
Amazon Research Network 2

1. Information Project 2

2. Introduction 2

3. Diagnostics 3

4. Justification 4

5. Objective 5

5.1 General Objective 5

5.2 Specific Objectives 5

6. Management Model 5

6.1 Organizational Structure 5

6.2 Sustainability and financing 6

6.3 Main functions of the Network 7

6.4 Expected results 7

7. References: 7

Amazon Research Network

Document for discussion and construction

Prepared by the Ministry of the Coordination of Knowledge and Human Talent, Ecuador (MCCTH)

1. Project Information

1.1 Name of the Project Amazon Research Network Project

1.2 Country submitting the proposal Republic of Ecuador

1.3 Participating countries Members Countries of the Amazon

Cooperation Treaty Organization


1.4 Location 8 ACTO Member Countries

1.5 Amount To Be Determined

2. Introduction

In the XII Meeting of Foreign Ministers of the Member Countries of ACTO, held in El Coca, on May 3, 2013, Ecuador assumed the following commitments:

• Hold a meeting of Member Countries of ACTO in the city of Quito, 25 and June 26, 2013, to formulate a proposal for the creation of the Amazon Research NetworkCentersfrom a background document prepared by Ecuador.

With this background, the Republic of Ecuador, in order to meet its commitments, present the following base proposal , with the intention that, after finishing the working day on 25 and 26 of June in the city of Quito and after knowing the experiences of the performance of research networks in each of the Member Countries, there will be proposal of the Amazon Research Network of ACTO.

3 . Diagnosis

Our "Amazon" or "Amazon Basin" is not only the largest rainforest on Earth, the largest watershed, but one of the three most biodiverse in the world. Additionally, it has been considered one of the seven natural wonders and a stabilizer climate of the entire planet (Campos, 2013: 3).

The Ecuador is one of the eight countries that share the Amazon Basin, consider this as a strategic area and promotes the creation and strengthening of Amazon Research Network as a mechanism contributing to multilevel integration of the Member Countries of this initiative. In this context, it is initially focused in the objectives of this network, which, in short, seek to enhance the cooperation of Member Countries in the development of deep and comprehensive investigations which will help to understand the ways of life of the Amazon ecosystem, their multiple interrelationships, containing value and options for sustainable use of goods and services, and thus contribute to decision-making process.

Ecuador, like other Amazonian countries, is in a constant struggle for the preservation of the environmental components of their spaces, as well as the preservation of traditional knowledge of peoples and nationalities living in these territories. For these purposes, the legal framework of Ecuador has given a strong impetus in terms of care and respect for nature, since the Constitution of 2008, the Republic of Ecuador recognizes the rights of nature or Pacha Mama, establishing a comprehensive compliance of their existence and ongoing maintenance and regeneration of its vital cycles, structure and evolutionary processes.

Within-level concepts used, nature conservation is key to understand the perspective of each country on them. Thus, biodiversity is not only the multiplicity of forms of life expressed in ecosystems, species and genes, but the expression of the potential of using these, and possible strategies for their sustainable management (Leff, s / f: 1); however, "the sustainable development must start with knowledge" (Patiño, 2013). The "bio-knowledge", which we discussed in Ecuador, has been conceived "as a set of theories, knowledge and applications that the society has developed over biodiversity "(SENPLADES, Nature and Culture, UTPL, 2010 in Campos, 2013: 5) and in Ecuador, develop the" bio-knowledge "is one way to achieve the Good Life.

The "bio-knowledge" is understood as the knowledge gained from direct contact and coexistence with the environment, so it is required of the mechanisms and means for preservation and subsequent socialization. In this sense, we speak of solidarity mechanisms for knowledge sharing, which must respect and recognize their origin and historical accumulation, protecting the rights of peoples and nationalities of each Member Country.

Given the complexity of evolution that has led to what is now the Amazon, research and knowledge development is only possible from the multi interdisciplinary, so that not only should take into account the development of inventories of flora and fauna, but also invest in the reconstruction of what might be called "cultural landscapes Amazon" that means understanding the interrelationships of ecological and cultural forms of human intervention, their impacts, sustainability pathways, the values ​​it contains, etc..

In the current historical context, this vision is important, but also is essential in the actual knowledge time, in order to establish a joint projection to face new and complex international challenges that are posed to the Amazon as part of the multiple crises facing humanity and the planet.

But there is a way that have already been covered . As research networks in the region, according to the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), exist in Latin America and the Caribbean nearly 300 research institutions and according to a mapping of MCCTH made by officials, has identified five scientific-technological networks in Latin America, the same that relate to regional bodies such as the OAS, ALBA, CAN and MERCOSUR. It is then time to enhance this experience


The Amazon Cooperation Treaty, Article VII, paragraph a), states "promote scientific research", also defined in Article IX that "contracting parties agree to establish close cooperation in the fields of scientific and technological research" through the "conduction of joint or coordinated research and development programs."

In this sense, today exist international networks or associations aimed at cooperation in the areas of academic, scientific and technological.

The advantages of regional networking, is the possibility of expansion and diversification of knowledge, research findings, that contribute to the solution of strategic problems at that level. These networks become partners that transcend national boundaries and are key players in the creation of regional identities.

Although in our region exist academic networks in science and technology, only the Association of Amazonian Universities (UNAMAZ) has emphasis on research and analysis of the Amazon region. It has 61 University Members, of which eight are in the list ranking of top universities in the Latin America and Caribbean Scimago Latin América and Caribean, 2012.

Within these networks, the main mechanisms of cooperation are:

• Academic mobility of teachers and students

• Accreditation and quality assurance

• IntegralResearch on common themes

• Sharing of knowledge and best practices

Apart from the five networks of science and technology, there are two academic networks in Latin America. In Europe two networks of science and technology wereidentified as well as in Asia .

However, without calling into question the validity and recognition of internationally excellence with several of these institutions, the Amazon Research Network aims to include several institutes and research centers, public and private, which are not necessarily within of UNAMAZ.

5. Objective

5.1General Objective

In this context, the Amazon Research Network aims to be: an open space of cooperation for strengthening scientific research and reflection around topics related to studies of the Amazon, made by different research centers, distributed between the 8 ACTO Member Countries, providing connection between local universities, colleges, research institutes, and national agencies to promote the development and transfer of scientific knowledge and consolidate integration activities within Amazonian studies.

5.2Specific Objectives

a) Exchange scientific knowledge developed in the ACTO Member Countries on natural resources and biodiversity of the Amazon for the sustainable development of the region.

b) Record data on existing natural heritage in the Amazon basin for research and documentation proposal.

c) Consolidate spaces to validate and update the production of knowledge through different mechanisms.

d) To achieve academic mobility of students, teachers and academics, through the network level

e) Establish a network of researchers in studies of the Amazon, at the regional level.

6. Management Model

6.1 Organizational Structure

Amazon Research Network will be led by a Board of Directors (governing body), which shall consist of one delegate from each Member Country, for which, each country should have a procedure for representation of research centers that will make up the Network. The Board will have regular meetings (regular and special) and propose strategic research, regional research priorities and action plans for the consolidation of a dynamic information systems on basic and applied research.

The Board will establish priority research themes, distributed according to areas of science (ecology, biodiversity, natural resource management, sustainable development, biology, nanotechnology, geography, geology, mining studies, oil studies, etc..) . Its management will be articulated to ACTO guidelines and priorities established at the level of the Permanent Secretary. The groups represent research operating units of the network, while the centers would be built as the operational units of management and organization of the activity of the Network

For the implementation of strategic research, according to the priority axes, Technical Committees will be formed to develop Regional Action Plans, establishing the scope and responsibilities of each Member Country.

The work of each of the centers would be organized according to the strategic research in scientific areas listed above.

The Board, in coordination with the advice of the Technical Committee/s shall conduct periodic evaluations of the implementation of the action plans, on which various matter can be addressed and meet the objectives of the Amazon Research Network.

The Amazon Research Network is composed of the ACTO Member Countries and its Board of Directors, each country will have a representative, and will meet periodically, to define the lines of action and policies to be implemented.

The Council shall be the highest body and supreme authority of the Amazon Research Network and represent the set of Member Countries. For the organization and management of the Amazon Research Network, the Board will set the status, protocols and procedures necessary to achieve an organizational structure that allows the implementation of the priorities of regional research and strengthening of scientific research.

The Amazon Research Network directly will contribute to meeting the targets set by the Executive Direction of ACTO. The strategic lines of research must be approved by the Executive Direction of ACTO, and its implementation will be directly related to the fulfillment of the objectives set in the Amazon Cooperation Treaty.

For the organization and management of the Amazon Research Network ,the Technical Secretariat is created , and the same would be the body responsible for establishing, coordinating and implementing the strategic research and thematic research priorities, technology and innovation of ACTO through supervision and coordination of the activities of the various research centers, distributed among the Member Countries of ACTO

Meetings of the Amazon Research Network, both in management and technical level, will be financed by Member Countries, and they will be held in a rotating way, being the hosting Member Country responsible for the organization and financing of the meeting.

6.2Sustainability and financing

The operating organization of the the Amazon Research Network is funded by Member Countries, for which the Board of Directors shall present the Annual and Quadrennial Operating Plan . Research Centers will be funded according to the research policies of each Member Country.

6.3 Main functions of the Network

a. Establish, coordinate and implement science policy, technology and innovation of ACTO, in accordance with the objectives of the Commission of Science, Technology and Innovation and the provisions in this regard established in the Amazon Cooperation Treaty (TCA)

b. Implementvalidated research programs v.

c. Knowledge management and exchange of information relating to the identification of plant, animal and microbial species to promote a didactic teaching based on the observation and research of environmental resources, considering the latter as a "living laboratory".

d. Propose applied research of possible actions to mitigate and adapt to climate change. Promote research among Member Countries in the region to implement actions saving energy infrastructure.

6.4 Expected results

The expected results should be directed towards

  • The achievement of a research network of Amazonian studies, which not only strengthen the knowledge of the Amazon basin in the country, but allows us to have a wider perspective of the context at the level of the region. In this way, we can join effort for the diagnosis and subsequent management of common problems among Member Countries in this area.
  • Consolidate the participation and cooperation of ACTO Member Countries through strategic research lines in Member Countries.
  • Strengthen information models and mechanisms for compliance with targets set by the Executive Direction of ACTO.

7. References:

CAMPOS, Philip (2013). "Amazonian development model based on biological scientific research, for the use and exploitation of biodiversity, within philosophy of Good Living", Consulting MCCTH.

Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador (2008).

LEFF, Henry (s / f). "Geopolitics of Biodiversity and Sustainable Development:

Economizing the world, environmental soundness and social reappropriation of nature ". Available in Verified on June 10, 2013.

UNESCO (2005). "Towards Knowledge Societies". Available at: Verified on June 13, 2013.