Tuesday, May 12, 2015
1:00pm – 3:00pm
Lynwood Developmental Care
14925 S. Atlantic Ave.
Compton, CA 90221
/ Item /Item Description/Presenter
1. /Call to Order
/ Action5 / 2. /
5 / 3. /Review & Approval of Minutes of April 14, 2015
/ Action / 4-1710 / 4. /
General Public Comment
/ Information5 / 5. / Report from Board of Directors / Information
15 / 6. /
Reasonable Modification Policy / Steve Chang
/ Action / 18-525 / 7. /
Package Policy / Steve Chang
/ Information / 53-5410 / 8. /
FY 2015/16 Preliminary Budget / Hector Rodriguez
/ Presentation10 / 9. /
Eligibility Comprehensive Review / David Rishel, Delta Services Group
/ Information5 / 10. / Subcommittee Updates / Discussion
5 / 11. / Member Communication / Information
12. / New Business Raised Subsequent to the Posting of the Agenda / Possible Action
13. / Adjournment / Action
Access Services does not discriminate on the basis of disability. Accordingly, Access Services seeks to ensure that individuals with disabilities will have an equal opportunity to participate in the range of Access Services events and programs by providing appropriate auxiliary aids and services to facilitate communication. In determining the type of auxiliary aids and services for communication that will be provided, primary consideration is given to the request of the individual with disabilities. However, the final decision belongs to Access Services. To help ensure availability of those auxiliary aids and services you require, please make every effort to notify Access Services of your request at least three (3) business days (72 hours) prior to the meeting in which you wish to utilize those aids or services. You may do so by contacting (213) 270-6000.
Note: Access Services Community Advisory (CAC) meetings are held pursuant to the Ralph M. Brown Act [Cal. Gov. Code §54950] and are open to the public. The public may view and obtain all written information supporting this agenda provided to the board both initially and supplementally prior to the meeting at the agency’s offices located at 3449 Santa Anita Avenue, El Monte California and on its website at Documents, including Power Point handouts distributed to CAC by staff or CAC members at the meeting will simultaneously be made available to the public. Two opportunities are available for the public to address the CAC during a CAC meeting: (1) before a specific agendized item is debated and voted upon regarding that item and (2) general public comment. The exercise of the right to address the board is subject to restriction as to time and appropriate decorum. All persons wishing to make public comment must fill out a yellow Public Comment Form and submit it to the CAC secretary. Public comment is generally limited to three (3) minutes per speaker and the total time available for public comment may be limited at the discretion of the Chairperson. Persons whose speech is impaired such that they are unable to address the board at a normal rate of speed may request the accommodation of a limited amount of additional time from the Chair but only by checking the appropriate box on the Public Comment Form. Granting such an accommodation is in the discretion of the Chair.
The CAC will not and cannot respond during the meeting to matters raised under general public comment. Pursuant to provisions of the Brown Act governing these proceedings, no discussion or action may be taken on these matters unless they are listed on the agenda, or unless certain emergency or special circumstances exist. However, the CAC may direct staff to investigate and/or schedule certain matters for consideration at a future CAC Meeting.
"Alternative accessible formats available upon request."
Community Advisory Committee (CAC) Meeting
Tuesday April 14, 2015
One Gateway Plaza,
729 Vignes St. Los Angeles, CA 90012
1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Vice-Chairperson Lantz called the meeting to order at 1:07 p.m.
CAC Members Present: Maria Aroch, Michael Anthony Arrigo, Wendy Cabil, Michael Conrad, Phyllis Coto, Tina Foafoa, Marie-France Francois, Dina Garcia, Terri Lantz and Liz Lyons.
CAC Members Absent: Kurt Baldwin, Chaplain Dov Cohen, Jesse Padilla, and Howard Payne.
Board Members Present: Daniel Levy.
Access Services Staff: Sherry Kelley, Araceli Barajas, Kim Hogarth-Hindi, F Scott Jewell, Rycharde Martindale-Essington, Lys Bovery, Alfredo Torales, and Randy Johnson.
Guests: Rachele Goeman (QSS), Victor Garate (Global Paratransit), David Lee (Care Evaluators), Victor Dominguez (Access Customer), Jan Johnson (Access Customer), Gordon Cardona (Access Customer), Karina Moreno (SGT), Giovanna Gogreve (Metro), and Beatriz Lara (MV Transportation), Jonna Wilkens (Access Customer), Mariana Soto (Access Customer), Kathleen Barajas (QSS), Lilliana Hernandez (Access Customer), Maria Mears (Access Customer), Sally Sewell (Access Customer), Slyvia Drzewiecki (Access Customer), Erica Macias (CTI), Artemio Ambrosio (Access Customer), Frank Lucas (CTI), Al Buck (QSS), Olivia Almalel (Access Customer), David Lee (CARE), Chrystene Terry (CARE), and Tonni Yee-Hemphill (QSS).
Vice-Chairperson Lantz announced that Chairperson Cohen was not feeling well and would not be attending today’s meeting. She welcomed the members, staff and guests and asked for everyone’s cooperation since she would be chairing the meeting. Lastly, she asked that everyone introduce themselves.
Motion: Member Lyons.
Second: Member Foafoa.
Abstentions: Member Arrigo.
Minutes were approved.
Access customer Mr. Gordon Cardona made a public comment regarding a situation he and his PCA experienced on a trip going from Alhambra to LAX. He explained that when he made the reservation, he informed the call taker that he would be in a power wheelchair and his PCA would be in a manual wheelchair. He also informed the reservationist that they would be carrying two pieces of luggage. When the driver arrived, he said they had too many bags. Mr. Cardona asked the driver to contact the dispatcher for assistance; however, the dispatcher agreed with the driver and advised him to leave. Mr. Cardona suggested that the driver receives sensitivity training and hopes other customers don’t go through the same experience.
Vice-Chair Lantz stated that an Access staff person would speak with him after the meeting.
Access customer Ms. Kathleen Barajas said she had two issues to mention and said the first comment was regarding a situation that occurred in February where she was left stranded at Cal State Long Beach. She said the driver did not know where the Access stand was and marked her down as a no-show. She said thankfully a family member was able to pick her up. She mentioned that a friend has experienced the same situation at Glendale Community College.
She also stated that at the last CAC Meeting, the person sitting next to her tried to get into her purse twice. Ms. Barajas said she gave the individual the benefit of the doubt; however, she later discovered that her sunglasses were missing. She said this type of situation should not be happening at the meetings.
Access customer Ms. Olivia Almalel stated her first comment was regarding drivers not being familiar with stand locations at large facilities like Cedar Sinai and the VA Hospital. She said she has been no-showed on numerous occasions since she began working at Cedar Sinai in 2009 and suggested that the drivers carry maps of the stand locations in their vehicles.
Her second comment was regarding the new routing system used by the valley region and said it only shows the driver a two-hour window. She mentioned that last Sunday she had a ride going from the San Fernando Valley going to South Pasadena and the driver passed by her destination twice before dropping her off.
Vice-Chair Lantz said Ms. Kelley would speak with her after the meeting.
Access customer Ms. Tonni Yee-Hemphill agreed with the comments about large facilities being a problem for the drivers and mentioned a situation at Cal State Long Beach where the driver could not find the Access stand. She said the stands should be kept simple, and suggested that drivers be tested to make sure they are familiar with the locations.
Access customer Ms. Rachele Goeman made a public comment regarding excessive hold times for ETA’s and cancellations. She said it is easier to get through the line when calling to schedule a new reservation than when calling for an ETA or to cancel a ride.
Access customer Mr. Artemio Ambrosio asked whose responsibility it is to contact 911 when there is an emergency in the vehicle. He said the driver advised him that the dispatcher is supposed to call not the driver.
Access customer Ms. Sylvia Drzewiecki agreed with the comments made earlier regarding drivers not knowing where the pick-up & drop off points are at large locations.
Vice-Chairperson Lantz introduced Director Levy to provide a brief update of the March 26, 2015 Board Meeting.
Director Levy began his report by reviewing the consent calendar and agenda items that were discussed and approved by the Board.
He said that the “Origin to Destination” policy was approved by the Board; however, some minor changes were made to the language allowing the drivers to enter gates if necessary to assist the passenger as long as the distance was within 60 feet of the vehicle.
Director Levy stated that a motion was made to take all three fare options being discussed today to the Community Meetings for public comment; however, the motion did not pass. He also stated that the West-Central contract extension with California Transit was approved and mentioned that a driver from Santa Clarita won the CalAct Roadeo and will be competing nationally.
He shared that on March 13, 2015 the Department of Transportation issued a Reasonable Modification Rulemaking to be implemented by July 13, 2015. He concluded his report by saying that as many may already know, long-time customer advocate Mr. Hugh Hallenberg passed way in March.
Access Services Special Projects Administrator, Mr. Alfredo Torales attended today’s meeting to present the Proposed Fare Policy and request the committee’s feedback.
Mr. Torales said the information being presented today would also be discussed at the Community Meetings and reviewed a slideshow that included the following information:
A Regional System
· Coordinated System provides ADA paratransit on behalf of 44 partner agencies.
Current Fare System
· $2.75 less than 20 miles
· $3.50 over 20 miles
· $2.00 Santa Clarita & Antelope Valley trips within region
Why is Access Changing the Fare System?
· Federal Transit Administration (FTA)
· After 20 years, FTA states that current system does not comply
· Cost of some Access trips may be more than twice the fixed route fare.
Fare Examples
· Access trip within Torrance
· Comparable fixed route trip
· Torrance Transit = $1.00
· ADA Allowable = $2.00
· Access lowest fare = $2.75
What is Access Doing?
1. Proposing a New Fare System
2. Working on Regulatory/Legislation Change
New Fare System
Calculate the ADA allowable fare based on a comparable local bus or rail trip.
To keep it simple and fair:
1. Round Down
2. Fare Cap
New Fare System
· Call to book your trip
· System will find comparable local bus or rail trip
· System will then:
Ø Calculate the fare to ADA allowable fare (bus fare x 2)
Ø Round down
Ø Cap (if necessary)
Ø Access Fare
Various examples provided using the dollar, half dollar, $4 cap & $5 cap.
Effects of Fare Proposals
• Compliant with FTA regulations
• Bands enable use of coupon system
• Reduces some dynamic fare effects
• Reduces fares for some customers
• Fare variability
• Increases fares for most customers
• Complex backend programming effort
• Customer concerns could affect operations
Outreach & Timeline
Community Meetings April/May 2015
Advisory Committees April 2015
Public Hearing April 27, 2015
Board of Directors May 18, 2015
Membership Meeting June 15, 2015
Expected Start Date January 2016
Regulatory / Legislative Change
• Department of Transportation (DOT)
• Allow Access to keep current system
• Support from stakeholders
Staff is requesting that the CAC provide input on, and approval of:
a) the fare concepts behind the proposed dynamic fare system and
b) the fare proposals forwarded to the advisory committees by the Board
Access customer Ms. Lilliana Hernandez expressed her concern regarding how the fare changes will affect people who use coupons to pay for their rides.
Access customer Ms. Sylvia Drzewiecki stated that the fare changes will be confusing for customers and stated, people will not know the fare amount in advance. She said not everyone has internet access to check the fares and also agreed with the concerns regarding coupons. Lastly, she said this change will be difficult for many people.
Access customer Ms. Rachele Goeman agreed that the fare changes will create a hardship for customers and said she takes several long distance trips every month which will be unaffordable. She also stated that the fare change will slow down the reservation process.
Member Conrad said it was sad that FTA is requiring Access to make this change that will create a hardship for the customers. He said if a choice must be made, he suggested the $4.00 cap option with a round down to the $1.00.
Member Lyons expressed her concern for customers paying with coupons and said it will be difficult to manage coupons even if they are in dollar increments. She said her monthly income is limited and the increase will reduce the small savings she uses to buy food and do the activities she enjoys.
Member Coto asked if the trains will be affected by the fare changes.
Mr. Torales responded that there would not be any changes to the trains related to the Free Fare program.
Member Coto asked if the trip requires a transfer through how will the fare calculations be affected.
Mr. Torales said if the comparable trip is within two hours, the transfer is free on Metro so the $1.75 fare would be used.