. Southern Sung power came to an end in January of 1276, when this empress surrendered to the Mongol general Bayan, whose forces were at the gates of her magnificent capital at Hangchow.