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If possible, fill in the exam using your word processor. (Note: This is an open-book exam.) When finished, save the file and email to as an attachment. Thank you!

Part I – Multiple Choice (Fill in the “Answer” line. Choose only one) 2 points each

1.  The founding of the Missionary Church in the late 19th century emerged primarily from what denomination? Answer ?

a.  Presbyterian

b.  Congregational

c.  Baptist

d.  Mennonite

2.  One of the practices of the Missionary Church founders that resulted in their expulsion from local churches was their practice of Answer ?

a.  baptizing infants

b.  allowing women to testify in services

c.  driving motorized vehicles

d.  all of the above

3.  “Anabaptist,” a term coined by its opponents, literally meant Answer ?

a.  persons opposed to baptism

b.  rebaptizers

c.  advocates of baptism by immersion

d.  baptist

4.  The Anabaptist movement originated in Answer ?

a.  France, Poland, and Russia

b.  Spain, Portugal, and Italy

c.  Holland, Switzerland, and South Germany

d.  Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Indiana

5.  While Anabaptism emphasized peace through community, Pietism emphasized: Answer ?

a.  being at odds with the world

b.  nonconformity

c.  community service

d.  finding inner peace

6.  The 19th century American Holiness Movement is best known for its emphasis on: Answer ?

a.  the need for missions and evangelism

b.  the need for a deeper work in the lives of believers

c.  speaking in tongues

d.  the inerrancy of Scripture

7.  Which of the following individuals had the most influence on the founders of the Missionary Church? Answer ?

a.  A. B. Simpson

b.  Charles Finney

c.  Phoebe Palmer

d.  Billy Sunday

8. The early leader of the MCA and founder of Fort Wayne Bible Institute

(College) was Answer ?

a. J. A. Huffman

b. Solomon Eby

c. William Gehman

d. J. E. Ramseyer

9. American Evangelicals in the 19th century were known as Answer ?

a. social activists

b. revivalists

c. evangelists

d. all of the above

10.  The historic position of the Missionary Church on the gift of tongues has been Answer ?

a.  Seek not. Forbid not.

b.  Don’t ask. Don’t tell.

c.  For the first century church only

d.  All spirit-filled believers have the gift of tongues.

Part II – Matching. (Use each letter only once.) 2 points each

1.  ? nineteenth century evangelist who founded Bible Institute in Chicago

2.  ? early Anabaptist martyr

3.  ? first missionary from Missionary Church

4.  ? 18th century advocate of holiness

5.  ? early founder of Missionary Church in Indiana; had a penchant for four-part harmony

6.  ? founder of Christian and Missionary Alliance

7.  ? founder of Fort Wayne Bible Institute

8.  ? early Canadian founder of Missionary Church who teamed with Daniel Brenneman in revivals

9.  ? early Pennsylvania founder of the Missionary Church

10.  ? brought fragmented Anabaptist groups together to form strong 16th century church

Part III – Fill in the blank. (2 points each blank)

1.  The Mennonite Brethren in Christ Church was formally organized in ?? (year).

2.  The Missionary Church Association was organized in ?? (year) with J. E. Ramseyer as its president.

3.  The United Missionary Church first used its name in ?? (year) and established ?? College the same year.

4.  In ?? (year) the United Missionary Church and the Missionary Church Association merged to form the Missionary Church, Inc.

5.  In 1952 the ?? District broke away from the United Missionary Church over the issue of church polity.

6.  In 1987 the Missionary Church of ?? was founded as a separate entity from the Missionary Church, Inc.

7.  The Caribbean Graduate School of Theology exists in ?? to train Christian workers in the Caribbean area and Latin America.

8.  In 1993 a merger in Canada produced the ??, with two colleges: Emmanuel Bible College and Rocky Mountain Bible College.

9.  The missions organization of the Missionary Church is ??.

Part IV – True/False (2 points each)

1.  ? The Missionary Church has its roots in the Lutheran Church.

2.  ? Daniel Brenneman, Solomon Eby, William Gehman, and Joseph Ramseyer all were expelled or censured by their churches.

3.  ? Anabaptists were the forerunners of the Reformation.

4.  ? Anabaptists formed what was called the “Radical Reformation.”

5.  ? Due to persecution in the 16th and 17th century, European Mennonites frequently emigrated.

6.  ? Eusebius Hershey served as the first Missionary Church missionary in Nigeria for 25 years.

7.  ? Some of the most effective church planters in the late 19th and early 20th centuries were “ministering sisters.”

8.  ? An early emphasis on missions distinguished the first Missionary Churches from their Mennonite cousins in the 19th century.

9.  ? The 19th century Missionary Church was originally founded in Kentucky, Tennessee, and Missouri.

10. ? The diminished role of “Ministering Sisters” in the Missionary Church was essentially the result of the impact of American Fundamentalism on the denomination.

Part V – Short Answer. (In 50 words or less answer the following questions.) 5 points each

1.  What impact did the 19th century American Holiness movement have on the

development of the Missionary Church?


2.  What impact did the 19th century Evangelical Movement have on the development of the Missionary Church?


3. What impact did the early 20th century Pentecostal Movement (Azusa Street Revival) have on the development of the Missionary Church?


4. What impact has the 20th century Fundamentalist Movement had on the development of the Missionary Church?
