Functions & Trigonometry (Algebra 2B)

WeeK 1

Day 1 Wed. 1/22 Introductions, Syllabus, Rules, Notecard (Name, Last math class/ Teacher/ grade in class, hobbies, sports, job – where, days, hours, future plans, anything else)

Warm-Ups: p. 430 (1 – 6)

8.1 Notes: Exploring Exponential Models

Growth and Decay factors, Graphing, Use Book for examples

p.434 – 437 (1, 5, 6, 8 – 11, 16 – 25, 56, 60 – 62)

HW:8.1 Exponential Wkst (1 – 13)

Day 2 Thurs. 1/23 Warm-Ups: p.486 (1 – 6)

Go over HW

8.1 Notes: Exploring Exponential Models

Finding the exponential equation given 2 points on the graph, finding the equation from a graph, and finding the growth or decay factor given the annual rate of change

Do Example 3 on p.423, and p.435 – 436 (10, 12, 14, 32, 33, 46 – 49) for examples

CW: 8.1 Wkst (14 – 24) TURN – IN

Fri. 1/24 Snow Day


Mon. 1/27 Snow Day

Tues. 1/28 Snow Day

Wed. 1/29 Snow Day

Day 3 Thurs. 1/30 Warm-Ups: ACT Review Wkst: Basics Drill & Algebra Drill

There are 17 questions, so you get 17 minutes. Turn In.

8.2 Notes: Properties of Exponential Functions

Graphing with shifts, reflections, stretches, half-life problems, continuous compound interest problems, natural base “e” problems

CW: 8.2 Wkst (Only had to graph 15, 16, 25, & 26) For 14 – 26 you had to state if it was growth or decay, and if there were any reflections or shifts) If there is a reflection, state the axis or line of reflection

Day 4 Fri. 1/31 Warm-ups: p.445 (1 – 9, 10)

Go over HW

8.3 Notes: Logarithmic Functions as Inverses

Magnitude of earthquake problems, converting from exponential form to logarithmic


CW: p. 450 (6 – 25)

HW: Take – Home Quiz


Mon. 2/3 No School: Waiver Day

Day 5 Tues. 2/4 Warm-Ups:p.480 (28, 29, 36, 37, 39)

8.3 Notes continued: graphing logarithms, evaluating on a calculator, inverse of logs

HW: p. 450 (35 – 40 ---Graph and find domain & range, 64 –68, 90 – 95)


Day 6 Wed. 2/5 Warm-Ups: p.452 (96 – 98) & p.454 (1 – 3)

Go over HW

Review Graphing Logs, domain & range

8.4 Notes: Properties of Logarithms (expand and condense, evaluating)

HW: p.457 – 459 (2 – 30 even, 33 – 41, 58 – 68 even, 91 – 93)

Day 7 Thurs. 2/6 Warm-Ups: p.445 (51, 52, 54, 59)

Go over HW

8.5 Notes: Solving exponential and logarithmic equations

Solving by graphing, using equations, change of base formula

HW: p. 464 (2, 6, 12, 14, 34, 36, 38, 41) TURN IN FOR POINTS

Fri. 2/7 SNOW DAY

Online Assignment on Pearson, Chapter 8 Review: Due Monday


Day 8 Mon. 2/10 Warm-Ups: p.465 (50, 53 – 59 odd)

Check HW

Markerboards Review

8.6 Notes: Natural Logarithms

Goals: To solve & evaluate base “e” & natural logarithms

HW: p.472 – 473 (1 – 11, 14, 16, 24 – 28 Even, 29 – 38, 48, 54 – 56, 59)

Day 9 Tues. 2/11 Warm-Ups: p.481 (44 – 51)

Go over HW

Graphing Notes: Review all 4 types of graphs

Goals: To graph exponential, logs, base “e” and natural logarithms, & find domain, range, shifts, reflections, and asymptotes

HW: Graph Wkst (1 – 12)

Day 10 Wed. 2/12 Warm-Ups: Ch 8 Compound Interest & Exponential Growth Packet

Go over HW questionsGo over 8.1 – 8.3 Quiz

Chapter 8 Review: Place Your Bets

HW: Graph Wkst (1 – 4) & p.482 (6, 8 – 19, 24 – 29, 33 – 36, 40)

Day 11 Thurs. 2/13 Warm-Ups: None

Go over HW

Chapter 8 Test

After the Test: Fill out Survey

Day 12 Fri. 2/14 Warm-Ups: Factoring Review Wkst Side 1 (Odds Only) -Turn in

9.1 Notes: Inverse Variation

Review Direct Variation, Discuss Inverse and Joint, Use Worksheet for examples

HW: p.491 – 492 (1 – 15 odd, 24, 30 – 33, 37 – 47 odd)


No School Monday 2/17: President’s Day

Tues. 2/18 Snow Day

Day 13 Wed. 2/19 Warm-Ups: Fraction Review

Go over HW

9.2 Notes: The Reciprocal Function Family

Discuss - Reciprocal, Horizontal and Vertical Asymptotes, Translations, Reflections, Stretches, Intersect Feature on the Graphing Calculator

HW: p.498 – 499 (Graph 2 & 3, 10, 11, Graph 14 – 17, 22 – 24, 27 – 30, 40, For 41 – 43 Use calculator ) 6 GRAPHS TOTAL

Day 14 Thurs. 2/20 Warm-Ups: p.501 (1 – 9)

Go over HW

CW: 9.1/9.2 Exit Graph Wkst

HW: Factoring Review Wkst Side 2 (1 – 16)

Day 15 Fri. 2/21 Warm-Ups: Direct/Inverse Variation Wkst

Go over HW

9.3 Notes: Rational Functions and Their Graphs

Discuss - Holes or points of discontinuity, vertical & horizontal asymptotes

CW: p.505 (6 – 17, 22 – 24, 27, 29)


Day 16 Mon. 2/24 Warm-Ups: Review for Quiz:p.508 (1 – 5)

Go over HW

9.4 Notes: Rational Expressions

p.509 (1 – 12), Simplifying, Multiplying and Dividing, State any restrictions

CW/HW: p.511 – 512 (2 – 18 even, 19 – 21, 28, 30, 32) & p.506(25)

Day 17 Tues. 2/25 Warm-Ups: p.500 (53 – 59)

Check HW

9.1 – 9.3 QUIZ

Start 9.5 Notes: Adding & Subtracting Rational Expressions

HW: p.512(27,29,31) & OGT Calculator Prep Wkst

Day 18 Wed. 2/26 Warm-Ups:p.513 (42, 43, 48 – 50)

Go over HW

9.5 Notes: Adding & Subtracting Rational Expressions

p.514 Blue Box, Find least common multiples

CW/HW: p.517 (4, 5, 9, 10 – 14, 16 – 18, 21)

Day 19 Thurs. 2/27 Warm-Ups:p.520 (1 – 5)

Go over HW

9.5 Notes: Complex Fractions

CW: p.517 – 518 (6, 7, 15, 19, 22 – 30)

HW: p.539 – 541(6 – 17, 22 – 24, 26 – 29(Do not graph, just find asymptotes and holes)

Day 20 Fri. 2/28 Warm-Ups:p. 520 (6 – 10)

Go over HW

9.6 Notes: Solving Rational Equations

Solving proportions, problems with addition/subtr., word problems with rates

CW: p.524 – 525 (1 – 5, 10 – 13, 15, 16, 19, 39)


Day 21 Mon. 3/3 Warm-Ups: p.519 – 520 (56 – 61)

Chapter 9 Review: Math-O

Dominoes with Rational Expressions, Clickers

HW: Study Study Study!!! Try online practice quizzes at Pearson website

And p.540 – 541 (30, 31, 34 – 40)

Day 22 Tues. 3/4 Warm-Ups: None

Check HW

Chapter 9 Test

Day 23 Wed. 3/5 Warm-Ups: OGT Review

Exploring Conic Sections: Notes on 10.3: Circles (Go over p.561 (1 – 6) first)

Writing equations given a graph, given center & radius, or center & diameter, write equations after a translation, find the center and radius from and equation, graph circles

Find domain and range, Writing equations in standard form by completing the square, and finding points of intersection.Do examples like the assigned book problems.

CW: Alg. 2 Practice10-3 Circle Wkst #1 & 2 & p.565 (45 – 48)

Day 24 Thurs. 3/6 Warm-Ups: OGT Review

Go over HW

11.1 Notes: Mathematical Patterns

p.600 (1 – 8),Do Activity on p.600, Koch Snowflakes, Fractals,

Recursive formula VS. Explicit, do p.604 (45 – 49 odd together)

HW: p.603 – 604 (1 – 10, 12 – 22, 24 – 28, 44, 51)

Day 25 Fri. 3/7 Warm-Ups: OGT Review

Go over HW

11.2 Notes: Arithmetic Sequence

p.606 (1 – 4), Common Differences, discuss the 2 formulas, do #71 together

CW: p.608 (2 – 42 Even, 46 – 54 even)

WEEK 8 OGT Testing Week

Day 26 Mon. 3/10 Warm-Ups: OGT Review

Go over HW

Discuss: p.611 Fibonacci Sequence (1 – 5)

11.3 Notes: Geometric Sequences

Activity p.612, Common Ratio, recursive and explicit formulas, geometric mean

HW: p.614 – 615 (2 – 34 Even, 42 – 45 all, 48 – 51)

Day 27 Tues. 3/11 Warm-Ups: OGT Review

Go over HW

Notes: Do Scenario 2: Bribe & Scenario 1: Bond Market problems

on the worksheet together

HW: Do Scenario 1: Bathtub Problem & Scenario 2: Superball Problems on the Wkst

Wed. 3/12 Snow Day

Day 28 Thurs. 3/13 Warm-Ups: HW: p.609 (70, 71, 75 – 80)

Go over HW

Review: p.617 (5 – 9) & p.644 (1, 4, 8, 13, 18)

Take – Home 11.1 -11.3 Quiz

Day 29 Fri. 3/14 Happyπ day !!! Warm-Ups:p.619 (1 – 6)

Turn in Take-Home Quiz

11.4 Notes: Arithmetic Series

Discuss Blue Box Activity, Limits. Goals: To write a related series, evaluate it, use summation notation, tell if a list is a sequence or series, and then if it is finite or ∞

CW/HW: p.622 – 624 (1 – 24, 49 – 54, 61, 63)


Day 30 Mon. 3/17 Warm-Ups: p.624 (67 – 69)

Go over HW

11.4 Notes Continued… Special Summation Formulas

Do notes on the back of the Ch 11 booklet

HW: 11.4 Worksheet

Day 31 Tues. 3/18 Warm-Ups: p.626(1 – 8)

Go over HW

11.5 Notes: Geometric Series (Converges VS. Diverges, Sum Formula)

Do Together: p.628 – 629 (41 – 43)

HW: p.628 – 629 (2 – 34 Even, 35, 37)

Day 32 Wed. 3/19 Warm-Ups: p.635 (1 – 4)

Go over HW

CW: 11.4/11.5 Worksheet

11.6 Notes: Area Under The Curve

Inscribed Rectangles VS. Circumscribed Rectangles, sum to estimate area under

curve, graphing calculator

HW: p.637 – 638 (3, 4, 6 – 10, 12, 14, 18 – 26)

Day 33 Thurs. 3/20 Warm-Ups: p.634 (4 – 6) & p.644 (11 – 16, 37)

Review 11.5 Summation and Summation formulas

Chapter 11 Review: Place Your Bets

HW: STUDY!!!!!! p.644 (1 – 28, 32 – 35, 37)

Day 34 Fri. 3/21 Warm-Ups: p.531 (1 – 4)

Chapter 11 Test

After Test Work on Midterm Review (1 – 10)

WEEK 10:

Mon. 3/24 Waiver Day

Day 35 Tues. 3/25 Warm-Ups: Midterm Review (11 – 15)

Go over HW

9.7 Notes: Probability of Multiple Events

CW: 9.7 Wkst or p.534 – 537 (1 – 4, 6 – 8, 10 – 12, 14 – 40 Even, 53 – 58)

Day 36 Wed. 3/26 Warm-Ups: Midterm Review (16 – 21)

Go over HW

CW: Dice Simulation for Sums Activity –

Make the Experimental Graph, Answer the 3 questions from the worksheet,

Make a Theoretical Graph,

Answer the 1 question - Can you make any observations and/or conclusions from

comparing both graphs?

Day 37 Thurs. 3/27 Warm-Ups: Midterm Review (22 – 27)

Go over HW

Midterm Review – Finish going over the packet

Day 38 Fri. 3/28 Midterm – Odd Blocks


SPRING BREAK: March 31st – April 4th

WEEK 11:

Day 39 Mon. 4/7 Warm-Ups:p.535 (37, 39), p.541 (42 – 45) &p.553 (56 – 59)12.1 Notes: Probability Distribution

Finish 12.1 Notes, do #11 in the book on p.651, p.652 – 653 (12, 13, 21 – 26, 29, 30)

CW: 12.1 Wkst Turn –In for Points

Day 40 Tues. 4/8 Warm-Ups: p.654 (1 – 6)

12.2 Notes: Conditional Probability

P(b/a), Use 12.2 Wkst for Notes

CW: p.656 – 657 (1 – 12, 13 a – c, 19 – 22, 25 – 27)

Day 41 Wed. 4/9 Warm-Ups: p.658 (33, 35, 36, 37)

Go over HW

12.3 Notes: Analyzing Data

Measures of Central Tendency, Bimodal, Box & Whisker Plots

HW: p.664 – 665 (1 – 3, 6 – 19)

Day 42 Thurs. 4/10 Warm-Ups: p.667 (1 – 3)

Go over HW

Review 12.1 – 12.3 (QUIZ Tomorrow)

12.4 Notes: Standard Deviation & Variance

Activity on p.668, Mean, Range, InterquartileRange, table for Standard Deviation,

CW/HW: 12.4 Wkst (1 – 11, 14 a – c, 15 a – d) Do #1 by hand

Day 43 Fri. 4/11 Warm-Ups:p.667 (4 – 7)

12.1 – 12.3 QUIZ

Go over HW

Read About Z-Score on p.671 – 672

HW: p.673 – 675 (10 – 25, 27)

WEEK 12:

Day 44 Mon. 4/14 Warm-Ups: p.704 (1, 2, 4, 6 – 9)

Go over HW/QUIZ

12.5 Notes: Working With Samples

Vocab: Sample, sample proportion, random sample, margin of error, intervals, Use book problems on p.680 – 681 for examples

CW/HW: 12.5 Wkstp.704 (10 – 16)

Day 45 Tues. 4/15 Warm-Ups:

Go over HW

12.7 Notes: Normal Distributions, Standard Normal Curve

HW: p.695 – 697 (1 – 16, 18, 20, 27, 28, 32 – 34)

Day 46 Wed. 4/16 Warm-Ups:p.704 (17 – 23)

Go over HW

Chapter 12 Review: Connect Four, Marker Boards

CW/HW: p.701 – 703 (6 – 23) & p.704 (28 – 32)

Day 47 Thurs. 4/17 Warm-Ups: p.691 (1 – 5)

Chapter 12 TEST

April 18th – No School GOOD Friday

WEEK 13:

Day 48 Mon. 4/21 Warm-Ups: ACT Review Problems

13.1 Notes: Exploring Periodic Data

p.710 (1 – 8) “Check Your Skills Needed”, Activity p.710 in the Blue Box

Vocab: Periodic Function, cycle, period, amplitude

HW: p.713 – 714 (1 – 13, 16 – 19, 21 – 29)

Day 49 Tues. 4/22 Warm-Ups:Read p.717 & look at the examples. p.717 (2,3,5,6,11)

Go over HW

13.2 Notes: Angles and the Unit Circle

p.718 (1 – 6) “Check Your Skills Needed” – Draw Together, Vocab: standard position, initial side, terminal side, coterminal angles, clockwise vs. counterclockwise

CW: p.717 (1, 4, 7 – 10, 12 – 14) Special Right Triangles

HW: p.722 – 723 (1 – 20)

Day 50 Wed. 4/23 Warm-Ups: p.715 (35 – 38, 44)

Go over HW

13.2 Notes Continued: Activity on p.720 (Blue Box), exact values of sine and cosine

Block 2: HW: p.722 – 724 (21 – 49, 51, 63 – 66, 69 – 71)

Block 3: CW: p.722 – 724 (21 – 25, 28 – 32, 45 – 49, 57, 69 – 71)

Day 51 Thurs. 4/24 Warm-Ups: p.725 (1 – 5)

p.722(37 – 40, 55, 58)

Go over HW, Block 2 also did CW: p.722 (24, 25, 28) Turn – In!!!! before Notes

13.3 Notes: Radian Measure

Read p.726 – 729, Use string to demonstrate radians, converting degrees to radians, cosine & sine radian measures, use 13.3 conversion Wkst for notes

CW: p. 730 (15 – 19) & Draw the angles and find the radians for (0, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, 135, 150, 180, 210, 225, 240, 270, 300, 315, 330, 360) on the Unit Circle Wkst

Day 52 Fri. 4/25 Warm-Ups:p.733 (1 – 9 odd) QUIZ Review 13.1 – 13.3

Go over CW

Fill in every 15° on the unit circle, make triangles to find the lengths of the legs for the

sine (y-values) and cosine (x-values)

CW: Noodle Activity With Partner & Fill – in the Sine & Cosine Chart

HW: p.771 (6 – 17) These are review problems for the quiz!!!!!! DO Them!!!!

WEEK 14:

Day 53Mon. 4/28Warm-Ups: p.733 (2 – 10 even) QUIZ Review 13.1 – 13.3

Go over HW

13.1 – 13.3 QUIZ

13.3 Notes Continued: Find the lengths of indicated arcs, Graph Sine & Cosine using the chart we filled in yesterday, HW: p.729 – 733 (2 – 12 Even, 20 – 26 even, 31 – 39)

Day 54 Tues. 4/29 Warm-Ups:p.732 – 733 (58, 59, 67, 69, 72)

Go over HW

13.4 Notes: The Sine Function

Interpret the sine in degrees & radians, find the period, amplitude, graph

CW/HW: p.738 – 740 (13 – 29 odd)

Day 55 Wed. 4/30 Warm-Ups:p.741 (60 – 64)

Go over HW

13.5 Notes: The Cosine Function

Finish the cosine chart, graphing and solving equations, do 1 & 2 together on p.746

CW: p.746 – 747 (3 – 15, 22 – 29)

Day 56 Thurs. 5/1 Warm-Ups: p. 774 (6, 9, 10, 13, 16)

Go over HW

Review Graphing Sine & Cosine, Solve Trig Equations with the graphing calculator GAME

HW: p.746 – 748 (16 – 21, 30 – 32, 40 – 50)

Warm-Ups:p.770 (1 – 4, 7)

Go over HW

13.6 Notes: The Tangent Function

Use graphs to interpret tangent values in radians, identify asymptotes and periods, graphing over given intervals

CW: p.751 – 752 (1 – 10, 12 – 15) HW: p.752 – 753 (17, 23, 24, 26, 27, 38 – 41)

Day 57 Fri. 5/2 Warm-Ups: p.772 – 773 (19 – 27 odd)

Go over HW

Review 13.4 – 13.7: p.772 – 773 (18 – 30 Even)

13.4 – 13.7 QUIZ

Start Notes on 13.7 Notes: Translating Sine and Cosine Graphs (Shifts & Reflections)

WEEK 15:

Day 58 Mon. 5/5 Warm-Ups: p.754 (47 – 51)

Go over HW

13.7 Notes: Translating Sine and Cosine Graphs, Shifts & Reflections

CW: Matching Activity (1 – 12) Class gets in a circle, pass the equations around after you find the period, amplitude and describe any shifts or reflections. Find matching answers around the room

HW: p.760 – 761 (15 – 26, 31 – 34, 39, 40)

Day 59 Tues. 5/6 Warm-Ups: p.762 (55 – 57, 59, 60)

Go over HW

CW: Finish Matching Activity

CW: Translation Activity – On the Wkst find the amplitude, period, shifts and/or reflections, then find the matching graph around the room

Day 60 Wed. 5/7 Warm-Ups: Final Exam Review packet (1 – 5, 9, 14, 15)

13.8 Notes: Reciprocal Functions - Cosecant, Secant, & Cotangent

Evaluate, finding the exact value, graph, use graphing calculator to find each value

CW/HW: p.766 – 767 (2 – 28 even, 42 – 45, 50 – 54)

Day 61 Thurs. 5/8 Warm-Ups: Review Problems from Computer

Chapter 13 TEST

Day 62 Fri. 5/09 Warm-Ups:

Go over CW

14.1 Notes: Trigonometric Identities

Do “Check Your Skills Needed” at the top of p.778 together,

Blue Box Activity on p.778 (1 – 3), Verify and Simplify Identities

CW/HW: p.780 – 781 (2 – 38 Even)

WEEK 16:

Day 63 Mon. 5/12 Warm-Ups:

Go over HW

14.2 Notes: Solving Trig Equations Using Inverses

Using the Unit Circle, Graphs, Calculator, Solving Trig Equations Using Factoring

CW/HW: p.787 – 790 (1 – 33 odd, 35 – 43 odd, 82 – 87)

Day 64 Tues. 5/13 Warm-Ups:

Go over CW

14.3 Notes: Right Triangles and Trigonometric Ratios

Blue Box Activity on p.792

CW/HW: p.796 – 797 (1 – 4, 6 – 11, 23, 24, 29, 31)

Day 65 Wed. 5/14 Warm-Ups:

Go over CW

14.4 Notes: Area of an Oblique Triangle and the Law of Sines

CW: Law of Sines Worksheet (1 – 4)

Day 66 Thurs. 5/15 Warm-Ups:

14.4 Notes: Area of an Oblique Triangle and the Law of Sines

Ambiguous Case Wkst (1 – 4)

Day 67 Fri. 5/16 Warm-Ups: Quiz Review

14.1 – 14.3 QUIZ

14.4 Notes Continued…

Area of a Triangle: A = ½ ab sin C, and more law of sines

CW: p.803 – 804 (1 – 5, 8, 11, 13)

WEEK 17:

Day 68 Mon. 5/19 Warm-Ups:

Go over CW

14.5 Notes: The Law of Cosines

CW: Law of Cosines Wkst (1 – 4)

Day 69 Tue. 5/20 Warm-Ups:

Go over HW

14.6 Notes: Angle Identities

Negative angle, cofunction, & angle sum identities, solve each trig function

CW/HW: p.818 – 819 (4, 8, 10, 12, 14, 18 – 30 Even)

Day 70 Wed. 5/21 Warm-Ups:Final exam packet (22, 26, 27, 50, 56, 59, 63, 70 – 73)

Day 71 Thurs. 5/22 Warm-Ups: Final Exam Review packet (6 – 8, 12, 13, 16, 17)

Day 72 Fri. 5/23 Warm-Ups: Final Exam Review Packet (18 – 21, 23, 24, 25)

Open Notes Chapter 14 Test

WEEK 18:

5/26 No School Monday: Memorial Day

Day 73 Tues. 5/27Warm-Ups: Final Exam Review Packet (28 – 35)

Day 74 Wed. 5/28 Warm-Ups:Final Exam Review Packet (36 – 43)

Day 75 Thurs. 5/29 Warm-Ups: Final Exam Review Packet (44 – 49, 51, 52)

Senior Exams: Evens

Day 76 Fri. 5/30 Warm-Ups: Final Exam Review Packet (54 – 58, 60 – 62)

Senior Exams: Odds

WEEK 19:

Day 77 Mon. 6/2 Warm-Ups:

Go over HW

After Test: Work on Final Exam Review Packet (64 – 69, 74)

Day 78 Tues. 6/3 Warm-Ups: p.468 (1 – 5)

Review for Final Exam: Place Your Bets

Collect Textbooks

Day 79 Wed. 6/4 EVEN EXAMS

Day 80 Thurs. 6/5 ODD EXAMS

Day 81 Fri. 6/6 Teacher In-Service

Notes on 10.1: Exploring Conic Sections

Circles, Ellipses, Parabolas & Hyperbolas, intro with finding intercepts - p.547 (1 – 6

Use 10.1 Worksheet for 2-D sections of 3-D shapes

CW: p.550 (1 – 3) Must be on graph paper!!!

HW: p.550 – 551 (17 – 30)

Notes on 10.3: Circles (Go over p.561 (1 – 6) first)

Writing equations given a graph, given center & radius, or center & diameter, write equations after a translation, find the center and radius from and equation, graph circles

Find domain and range, Do examples like the assigned book problems.

CW: Alg. 2 Practice10-3 Circle Wkst #1 & p.565 (45 – 48)

Ch 9 Extra Credit : For students that did their homework only

DUE Thursday!! P.540 (27, 30, 31, 34 – 40)

Warm-Ups:p.566 (71, 73, 76, 4, 5)

Go over HW

Notes on 10.3: Circles

Writing equations in standard form when given a point on the circle and the center is at the origin (use distance formula or Pythagoreans thm), Writing equations in standard form by completing the square, and finding points of intersection.

CW: 10.3 Circle Worksheet #2 (The old 11.2 Wkst)

Notes on 10.4: Ellipses (With the center at the origin)

Vocab: domain, range, major axis, minor axis, foci, vertices, co-vertices,

Put equations in standard form given certain information

CW: p.571 – 572 (2 – 14 even, 20 – 38 even, 44, 46)

Warm-Ups: p. 572 (50, 53, 70, 75, 76)

Go over HW

Notes on 10.4: Ellipses (With center (h, k))

Put equations in standard form by completing the square, Graphing with center (h, k)

CW: 10.4 Worksheet (Put each in standard form, find pertinent info, & graph)

Warm-Ups:p.572(57) p.573 (71, 77, 81, 82)

Go over HW

Reviewed Circles and Ellipses

Take Home - Circle & Ellipse QUIZ DUE TOMORROW!!

Warm-Ups: p.566 (4, 5) & p.580 (55, 57, 1, 2)

Go over HW

Notes on 10.5:Hyperbolas (Center the origin)

CW: p.578 (2 – 12 even, 20 – 26 even) ****There are 6 graphs****

Go over HW

Notes on 10.5:Hyperbolas (Center (h, k))

CW:Hyperbola Worksheet (1 – 8)

Go over CW

10.5 Notes: Putting Hyperbolas in Standard Form

HW: CW:Hyperbola Worksheet (9 – 15)

p.589 (6, 7)

Go over HW

Review Ellipses & Hyperbolas

CW:11.3/11.4 Ellipse/Hyperbola Worksheet (Turn – In For a Grade)

Warm-Ups: p.594 (1 – 4, 31, 34)

Go over HW

Notes on 10.2: Parabolas that open up & down

Graphing, equations with vertex at (0,0) and (h, k), complete the square

HW: 10.2 #1 Wkst

Warm-Ups: p.588 (59 – 63)

Go over HW

Notes on 10.2: Parabolas that open left & right

Graphing, equations with vertex at (0,0) and (h, k), complete the square

HW:10.2 #2 Wkst

Warm-Ups: p.589 (1, 2)

Go over HW

Notes on 10.2: Finding the equation of parabolas given the vertex and focus, or vertex

and directrix & 10.6 Notes: Translations of Conics

HW:10.2 #3 Wkst

Warm-Ups: p.589 (8, 9)

Go over HW

CW: Conics Review Scavenger Hunt

Parabola Quiz Wkst

Chapter 10 Review Worksheet DUE Monday!!!

Warm-Ups:p.587 (37 – 46)

Go over Chapter 10 Review Worksheet

Chapter 10 Jeopardy

Warm-Ups: NONE

Chapter 10 Test: Conic Sections

After Test: ACT Midterm Wkst