Amanda Connection
1 Currituck Road
Newtown, CT 06470
(203) 426—5488

Dog/Puppy Adoption Contract

Town of______

This contract shall constitute a legal and binding agreement between the parties listed herein and whose signatures are affixed to this document. Any breach of this contract could result in the Amanda Connection taking steps to recover said adopted animal. The Amanda Connection acts solely in the best interest of the dog/puppy.

Thiscontract is for the placement in a loving and caring home of the dog described below:

Name: ______

Description: ______

Age: ______

Sex: ______

Notice: I am the owner of dog described above and may not give the dog up to any person for any reason.

Terms of this contract are as follows:

  1. If the adoption does not work out, I shall release the said dog back to the Amanda Connection.
  2. Thedog shall not be permitted to run loose. The dog must be in an enclosed yard or on a leash when outside.
  3. The dog shall be provided fresh and clean food and water daily in sufficient quantities to maintain proper health.
  4. The dog shall be taken to a veterinarian at least once a year for an examination, shots (DHLP, rabies) worming, fleapreventative, heart worm preventative and anyother procedures deemednecessary by the veterinarian. Proper veterinarian care shall be provided for any illness or accident.
  5. The dog shall not be used for any kindof research for any reason. The dog may not be used for any illegal purposes or to be used for food or eaten.
  6. The dog shall not be sold for any purpose.
  7. In the event that the dog gets lost or escapes from their caretaker, that person shall immediately take steps to recover the dog including placing ads in all the local newspapers, physically going to Pet Control to look for the dog, calling all local veterinarian offices to ask them to look out for this dog, posting on PetFinder lost pet board and informing Amanda Connection that the dog is lost
  8. In the event that the person receiving this dog is unable to or no longer wishes to keep and care for the dog, the dog shall be returned to the Amanda Connection. Upon the safe return of the dog, in good health and with current medical records, this contract shall no 1onger be valid.
  9. Person or persons wishing to receive this dog and who rent their home, must provide written proof from their current landlord stating that the dog will be allowed at rental property. Verification of this document from the landlord will be necessary.
  10. Person or persons wishing to receive this may be required to permit a pre-inspection of the home if the Amanda Connection requests such an inspection where the dog shall reside.
  11. Person or persons wishing to receive this dog, agree to verification of information provided by tem for this contract.
  12. Person or persons wishing to receive this dog understand that the care of this dog requires a major commitment of caring, loving and responsibility of a life time of this dog. The person who hascustody of this dog is solely responsible for any and all property and physical damages done to any person or property.
  13. Person or persons wishing to adopt an unsterilized animal agree to spay or females no later than 6 months and neuter males no later than 6 months of age. The surgery must be done by a veterinarian at the expense of the owner. The Amanda Connection makes every effort to spay or neuter any animal before placement however, this is not always possible and we feel it is better for an animal to be in a home setting rather than wait for the sterilization surgery to be performed. Written proof of completion of surgery must be submitted to the Amanda Connection within 30 days of surgery. Under no circumstances is the animal to be bred.Failure to neuter the animal within these guidelines or breeding of the anima1 constitutes a violation of this contract. TheAmanda Connection will then have the right to seize the animal and assume full ownership of said animal. If your veterinarian does not perform earlyspay/neuter, it will be your responsibility to locate a veterinarian who will spay or neuter your pet within the specified time limits.
  14. If any part of this contract is broken, The Amanda Connection has the right to take possession of the dog for its safety and/or health. By signing this contract, you agree to allow Amanda Connection to retrieve the received dog if any part of this contract is broken or the dog is being neglected or abused.
  15. If any part of this contract is broken, the adopter shall be liable and legally responsible to pay all veterinarian bills to restore the dog back to proper and good health within 30 days of forfeiture.

The person or persons signatures below signify that they agree, understand and will abide by all of the terms of this contract. Be it known that this is a legal contract enforceable in court. Let it beunderstood that this contract is for the benefit of the dog, to ensure it a lifetime free of pain and suffering. The signing of this contract implies that the person or persons wishing to receive this dog understand the terms of this contract in full.
Any false or misleading statements or information provided for this contract shall constitute a breach of contract as the terms of the above state.

* Required

*Name of person or persons wishing to adopt:
Date of contract:
Driver License Number & State Issued:
Full Home Address:
How long have you lived at this address? :
*Are you renting or do you own your own home? :
*Is it a House, Apartment, Townhouse or Trailer?:
Do you have a yard? :
Home Telephone:
Work Telephone:
Number of Children and their ages:
*Have you had pets in the past? (Yes) (No)
*If YES, what happened to your last pet?
*What current pets do you have in the home?
*Are all the animals in the home spayed or neutered? (Yes) (No)
*If not, why?
Why do you want a pet at this time?
Where will the pet be kept during the day?
Where will the pet sleep at night?
How will you provide for the pet’s exercise/toilet needs?
*How many hours a day will your pet be left alone?
*Do you travel often? (Yes) (No)
*If so, how will you provide for the animal while you are away?
Are you aware that most shelter animals have unknown medical backgrounds?
(Yes) (No)
The Amanda Connection makes no warranties concerning the temperament, habits,and/or background of any cat you may choose. We make every effort to evaluate the temperament of the cats we receive; however, it is impossible to guarantee the temperament of any cat. All adoptions are based on the best needs of the cat and the family.
Do you agree with this statement? (Yes) (No)
*What veterinarian will you use?
Would you still be able to care for this if you home or family situation changed (divorce, relocation)?
(Yes) (No)
Give your past veterinarian as a reference: (Please include phone number.)
*Name: ______*Phone:______
List two other references that are not family members and have known you for more than a year: (Please include phone numbers.)
Reference #1:______
Reference #1 Phone: ______
Reference #2:______
Reference #2 Phone: ______

Signature of the applicant:

______Date: ______

Signature of the Amanda Connection Representative:

______Date: ______