Newton-Conover City Schools Transfer Process
Procedures for Attending NCCS from out of LEA (Catawba Co./Hickory City)
- Complete Form and Receive Approval from School System of Residence
- Complete “Request for Acceptance” to NCCS – YELLOW FORM
- Attach the Transfer Approval to the Request for Acceptance and obtain Principal Approval
- Superintendent or Designee Approval Required before Enrolling
Criteria for Admission: Any student who resides in Catawba County and desires to attend a school within the Newton-Conover City School (N-CCS) System must follow these steps:
●Fill out a release form from their school district of origin (Catawba County or Hickory City) and have it signed by their respective school district. Students only need to reapply when they move between levels of schooling (elementary, middle, high).
●The form is to be accompanied by the transfer candidates’ discipline record, attendance report, and transcript from the previous school year (or current school year if a student seeks a transfer during the school year). This information should be provided by the student’s district of origin.
● After reviewing the data with the input from the respective N-CCS school-level principal, the transfer request will be approved or denied.
●If approved, a student is required to provide his/her own transportation to and from school on a daily basis.
●If a student’s transfer request is approved, the student must adhere to the below standards. Failure to meet the standards will result in removal from N-CCS and a return to their district/school of origin. With that said, please see the below criteria that must be met for a student from either of our sister school districts (Catawba County Schools and Hickory City Schools) to remain in the Newton-Conover City Schools.
Standards for Continued Acceptance into the N-CCS:
●Overall, students must have passing grades in at least 75% of their classes.
●High School students must meet the athletic eligibility criteria established by the North Carolina High School Athletic Association (NCHSAA) which require students to take at least 3 classes, pass 75% of their classes (Student must pass 3 of 4 courses in a block schedule, 5 of 6 courses in a traditional schedule, and 6 of 8 courses in an A/B schedule), AND be on course to graduate with their cohort.
●Middle School students must meet athletic eligibility requirements to remain in good standing.
●All students must be on grade level as measured by local and state testing standards. Principals may establish additional academic expectations that are reasonable and specific to their site.
●Less than 3 minor (Minor-Elementary; Level I/II-Middle and High) discipline offenses in one school year (See Below Offenses Defined)
●NO Major discipline offenses at any time (Serious-Elementary; Level III/IV offenses-Middle/High)
●As applicable, students must have satisfactory conduct marks on their progress reports and report card
●****The building level principal in conjunction with the assistant superintendent reserve the right to release a student to their school of origin if their continued presence in N-CCS constitutes a disruption to the safety and learning of other students and/or disrupts the normal functioning of the N-CCS school the transfer student attends.
●Students must be within the N-CCS district policy for attendance based on their respective level. Students who miss more than 5 days per semester (4 days for NCHS) will receive a letter from the school. Additional absences may result in a release of the transfer student back to their school of origin.
●Middle and High School students must also meet the attendance standard set by the NCHSAA for athletic eligibility as well (Must be in attendance 85% and cannot miss more than 13.5 days in the previous 90-day semester).
●****Excessive tardiness in an ongoing manner may also result in the release of a transfer student to their school of origin.
Note: It is the desire of the Newton-Conover City Schools that every child have the opportunity for a better life through an education. We want to create safe learning environments for our students so they feel comfortable and ready to learn. It is the belief that every child can learn and deserves to learn that drives our efforts to improve our educational offerings for our customers: the students of the Newton-Conover City Schools. This foundational belief is at the core of the work we do as a school system. That said, it is imperative that the focus of our district and school-level staff be on the students of the Newton-Conover City Schools. We embrace the strong partnership we have with both the Catawba County Schools and the Hickory City Schools as we know that some of our students choose to receive their education in one of these two fine districts. We want to see all three systems grow and thrive in these difficult times in public education. However, our ultimate responsibility is to the students of the Newton-Conover City Schools.
Newton-Conover City Schools Code of Conduct
Elementary Code of Conduct
Minor Discipline Violations
The following is a list of minor violations of the Student Code of Conduct. This is not an all-inclusive list.
1. Classroom disruption
2. Cutting in line
3. Abusive language or gestures
4. Running in the hallway
5. Not following teacher instructions
6. Being out of your assigned area
7. Not moving directly from place to place
8. Throwing objects
9. Acts of dishonesty such as cheating, plagiarism, lying, and stealing.
10. Harassment
11. Yelling
12. Vandalism
13. Temper tantrums
14. Violating copyright laws
15. Inappropriate dress
16. Unauthorized use of wireless communication devices
17. Trespassing
Serious Violations
Serious violations may include but are not limited to the following:
1. Repeated minor violations
2. Aggressive behavior towards students
3. Hazing
4. Harassment
5. Fighting (Assault)
6. Aggressive behavior towards staff
7. Profanity or obscene gestures towards staff
8. Gang-related activity
9. Possession, use, or selling of tobacco products
10. Possession, use, or selling of alcohol
11. Possession, use, or selling of unauthorized or illegal drugs
12. Possession of any type of weapon (knife, gun, etc)
Middle/High School Code of Conduct
Level I violations will result in a variety of consequences, including warning, parent conference,
afternoon detention, **Saturday detention, **loss of driving privileges, in-school suspension, out
of school suspension, bus suspension, or recommendation to an alternative setting.
*Abusive language or gestures
*Public display of affection
*Breaking lunch line
*Inappropriate conduct
*Class disruption or disturbance
*Possession of electronic devices (beepers, cell phones, jam boxes, games,
CD players and other devices)
*Inappropriate dress
*Failure to sign in or out
*Failure to attend teacher detention
*Failure to attend afternoon detention
**Unauthorized visit to the parking lot
*Food / beverages in unauthorized areas
*Knowingly providing false information
*Tardies to classes and / or school
*Inappropriate computer use
Note: Upon the third ISS assignment, a letter will be sent to the parents stating that any additional
infractions will automatically result in suspension from school. No student may accumulate more than 3
Saturday detentions or 3 in-school suspensions per semester.
Consequences for Level 2 offenses are more severe, ranging from parent conference, Saturday detention, in-school suspension to out-of-school suspension ( 1- 3 days), loss of driving privileges, Bus suspension and / or alternate school referral.
*Insubordination (See definition below)
*Inciting, aiding or abetting a fight
*Throwing inappropriate objects
*Failure to attend Saturday detention
*Inappropriate conduct on a school or activity bus
*Trespassing or loitering on campus
*Assault on another student – stop on command
*Aggressive behavior towards another student
*Acts of dishonesty (cheating, plagiarism, lying and stealing)
*Truancy (leaving class/campus without permission)
*Violation of the N-CHS Honor Code
*Insubordination: Failure to comply with a reasonable request by an adult in a supervisory role.
Level III offenses are of a more serious nature; therefore, consequences are more severe, ranging from in-school suspension to out-of-school suspension ( 3-5 days), loss of driving privileges, bus suspension /expulsion, and / or alternate school referral.
*Sexual harassment (The following are examples of sexual harassment, but are not inclusive:
comments, jokes, or gestures that have sexual connotations; and touching, grabbing, or pinching
in a sexual way. School staff will actively investigate all reported sexual harassment
*Sexual misconduct
*Harassment and / or hazing of others (See definition)
*Profanity and / or obscene gestures towards staff
*Tobacco possession or use
*Theft from student, teacher, or school
*Vandalism under $50
*Threats against students and staff
*Fighting (requiring staff intervention)
*Refusal to obey administrative staff
Level IV offenses are of such a serious nature that they will result in immediate suspension from
school for no less than 10 days. In addition, law enforcement officials will be notified; and the
administration will recommend long-term suspension for the remainder of the semester and/ or
school year. Level IV violations include but are not limited to the following:
*Any offense that falls under the Safe Schools Act
*Possession or use of fireworks or other explosive devices
*Possession or use of a gun, firearm, bomb, explosive
*Extremely volatile behavior that threatens the safety of students and / or staff
*Aggressive behavior against administration or staff
*Assault / battery on administration or staff
*Possession or use of a firearm
*Sexual assault of any nature
*Possession, consumption / use, sale, distribution of alcohol, prescription drugs,
or any controlled substance.
*Bomb Threat or Hoax
*Being under the influence of alcohol or drugs on campus or school activities
*Possession or sale of stolen property
*Discharging of fire safety equipment or setting off false fire alarm
*Trespassing (including students under suspension)
*Vandalism in excess of $50
*Theft / burglary in excess of $50
*Gang-related activity
**Principals shall engage in ongoing conversations with the parents of students who may be asked to leave based on their attendance, academic performance, or conduct.