Kathryn A. Bowler
P.O. Box X23
Post Dot Net, Crossroads Complex, Lilongwe
Phone: 265-1-759011, Fax: 265-1-759011, Cell: 265-9-99964408
1979-83 University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, CANADA
B.S.R. in Rehabilitation Medicine
(Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy)
Experience in a cross- cultural setting in establishing a local Malawian Christian non -governmental organization which provides children with disabilities and their families support and access to physical rehabilitation and special education services in a holistic setting.
Experience in a cross-cultural setting in establishing a Medical Centre with two components – a Children’s Rehabilitation Programme for children with disabilities and a Clinic. In charge of all aspects of the Medical Centre and its staff of 34. Significant experience in HIV/AIDS related work – including the establishment of a VCT, ARV and TB Treatment Centre. Also assisted in establishing a second Medical Centre in Blantyre in 2007.
Experience in a cross-cultural setting practising both physiotherapy and occupational therapy at the Mogoditshane Rehabilitation Centre in Botswana, Africa which dealt mainly with children with a wide variety of disabilities.. Experience also in supervision of Batswana staff in the Community Based Rehabilitation programme of the Centre.
Experience in adult rehabilitation in the areas of neurology, orthopaedics and amputations. Experience in paediatric habilitation and rehabilitation in neurology.
Experience in a cross-cultural setting practising occupational therapy with Mexican children with learning disabilities. This involved speaking, reading and writing in Spanish.
Special interest in the areas of seating and transportation for people with physical disabilities.
2007-2012 Children of Blessing Trust, Malawi
Director, Physiotherapist. Occupational therapist
1997- 2007 Medical Centre, SOS Children’s Village of Malawi Trust, Malawi
Project Head
1994-96 Cheshire Foundation of Botswana, Mogoditshane Rehabilitation Centre, Botswana
Staff Physiotherapist/Occupational Therapist
Acting Rehabilitation Co-ordinator (July - December 1995)
1992-94 Variety Child Development Centre, Surrey, BC, Canada
Staff Physiotherapist
1991-92 Bethesda Teaching Ministries, Rancho Santa Marta, Mexico
Sole Charge Occupational Therapist
1987-1991 Variety Child Development Centre, Surrey, BC, Canada
Staff Physiotherapist
1983-1987 Holy Family Hospital, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Staff Occupational Therapist
Acting Senior Occupational Therapist (September 1986-January 1987)
Oct. 2009 Trainer of Trainers Workshop, Cerebral Palsy Africa, Lilongwe, Malawi
Oct. 2009 Occupational Therapy Africa Region Group Conference, Mangochi, Malawi
July 2008 Viva Network International Cutting Edge Conference, Chicago, Illinois
February 1994 International Seating Symposium, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Sept. 1992 Vickie Meade: The Parent Connection. Surrey, BC, Canada
June 1991 Children and Youth With Developmental Motor Disabilities. Sunny Hill Hospital, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
May 1991 Neurodevelopmental Treatment Association Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
April 1991 Rehabilitation With Biofeedback. Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
March 1990 Tissue Viability Seminar (ROHO), Vancouver, BC, Canada.
February 1990 Mulholland Positioning Systems Seminar, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
February 1990 International Seating Symposium, Vancouver, BC, Canada
November 1989 Cranial Sacral Therapy, Introductory Level, Vancouver, BC, Canada
April 1989 It Takes Two To Eat. Feeding Workshop, Vancouver, BC, Canada
May & August 1988 Neruodevelopmental Treatment Association: 8 Week Basic Course (Paediatrics). Vancouver, BC, Canada
June 1987 A Neurophysiological Approach to the Evaluation and Treatment of Central Nervous System Dysfunction. Sacramento, California, USA
March 1987 Sensory Deficits due to Cortical Dysfunction: Evaluation and Treatment Approach. Vancouver, BC, Canada
February 1986 International Seating Symposium. Vancouver, BC, Canada
December 1986 Seating For Posture and Function. Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Medical Council of Malawi (since 1997)
Canadian Physiotherapy Association (since 1987)
CPA Paediatric Division (since 1987)
Physiotherapy Association of British Columbia (since 1987)
Association of Physiotherapists & Massage Practitioners (since 1987)
Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists (since 1983)
· Wrote the chapter, Working together to change lives through a multi-disciplinary approach to occupational therapy for the book Occupational Therapy: An African Perspective published in 2010
· Key Note Speaker for the Occupational Therapy Africa Region Conference held in Mangochi, Malawi in October, 2009
· Began Rehabilitation Programmes for children with disabilities on the North western quadrant of Lilongwe through the Children of Blessing Trust
· Began Rehabilitation Programme for children with disabilities at the SOS Village, Lilongwe. This programme has now seen over 2,500 children.
· Expanded the Clinic at the SOS Village, Lilongwe to offer services to the general population. This Clinic has now seen over 65,000 people.
· Begin Outreach Clinics to communities around the SOS Village, Lilongwe. These Clinics have now seen over 5,000 people.
· Organised HIV/AIDS Workshops for all staff of all SOS Projects in Lilongwe and Mzuzu.
· Organised HIV/AIDS Workshops for parents and care-givers of the children who attend the Children’s Rehabilitation Programme.
· Organised and ran several Workshops for parents, care-givers of children with disabilities and teachers in the schools on a variety of topics related to disabilities.
· Established the SOS Medical Centre as a HIV/AIDS Counselling and Testing site and a TB and ARV Treatment centre.
· Member of the HIV/AIDS Counselling and Testing Sub-Group of the National AIDS Commission.
· Conducted successful fund raising campaigns for the SOS Medical Centre. Surpassed fund raising targets each year.
· Wrote successful funding proposals to Canada Fund, International Women’s Association of Malawi (IWAM), UNICEF, DirectAid, SOS Norway and Fredkorpset.
· Established a Special Education Programme in partnership with the SOS Primary School, Lilongwe.
· Presented “Transportation Issues for the Disabled” seminar at the International Seating Symposium, Vancouver, BC, Canada in 1992.
REFERENCES Available on request.