Supervisor of Mathematics

Mrs. Shereen Wahba

St. Fatima L. S. Primary 3


[1] Complete:-

Multiplying × 10

a)3 × 2 × 7 = ……… × 7 = …………..

b)6 + 6 + 6 + 6 = ……….. × ………. = ………….

c)5 × 7 × 10 = …………. × 10 = …………..

d)2 × 3 × 10 = …………. × 10 = …………..

e)15 × 10 = 10 × ………. = ………..

f)10 × 5 = …….. + …….. + ……… + ……… + …….. = ……….

g)………. × 10 = ………… = 7 tens

h)………. × 10 = ………… = one hundred fifty

i)10 × …………= 10 + 10 + 10 = ………….

j)5 × ………. × 10 = 25 × 10 = 250

* If the price of a book is 5 pounds, then the price of 6 book is …………..

The price of 10 books is ………………….

St. Fatima L. S.Sheet (2) Primary 3


St. Fatima L. S. Primary 3


[1] Complete:-

Multiplying × 100

a)8 × 100 = …………

b)5 × 2 × 100 = ……….. × 100 = …………..

c)9 × 100 = ……….. = ………. hundreds.

d)7 × 7 = 7 m = ………….. tens.

e)500 + 300 = ………… × 100 = …………

f)Fifty tens = ……….. × 100 = ………….

g)24 meters = …………. cm.

h)…………. Piasters = 6 pounds.

  • Saved 50 pounds from her father every month what Carol saved in 10 months?


-3 hundred = 3 × ……….. = ………….

-900 – 300 = …………. = 2 × ……….. × 100

-1800 = …………… × 100 = …………. × 6 ×100

St. Fatima L. S. Primary 3


[1] Complete:-

Multiplying × 1000

a)1000 + 1000 + 1000 + 1000 = …………. × km.

b)2 × 4 × 1000 = ………… × 1000 = …………

c)………… × 1000 = 9000

d)3 × ………… × 1000 = ………… × 1000 = 9000

e)10 , 100 , 1000 , ……… , ……….

f)15 kg = 15 × ………….. = …………… grams.

g)Kg. = 29000 = …………..× 1000

h)4 thousands + 7 thousands = ……… thousands = …… × 1000

i)30 × 200 = ………. = ……….. × 1000

j)90 hundreds = …………… × 1000

k)The price of one kg. of apple is 15 pounds, What is the price of 100 kg is …………….

St. Fatima L. S. Primary 3


[1] Complete:-

a)28 × 10 = ………….

b)……… × 10 = 10 × …….. = 80

c)(19 – 9 )× ………. = 40

d)6 × 100 = 100 × ………

e)0 × 10 + (4 ×10) = …………

f)(50 + 50) × …………. = 900

g)100 × 54 = ……… × 100 = ……….

h)…….. × 100 = 100 × ………. = 3500

[2] Put the suitable sign (>) , (<) , (=) :-

a)5 × 100 (600 – 50 )

b)(5 ×60) – (100 ×0) (2 ×100) + (1 ×100)

c)8000 (80 ×10)

d)30 × 10 (3 ×100)

e)(810 – 10 ) 100 × (9 + 1)

St. Fatima L. S. Primary 3


[1] Complete:-

a)1000 × 4 = ……… + ……. + …….. + ……..

b)ten thousands = 1000 × ……….

c)5 × 1000 = …………

d)2 × ……… × 1000 = 1000 × ………. = 10000

e)4 × ………. × 1000 = 1000 × ………. = 24000

f)1000 × ………. = zero

g)32 × 1000 = ………...

[2] Put (>) , (<) or (=) :-

a)40 × 100 400× 10

b)(8 ×1000) – (7 ×1000) (1000 ×1)

c)90 hundreds 90 × 10

d)1000 × 0 100

e)10 × 10 × 10 10000

[3] Complete in the same pattern:-

a)1000 , 2000 , 3000 , ………... , ………… , …..……

b)1000 , 1005 , 1010 , .……..... , …..…….. , ………....

St. Fatima L. S.Sheet (5) Primary 3


[1] Complete:-

Multiplying a 2-digit number by 1-digit number

Find :-

a)23 × 2 = …………..

b)12 × 4 = …………..

c)2 3 4 d) 1 0 2

× 2 × 4

…………… ……………

e) 710 × 2 = ………….

f) 135 × 3 = …………..

g) 8 1 6 h) 5 1 9

+ 4 × 7

…………… ……………

i)2 × 5 × 971 = ……………

j)25 × 4 = …………….

k)125 × 8 = …………..

St. Fatima L. S. Primary 3


[1] Multiply :

a) 2 8 1 b) 5 4 3 c) 6 4 9

× 6× 5 × 8

……….. ……….. ………..

d) 5 4 7 e) 4 0 6 c) 2 9 5

× 3× 4 × 7

……….. ……….. ………..

[2] Complete in the same pattern:-

a)3 , 9 , 27 , ...... , ......

b)7 , 14 , 28 , ...... , ......

c)10 , 100 , 1000 , ...... , ......

[3]A merchant bought 5 fridges for L.E 2000 each. Calculate the price of

all fridges.

The price of all = ......

[4]There is a group of 6 schools . each school contains 20 classes each

class contains 50 pupils. How many pupils are there in these schools?

The number of pupils = ......

[5]The sales of a shop in a week are L.E 1000 . Find the sales

in 9 weeks.

The sales = ......

St. Fatima L. S.Unit (2) Primary 3


[1] Complete:-


b) 9 6 3

6 …… .…. 48 …. 30


d) If you want to divide 36 flowers into 9 sets.

So each set has = ………………………………………………

e) How many fives are there in 20


f) 36 ÷ ……….. = 442 ÷ …………. = 7

………… ÷ 10 = 9……….. ÷ 8 = 10

[2] Put (>), (<) or (=):-

a)54 ÷ 93 × 2

b)(3 × 8) ÷ 4(9 × 4) ÷ (2 × 3)

c)70 ÷ 772 ÷ 9

[3] Divide:-


a) 600 ÷ 3 = ………… 8 560


b) 8000 ÷ 2 = ………..5 300


c) 700 ÷ 7 = ………..7 4949

St. Fatima L. S. Primary 3


St. Fatima L. S. Primary 3


[1] Complete:-

a) 240 ÷ 4 = ………..b) 484 ÷ ………… = 4

c) 309 ÷ ………. = 3d) 9099 ÷ 9 = …………..

e) ……… ÷ 5 = 21f) 9069 ÷ 3 = …………

g) 396 ÷ 3 = ……….h) ………. ÷ 3 = 1032

i) 1005 ÷ 5 = ………

[2] How many metres of cloth can be bought for 63 pounds if the price of

one metre is 9 pounds?


[3] Lorries are used to carry vegetables to the market. Once 3096 kilograms of vegetables were carried by 3 lorries equally. How many were carries by each lorry?


[4] How many plates are required to divide 24 pieces of sweets such that each plate would have three pieces?


St. Fatima L. S. Primary 3


[1] Find the price of 4 metres of cloth if the price of one metre is 375 piasters then find the price of 40 metres of the same cloth.

The price of 4 cm. = ………………………….

The price of 40 m. = …………………………..

[2] If the monthly salary of an engineer is L.E 1000 . How much money does the engineer have in one year?

In one year = …………………….

St. Fatima L. S. Primary 3


[1] Find:-

a)3300 ÷ 3 = …………

b)66 ÷ 2 = …………...

c)4040 ÷ 2 = …………..

d)500 ÷ 5 = …………..

e)(400 + 80 + 2 ) ÷ 2 = …………….

[2]You have 36 marbles, and you want to distribute them equally

between your three friends. Find the share of each of them.

The share of each of them = ………….…..….. = ….….. marbles.

[3]A school made a journey to visit Dandara temple. If each pupil paid L.E 3 , then the total collection of the journey was L.E 369 . How many pupils went on the journey?

The number of the pupils = ………..……………. = ………….

[4]Manal have L.E 14 , She bought 4 meter from the clothes and

after that she have 2 pounds. Find the price of one meter of clothes?

The price of the clothes = ………..…………… = L.E ……….

The price of one meter = …………………...…. = L.E ..……..

St. Fatima L. S. Primary 3


[1] Underline the even numbers:-

54 , 139 , 2300 , 495 , 76

[2] Circle the odd numbers:-

31 , 208 , 511 , 632 , 543

[3] Choose the correct answer:-

a)If we add two to even number it will be ………. [even – odd ]

b)If we add one to even number it will be …………[even – odd]

c)The even number + even number = …………. [odd – even ]

d)Odd number + odd number = …………. [even – odd ]

e)Odd number + even number = ……… [even – odd ]

[4]a) Write two even numbers whose sum is 20 […….., .…….]

b) Write two odd numbers whose sum is 20 [……. , ….….]

St. Fatima L. S. Primary 3


[1] Find the perimeter and the area of:-

Perimeter = ………cmPerimeter = ……

Area = ………..Area = ………….

Perimeter = ………cm

Area = ………..

[2] Find the Area of :-

………….. ………… …………


3 3


Perimeter = ………………

St. Fatima L. S. Primary 3


[3] Complete the table from the drawing:-

The figure / Its Area / Its perimeter
1 / ………..……….. / ………..………
2 / ………..……….. / ………..………
3 / ………..……….. / ………..………
4 / ………..……….. / ………..………

[4] Find the perimeter:-



3cm 2cm 2cm


4cm 4cm

P. = ……………………P.=……………………

St. Fatima L. S. Primary 3


[1] Find the perimeter and area of:-

P = ………….. P = …………..P = …………..

A = …………. A = ………….A = ………….

[2] The side length of a square is 7 cm. Find its perimeter.


[3] The length of rectangle = 6 cm. and its width = 4 cm. Find its perimeter.


[4] ABCD is rectangle , AB = 10 cm. and BC = 7 cm. Find the perimeter of this rectangle.


[5] Complete from the given figure :-

The measure of angle A = m ..….. = m ……. = m…….

= ……… angle = ………..o A D

AB = ………. = ………… cm.2cm

BC = ………. = ………… cm. B C

The perimeter = …………………………………cm. 4cm

[6] The price of 7 rulers is P.T 42 Find the price of 10 rulers.



[7] What is the number which if it is multiplied by 6 the result is 48?


[8] How many nines are there in 54?


[9] Mona has 51 marbles and Basem has 75 marbles they put all the marbles

together in three equal bags. How many marbles they put in each bag.


St. Fatima L. S. Primary 3


[1] Complete :-



c)There are ………….. eights in the whole one.

d)There are …………. fifths in the whole one.

[2] Write the fraction in the following:-

a) and it is read ……………

over ………….. or ………..

b) and it is read …………

………….. or ………..

c) is read …………

or ………..

[3] Write the fraction:-

1) Three fifths =

2) Three fourths or three quarter =

3) One quarter =

4) Six - sevenths =

5) One third =

St. Fatima L. S. Primary 3


[1] Complete:-

a) b)

c) d)

[2] Put the sign (>) , (<) or (=):-

a) …………. 1

b) ……..……1



e) …………..1



St. Fatima L. S. Primary 3

[1] Choose:

a) …………. [< , = , >]

b) [ , , ]

c) …………. [< , = , >]

d) = …….. [1 , , ]

e) [4 , 12 , 6]

f) …………. [< , = , >]

g)= 1 [ , , ]

h) …………. [< , = , >]

i)1 - = ………[ , , ]

j) = ………[ , ,1]

k) …………. [< , = , >]

l)1 …………. [< , = , >]

m) = …….. [ , , ]

n)Three fifths …………. four fifths[< , = , >]

o) = ………[ , , 1]

St. Fatima L. S. Primary 3


[1] Complete the following :-

a) b) = ………

c) = ………d) = ………

e) 1 = + ………..f) + ………..= 1

[2] Write the following fractions:-

a) Five tenths = ……….b) Three sevenths = ……………

[3] Express the shaded part in the form of a fraction

= ………

[4] Arrange descending :-


….. , …… , …… , …… ….. , …… , …… , ……

[5] Ahmed bought a pen for pound. He had one pound with him. How

much remained with Ahmed?


[6] Colour the parts of this shape to express the fraction

[7] a) Write the fraction : three sevenths ……………

b) Write the fraction expressing the shaped part of the shape:-

St. Fatima L. S.Sheet (22) Primary 3


[1] First : Choose the correct answer between brackets:-

a) = …………[]

b)= []

c) []

d)= ……..[ 4 , 1 , ]

e) = …….[]

f) = …….[]

[2] Complete:-

a) = ……..

b) = ……….

c) 1- = ………

d) = ………..

[3] Arrange the following fractions ascending:-

The order is ………….. , ………….. , ………….. , ……….

Then find the different between the greatest and the smallest fractions.

The difference = ………………………..

St. Fatima L. S. Primary 3


[1] Arrange in ascending order:-

, , ,

The order is ………….. , ………….. , ………….. , ……….


[2] Arrange in descending order:-

, , ,

The order is ………….. , ………….. , ………….. , ……….

[3] Answer:-

a) How many half are there in whole one?


b) How many fifths are there in whole one?


c) How many thirds are in whole one?


[4] Complete:-

a)1 =


c) ,,

St. Fatima L. S. Primary 3


[1] Complete:-

a)Human temperature is measured by use of ……………..

b)Temperature is usually estimated by units called ………………

c)Anormal humans' temperature is ……………o

d)Temperature is usually measured in ………………

[2] Change :-

a)45 m. = ……………. cm.

b)540 m. = ………….. cm.

c)3 km. = …………… m. = ……………. cm.

d)12 km. = …………. m. = ……………… cm.

e)3 kg. = ……………… gm.

[3] Choose the suitable answer:-

a)The perimeter of playground ……….. [100 km. , 100 m. , 1 km.]

b)The height of a child ……… [140 cm. , 1 km. , 5 m.]

c)The distance between Cairo and Alex. ………..

[200 cm. , 200 m. , 200 km. ]

d)The weight of elephant ……………

[10000 kg. , 30 kg. , 3000 gm.]

e)The weight of jewelry …………….

[20 gm. , 20 kg.]

f)The weight of meat ……………. [10 gm. , 10 kg.]

St. Fatima L. S. Primary 3


[1] Complete:-

a)1 year = ……………. months.

b)1 week = ………….. days.

c)The order of the months are :-

January , February , …..………. , ……………. , ……………. , ……………. , ……………. , ……………. , ……………. , ……………. , ……………. , …………….

d)1 day = ………………… hours.

e)1 hours = …………….. minuets.

f)2 days = ………………… hours.

g)Half an hour = ………... minutes.

h)2 hours and half = ……….. minutes

i)25 hours = ………. days, …….… hour.

j)100 minutes = …….… hour, ……… minutes.

k)40 hours = ………… days ,……... hours.

l)640 min. = ………... hours , ………. minutes.

St. Fatima L. S. Primary 3


[1] A) Circle the odd numbers :-

382 , 53 , 176 , 645

[2] Put (< , = , >):-

a)5 m. 5cm.

b)2 years25 months

c)3 weeks21 days

d)1500 m.15 km.

[3] Choose the correct answer:-

a)1 year , 2 months = ………….. months [14 , 26 , 32 ]

b)3 week , 3 days = ……………....days [24 , 15 , 25 ]

c)For measuring the weight of gold we use ……… [kg. , gm.]

d)For measuring the distance between two cities we use ………..

[km. , m. , cm.]

[4] Which is heavier : 5 kg. of rice or 5 kg. of iron


St. Fatima L. S. Primary 3


[1] The following table shows the minimum degrees of temperature in Cairo city

during 5 days in winter.

Days / Sat. / Sun. / Mon. / Tue. / Wed.
Temperature / 8o / 15 o / 13 o / 10 o / 12 o

a)Represent these data using bar – lines


















Sat. Sun. Mon Tues Wen. days

b)State in which day was the temperature 15o………………

c)On what day was the lowest temperature………………….

St. Fatima L. S. Primary 3


The opposite figure shows

The number of pupils who joined different activity clubs in St. Fatima school.












Football music basketball scienceEnglish

From the figure complete the table:-

Activity / Football / Music / Basketball / Science / English
Number / ……… / ……… / ……… / ……… / ………

St. Fatima L. S. Primary 3


The following table shows the number of absent pupils from a school during a


Days / Sun. / Mon. / Tue. / Wed. / Thu.
Absents / 5 / 9 / 3 / 10 / 4

a) Represent these data using bar line graphs.














Sun. Mon Tues Wen. Thu. days

St. Fatima L. S. Primary 3


[1] Complete using [cretin , possible , impossible ]

a)It is ……………… that the sun rises from East

b)It is ……………… that the elephant flies.

c)It is ……………… that the student gets the full mark.

d)It is ……………… that a man is of length 5 meters.

[2] As tossing afair die once and observing the upper face. Find the probability of each of the following events.

a)Appearing of an odd number = …………..

b)Appearing of an even number = …………..

c)Appearing of a number less than 3 = …………..

d)Appearing of a number more than 5 = …………..

e)Appearing of the number 2 = …………..

f)Appearing of a number more than 6 = …………..

[3]A box contains 12 balls, 5 balls are white, 4 balls are red and 3 balls are black. A ball is drawn randomly. Find the probability of getting each of the following events.

a)The drawn ball is red = …………….

b)The drawn ball is white= ……………

c)The drawn ball is black = ………..

d)The drawn ball is white or black= ……………

e)The drawn ball is not white= …………….

[4] As tossing metallic coin once and observing the upper face. Complete.

a)The probability of appearing ahead= …………..

b)The probability of appearing a tail = ……………

St. Fatima L. S.Revision (1) Primary 3


[1] Find the result:-

a)348 × 6 = ……….

b)8008 ÷ 4 = …………..

c)6416 ÷ 8 = ……………

d)3600 ÷ 6 = …………….

e)960 ÷ 3 = …………….

[2] A) Choose the correct answer:-

a) = ……….. [() , , (1 – )]

b) = ………… []

B) Arrange in descending order:-


[3] Complete:-

a) + …….. = 1

b)5 km = …………m. = …………. cm.

c)3 kg. = ……………. gm.

d)2 days = …………. hours.

[4] Maged bought 5 books for 25 pounds each. How much money

did he pay?

He paid = ……………..………. = ………… pounds

[5] The temperature recorded in one of the weeks was as follows:-

Day / Sun. / Mon. / Tues. / Wed. / Thurs.
Temp. / 25o / 20o / 30 o / 20o / 15 o








Sun. Mon. Tues.Wed Thurs

Represent the table by Broken line then answer the following questions:-

1-On what day was the temperature the heights?


2-On what day was the temp. the lowest?


3-Which two days have equal temperature ?


St. Fatima L. S.Revision (2) Primary 3


[1] Complete:-

a)3 , 9 , 27 , ……… , ……….

b)22 , 44 , 66 , ………. , ……….

c)208 , 416 , 832 , …………

[2] Find the result :-

a) =

b) =

c)1 – =

d)2107 ÷ 7 = ……..

e)426 × 8 = ………

[3] Put the signs (< , > , =) :-





[4] A) Arrange each of the following sets ascendingly

2 km. , 2340 m , 1380 m. , 5 km.

………. , ……….. , ………… , …………

B) Colour the parts that represent the fraction:-


[5]A)a) What is the fraction that gives the result is added to it?


b) What is the fraction that gives one if is added to it ?


c) What is the fraction that gives if is subtracted from it.


B)A box of cans consists of 6 rows and each row contains 8 cans. How many cans are there in this box?


St. Fatima L. S.Revision (3) Primary 3

[1] Complete the following:-

a) 1 =

b) 808 ÷ 4 = ……



[2] A) Write the fraction which represents the shaded part in each figure:-

B) Complete:-

a) The figure ABCD is called ………

b) Its perimeter = ……….cm.

[4] Sami bought 7 pens , the price for each pen is P.T 125.

If Sami has ten pounds, Find the remainder

The price of the pens = …………………….= PT………………..

The remainder = ………………….. = P.T ………………….

[5] The following table shows the mathematics makes that Adel got in 4 months, represent it graphically by a bar graph:

Month / October / November / December / January
Marks / 25 / 20 / 35 / 40














Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Month

Model (1)

[1] Choose:-

a)201 × 4 = …………….. [804 , 268 , 680]

b)9009 ÷ 9 = …………… [1001 , 1010 , 1100]

c) [< , = , ]

d)The normal human body temperature is …. Co[0 , 37 , 100]

e)Four sevenths = ………….. [ , 47 , ]

f)The probability of impossible event =……… [0 , 1 , 2]

g)40 ÷ 8 20 ÷ 4[< , = , >]

h)……… is one of length measuring units [gram , metre , minute]

i)The perimeter of square whose side length is 5 cm. = ……… cm.

[15 , 20 , 25]

j)36 hours two days. [< , = , >]

k) + = …………[ , 1 , ]

l)The number ………… is even number.[21 , 34 , 9]

m) - [< , = , >]

n)1 =[10 , 3 , 15]

o)The fraction that represents shaded part is …………

[ , , ]

[2] Complete:-

a)One year = …………….. month.

b)The perimeter of the polygon = ………… cm.

c)At tossing a coin once, then the probability of appearing a tail is ………………

d)Two hours and a quarter = ……………….. min.

e)………. ÷ 9 = 6

f)2 , 4 , 8 , ……… , ……… in the same pattern.

g)5 × ………….. × 10 = 450

h) =

i)The area of this figure

[3] A) Arrange in ascending order:-

, , 1 , ,

The order:…… …. , …….. , ………. , ………. , ………..

B)Omar bought 5 pens for 20 L.E. Find the price of each pen?

The price of each pen = ………………….

C) The following tables show what Ahmed saved during four months in pounds.

Month / Jun. / Feb. / March / April
Sum / 25 / 15 / 30 / 20








Jun. Feb. March April

Represent these data using bar lines

Model (2)

[1] Choose:-

a)1 day = …………… hours.[60 , 24 , 12]

b)The number ………….. is not even number. [21 , 14 , 8]

c)30 × 40 = 100 × …………. [12 , 34 , 1200]

d)6kg. = …………… gm.[6 , 60 , 6000]

e)The number …………. is an odd number. [350 , 568 , 675]

f) [< , = , >]

g)…….. metre = 900 cm. [9 , 90 , 100]

h)707 ÷ 7 = …………. [11 , 101 , 110]

i)7 + 7 + 7 = 7 × ……… [2 , 3 , 4]

j)3 weeks = …………. days. [11 , 14 , 21]

k)Four fifths = …………. [ , 45 , ]

l)The perimeter of the square whose side length is 6 cm= ……cm.

[12 , 24 , 36]

m) 6 × 60 = ………….. [36 , 360 , 3600]

n)3 ÷ 3 = …………. [9 , 1 , 10]

o) 1 - = …………… [ , , ]

[2] Complete:-

a)1000 × ……….. = 7000

b)Three tenths =

c) =

d)The perimeter of any polygon equals the ……….. of its side lengths.

e)is read as …………..

f)The perimeter of square = …………… × 4

g)Calculate the perimeter of triangle if its side lengths are 3,4 and5cm.

The perimeter = ……………cm.

h)The area of the shape = ……….

i) kilogram = …………… grams.

[3] A) From the opposite figure

The perimeter of the figure = ………….. units.

The area of the figure = ………….

B) The following table represents the money Mariam saved in 3 months.

Month / Jun. / Feb. / March
Money saved in L.E / 30 / 70 / 50









Jun. Feb. March

The smallest sum Mariam saved in ………………..

The biggest sum Mariam saved in ………………..


C) A primary school has 450 pupils distributed equally among a glasses. How many pupils are there in each class?

The number of pupils in each = ………………………

Model (3)

[1] Choose:-

a)9 × 302 = 2710 + …………. [6 , 8 , 9 ]

b)The temperature degree of the human is measured by ………..

[metre – thermometer – km.]

c)2 third = ………….. [ , 2 , ]

d)The probability that the sun rises from the east = …..[0 , , 1]

e) [ > , < , =]

f)45 ÷ …………… = 5 [ 9 , 6 , 3 ]

g)An hour and 25 min. = …………. min. [60 , 35 , 85]

h)5 × 7 × 10 = …………. × 10 [35 , 5 , 7 ]

i)3 weeks 25 days[ > , = ,<]

j)250 gm. = …………kg.[ , , 1]

k)918 ÷ 3 = ………… [106 , 306 , 36]

l)The smallest even number is ………. [3 , 2 , 1 , 0]

m) 505 ÷ 5 5 × 11 [ > , = ,<]

n) The distance between Cairo and Tanta is measured by ………..

[km. , m. , cm. ]

o)The number of days in a year is …………. [3600 , 365 , 370]

[2] Complete:-

a)(88 – 80 ) × 300 = ………….

b)1 - ……………… =

c)The day = …………… hours.

d)83 × ………….. = 8300

e)4500 gm. = …………. kg. and ………….gm.

f)The perimeter of the figure = …………… units.

g)2814 ÷ 7 = ……………..

h)279 × 4 = ……………..

i)One year and half = ……………… months.

[3]A)Fatema bought 695 pencils for 5 pounds each. Find the price of pencils.

The price of pencils = …………………… = ……….. pounds

B) Arrange the following fractions descendingly :-

, , ,

The order is ……. , …….. , ……. , ………

c)Complete the following table represents the data by using bar – lines:-

Pupils / Hend / Rasha / Asmaa / Rania / Hala
Marks / 30 / ……. / 20 / ……. / 35











HendRasha Asmaa Rania Hala

The greatest Mark is ………………..

The smallest Mark is ……………….

Cairo Governorate Primary 3

Nozha Educational Administration Mathematics

Saint Fatima Language School

Second Mid-Term Exam 2015 / 2016

Name: ………………………………… Class:………………………

[1] Choose:-

a)6 × 6 × 100 = ………….. × 100 [10 , 100 , 36 ]

b)420 ÷ 2 = …………………… [100 , 160 , 210]

c)Odd number + odd number = ………………[odd , even , 1 ]

d)Six sevenths = …………………. [ , 67 , ]

e)1 = [ 9 , 1 , 8 ]

f)1 [ < , = , > ]

g)1000 + 1000 + 1000 = 3 × ………….[ 3 , 100 , 1000]

h)……….. kg = 12000 gm. [ 12 , 10 , 1000 ]

i)If the price of one ball is L.E 50, then the price of 3 balls is …………... L.E [ 100 , 150 , 200 ]

j)The perimeter of the opposite figure is ……… units .

[ 8 , 6 , 10 ]

[2] Complete:-

a) 963÷ 3 = ……………….

b) =

c)725 × 5 = ………………..

d)3 , 6 , 12 , ………….. , …………

e)The smallest odd number is ……………………..

f)The area of the opposite figure is ………

[3]A) A father distributed 804 pounds equally between his four sons.

What is the share of each them?

The share of each son= ……………………………………. = ……………… pounds.

B) Find the perimeter of triangle whose side lengths are 3cm ,4cm , 6cm. The perimeter = ……………………………………………=…….....…… cm.

