Good Morning! My name is Gabby, and my name is Heather. Today isThursday, March3rdand it is aCDay. Please stand for the pledge.

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. And to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty, and justice for all.

  1. If you ordered from our school-wide fundraiser- Cookie Dough, Pies, and Pretzels. Please mark your calendars, the delivery date is Tuesday, March 15th.
  1. Congratulations to Mr. Carlin, he is the winner of our Gorilla costume contest. More details as to when you can spot our furry friend to come!
  1. There will be a Baseball and Softball meeting today March 3 after school in the gym from2:30-3:50. The4:00bus will take you home. Any questions please see Mrs. Lipsey.
  1. Jump rope for heart will take place onMarch 9from2:30 - 3:50. a4:00bus will be provided. Please make sure you see Mr. Lipsey for team lists.
  1. Attention to all the eighth graders that have taken a permission slip to fund raise:If you have the signed permission slip or have already turned it in to Mrs. Arrotta, you may come to room 207 9th period to get your box of candy. Please hand in all money to Mrs. Arrotta in room 207.
  1. Modified Track begins onMarch 14th. In order to participate, you must have an up to date sports physical and complete the proper paperwork. All must be done prior toThursday, March 10thin order to be allowed to practice on the 14th. There will be an information session during your lunch periods Today,Wednesday, March the 2nd. We will hand out flyers and be answering any questions you might have.
  1. Physicals for students trying out for Modified Softball and Baseball will be Friday,March 4th in the nurse’s office with Dr. Dyer.
  1. Reminder to all 8th graders. You must get your baby pictures in to Mr. Carlin by next week, or they will not be included.
  1. Yearbooks are 36 dollars. Make sure you buy one before they sell out.
  1. We would like to wish a Happy Birthday to Isabella Clark and Zachery Halstead.
  1. Today’s lunch is Taco w/ soft tortilla shell, Brown Rice, Sweet Corn and Fresh Fruit

Thanks for watching and Go Dukes!!