- Intake & Splitters (14) - Flaggers (37) - Parkers (8) - VIP/Exhibitor/Handicap Parkers (11) - Truck/Trailer Parkers (4)

-  The entrance from Town Hall Road to where Tent City starts is approximately ½ mile. With that said I have this set up to roughly have flaggers 300 feet apart from one another.

-  I want two people at each entrance point so they can keep traffic moving and start splitting them into 2 lanes right away. (Two lanes of travel upon entry may not take consistent shape until the traffic flow gets heavy though)

-  I then have 2 splitters into the field a ways to split the 2 incoming lanes. With 3 entry points this will allow us to have 6 lanes coming in at one time.

-  The parkers will direct the incoming traffic to the traffic lines.

o  Each line should be 60 feet apart. This will allow for two vehicles to park on each line leaving approximately 20 feet behind the second vehicle for a driving lane. The first vehicle should be able to pull forward to exit and the second vehicle will back out.

o  While parking these vehicles, the following is very important:

§  The front car should be have the tip of its front bumper on the parking line. Not over or behind it.

§  Vehicles should be parked 5-6 ft apart side to side so that doors can comfortably be opened.

§  Long vehicles (Trucks, Vans, SUV’s) should be avoided in parking front and back if at all possible.

o  2 Parkers are needed for each row of double cars as a person needs to park the front of the double and stay ahead of the back side 3-5 cars while the second person parks the back side of the double.

-  The Truck/Trailer parkers will probably not be busy, however, when they are needed they will be very valuable to direct those vehicles where to go. I would just park these types of vehicles in a single row fashion and leave at least 20 feet all of the way around them so they can maneuver wide loads.

-  The staff that is in the VIP/Exhibitor/Handicap lots should park in the same fashion as general parking.

-  Some of the flaggers could be replaced with proper signage and cones.

-  Anyone wanting to park in Handicap needs to have a placard on their License Plate and/or in their rearview mirror or have an obvious visual transportation aid; such as, Motorized cart, wheel chair, crutches etc…

o  I suspect we will get a lot of people claiming they cannot walk that far to Tent City, however, parkers need to be firm on the Handicap issue as that space will be limited. Parkers should advise that shuttles will be coming around and giving rides.

-  The most active people are going to be the intake/splitters and those actually directing vehicles where to park.

-  See attached document for parking method.