JUNE 8, 2015

7:00 P. M.

Mayor Weller called the regular meeting of the Kadoka City Council to order at 7:00 p.m. with the following members present: Colby Shuck; Arne Lund; Ryan Willert; and Cory Lurz. Members absent: Dick Stolley; and Brad Jorgensen arrived at 8:40 p.m. Others present: Patty Ulmen, Finance Officer; Carmen Huffman; Nathan Riggins; Karl Ireland; Candice Buchholz; Tina Williams; Rebecca Nemecek; Lenny Sanftner; Jackie Stilwell; and Sarah Devries. John Word arrived at 7:03 p.m.

Willert made Motion 15-06-08:63 to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of May 11, 2015 and the special meeting of May 20, 2015. The motion was seconded by Lund, with all members voting yes and the motion carried 4-0.

The bills were presented for approval. Shuck made Motion 15-06-08:64 to approve the bills as submitted. The motion was seconded by Willert. A roll call vote was taken, with all members voting yes and the motion carried 4-0.

AFLAC / Monthly Premium / $ 113.38
Delta Dental / Monthly Premium / $ 515.40
Huss, Shawn / Lifeguard Training / $ 1,055.00
Rodenburg Law Firm / Wage Assignment / $ 150.00
SD Retirement / Monthly Contribution / $ 2,103.82
Verizon Wireless / Cell Phone / $ 98.19
Voided / Voided / $ -
Bank West / Petty Cash / $ 100.00
Banyon Data Systems / Annual Maintenance Agreement / $ 795.00
Blackburn Basement Systems / Final Payment/Bar Floor / $ 6,447.70
Dakota Hills Pest Service / Pest Control / $ 200.00
Davidson, Susan / Election Board / $ 135.00
Fromm's Hardware / Supplies / $ 190.12
Gibson Concrete / Street Improvement / $ 5,413.68
Golden West / Telephone/Cable / $ 775.95
Hawkins / Pool Supplies / $ 1,086.60
Horst, Mayola / Election Board / $ 135.00
J & S Restore / Vehicle Repairs / $ 287.90
Jackson County Conservation / Trees & Plants/Park / $ 56.50
Kadoka Oil, LLC / Heating Fuel / $ 577.50
Kadoka Press / Publishing / $ 864.97
KCBA / Reimburse Expenses / $ 517.00
Lauritsen Enterprises / Refund Meter Deposit / $ 35.00
Mid-American Research Chemical / Supplies / $ 158.67
Northwest Pipe / Supplies / $ 2,545.12
Pahlke, Alvin / Legal Services / $ 150.00
Pierre Landfill / Tipping Fees / $ 1,249.92
Quill / Supplies / $ 683.09
SD Assoc. of Rural Water / Camera Sewer Lines/Registration Fee / $ 790.00
SD DENR / Annual Drinking Water Fee / $ 300.00
SD Dept. of Health / Lab Samples / $ 15.00
SD Dept. of Revenue / Malt Beverage Licenses / $ 1,162.50
SD Dept. of Revenue / Sales Tax / $ 1,683.66
Servall / Laundry / $ 287.47
Sutton, Rita / Election Board / $ 135.00
T & K Rentals / Tent/Reunion Weekend / $ 2,700.00
United States Postal Service / Postage/Box Rent / $ 328.19
West Central Electric / Electricity / $ 4,837.15
West River Excavation / Solid Waste Transporation / $ 500.00
West River Lyman Jones / Water Payment / $ 5,388.75
Chamberlain Wholesale / Liquor Supplies / $ 963.35
Coca Cola / Liquor Supplies / $ 73.20
Dakota Toms / Liquor Supplies / $ 20.96
Eagle Sales / Liquor Supplies / $ 10,881.25
Jerome Beverage / Liquor Supplies / $ 2,271.35
Johnson Western Wholesale / Liquor Supplies / $ 3,710.76
Republic / Liquor Supplies / $ 4,314.86
ACH Withdrawal for Taxes / Federal Employment Taxes / $ 4,490.36
ACH Withdrawal for Dakota Care / Health Insurance Premium / $ 7,737.72
Total Bills Presented: / $ 79,032.04

A bill in the amount of $4,197.32 from Joe Handrahan (Handrahan Construction) for repairs to the ceiling in the finance office and for construction of a new awning at the swimming pool was presented for payment. After review, Shuck made Motion 15-06-08:65 to approve payment of this bill as submitted. The motion was seconded by Willert. A roll call vote was taken, with all members voting yes; the motion carried 4-0.

The financial statement, along with a report listing the breakdown of revenue, expenses, and bank balances for the month of May was distributed. After a review of the information, Shuck made Motion 15-06-08:66 to approve the financial report. The motion was seconded by Willert. A roll call vote was taken, with all members voting yes and the motion carried 4-0.

City of Kadoka Financial Statement as of 5-31-15:

Revenue: General Fund - $128,227.96; 3 B’s Fund - $1,829.73; Street Fund - $3.67; Liquor Fund - $33,250.19; Water Fund - $10,917.29; Sewer Fund - $2,271.75; Solid Waste Fund - $4,472.04.

Expense: General Fund - $33,137.63; 3B’s Fund - $1,671.90; Liquor Fund - $34,204.86; Water Fund - $9,527.19; Sewer Fund - $1,559.02; Solid Waste Fund - $2,937.01.

Payroll: Administration - $3,229.64; Streets - $2,765.51; Police - $2,761.46; Auditorium/Parks - $2,868.85; Liquor - $4,254.18; Water/Sewer – $3,197.57; Solid Waste - $1,136.70; Group Health/Dental - $7,737.72; Retirement - $2,103.82; Social Security/Medicare - $4,490.36.

Bank Balances: Checking Account - $1,111,621.60; ATM Account - $2,646.31; Certificates of Deposit - $769,056.71.


A. Dick Stolley, council member from Ward I did not file a petition for re-election and does not wish to continue as a council member. Lund made Motion 15-06-08:67 to appoint Leonard Sanftner to fill the vacant seat for a term of one year. The motion was seconded by Shuck. A roll call vote was taken with all members voting yes, and the motion carried 4-0. Mayor Weller administered the oath of office to Leonard Sanftner.

B. Cory Lurz, council member from Ward II did not file a petition for re-election and does not wish to continue as a council member. Willert made Motion 15-06-08:68 to appoint John Word to fill the vacant seat for a term of one year. The motion was seconded by Shuck. A roll call vote was taken with all members voting yes, and the motion carried 4-0. Mayor Weller administered the oath of office to John Word.

Citizen Input: No one was present to address the council.


A. Malt Beverage License Renewals: The malt beverage license renewal application for Aw! Shucks Café was presented for approval. Shuck declared a conflict of interest and abstained from discussion and voting. Willert made Motion 15-06-08:69 to approve the application. The motion was seconded by Word. A roll call vote was taken: Sanftner-yes; Willert-yes; Lund-yes: Word-yes; Shuck-abstain; the motion carried 4-0-1.

Lund made Motion 15-06-08:70 to approve the following malt beverage license applications: Club 27; Creative Cuts & Fitness; Discount Fuel, Inc.; KC Enterprises (H & H El Centro Restaurant); Jigger’s Restaurant; Kadoka Gas & Go, Inc.; and Sunset Grill LLC. The motion was seconded by Shuck. A roll call vote was taken, with all members voting yes and the motion carried 5-0.

B. Dog Ordinance: Carmen Huffman inquired if there was a leash law in the city. She stated that she had been out for a walk and a dog approached her from behind in a threatening manner. She did call law enforcement and the dog was caught. However, she was concerned about other dogs within the city. A notice regarding the city’s ordinance will be published in the paper.

C. Wedding Reception: Karl Ireland and Candice Buchholz were present to request permission to set up a tent on Main Street for their wedding reception. The tent would be 40’ x 60’ and would need to be staked to the street. After discussion, Shuck made Motion 15-06-08:71 to allow the tent to be used for the wedding reception. The motion was seconded by Word. A roll call vote was taken: Word-yes; Sanftner-no; Shuck-yes; Willert-no; Lund-yes. The motion failed 3-2. However, the morning after the meeting, there was a request from a council member to reconsider. All members were contacted via telephone and after discussion, the request was granted by the council.

D. Building Permit/Dale O’Connell: A building permit for Dale O’Connell was presented for approval. After review, Shuck made Motion 15-06-08:72 to approve the building permit as submitted. The motion was seconded by Lund. A roll call vote was taken, with all members voting yes and the motion carried 5-0.

Moving Permit/Harris Eisenbraun: A moving permit for Harris Eisenbraun was presented for approval. After discussion, the council tabled the request until the next council meeting.

E. Waiver of Open Container Law/Reunion Corn Hole Tournament: The council received a request to allow open containers during the corn hole tournament which is scheduled for 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm on Friday, June 26, 2015. The tournament location is the empty lot between the Masonic Temple and the Fire Hall. After discussion, Shuck made Motion 15-06-08:73 to grant the request. The motion was seconded by Sanftner. A roll call vote was taken, with all members voting yes and the motion carried 5-0.


A. Water/Sewer: After inspection of the sewer line on Chestnut Street in front of the auditorium, it was determined that the line needs to be replaced. Information and a map of the locations that need to have the sewer lines replaced were presented to the council. Additional information and possible bid specifications will be prepared and presented to the council at the next meeting.

B. Streets: The street project for Chestnut Street will need to be delayed a year due to the sewer line repair project. This year’s project will be done on Poplar Street.

C. Solid Waste: no report

D. Liquor: Blackburn Basement Systems completed the repairs to the floor in the bar and the repairs came with a lifetime warranty. Floor tile will need to be replaced and the floors need to be waxed, but will not be done until after reunion weekend. Discussion was held on the trash dumpster and Tina Williams was instructed to contact someone to build a replacement dumpster.

E. Public Safety: The monthly report was distributed.

F. Auditorium/Park: The auditorium floor project has been completed and the new awning at the pool has been installed.

G. Mayor’s Report: There is an elected official’s workshop to be held in Pierre on July 8, 2015. Any council member wishing to attend should notify the finance officer by June 23 so that registrations can be submitted. Due to having new members on the council, the mayor once again asked for input regarding the Florence Hogen Memorial. Upon designation of committee assignments, 2016 budget worksheets are due to be distributed to appropriate council members for completion. Letters on property cleanup will be completed and sent in the near future.

Executive Session per SDCL 1-25-2 (1) / Personnel: Willert made Motion 15-06-08:74 to go into executive session to discuss personnel matters. The motion was seconded by Shuck, with all members voting yes. The council, along with Finance Officer Patty Ulmen, Tina Williams and Jackie Stilwell went into executive session at 8:37 p.m. Brad Jorgensen arrived at 8:40 p.m. The council was declared out of executive session at 9:39 p.m.

Shuck made Motion 15-06-08:75 to accept the resignations for three part time bartenders, effective at the end of business on July 11, 2015. The motion was seconded by Willert. A roll call vote was taken, with all members voting yes and the motion carried 6-0.

Willert made Motion 15-06-08:76 to advertise for a bar manager and part time bartenders. The motion was seconded by Sanftner. A roll call vote was taken, with all members voting yes and the motion carried 6-0.

Lund made Motion 15-06-08:77 to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Shuck, with all members voting yes and the meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m.


Finance Officer Mayor

Published once at the approximate cost of