Boarding Agreement

This Agreement is made on ______, between Great Escape Stables (referred to as “GES”) Management of South Lyon, Michigan and ______(referred to as “Owner”), owner of the horse(s) described in Section 2.

****In choosing to keep an equine at a GES the Owner acknowledges that they are entrusting the care of their horse(s) to GES barn management and trainer(s). This means Owner and GES staff work together to keep horse(s) in proper health and condition. GES staff members are professionals and their direction and advice is not to be taken lightly as they have each equines best interest as a priority.****

1. Fees & Terms

(a) Owner agrees to pay monthly board stated below starting on ______.

·  $725 covers all basic monthly board/care and up to 7 lessons a month (1 hour group or ½ hour focus) and up to 1 free training ride per week, additional training rides are billed at $35 per ride at the trainer’s discretion. Additional boarder lessons after the min. 7 lessons are taken are available at a discount of $35 per lesson billed the following month. Additional family members who have grooming and tacking up skills may purchase 30 min. lessons on a boarded horse for $25, billed the following month or may take one of the main riders lessons if the main rider is unable to attend all 7 of their lessons. Make-ups must be scheduled within 30 days of any missed lesson. Boarders get a discounted barn show rate taking $3 off each class fee. All costs are non-refundable and non-transferable. Prorated situations may apply.

o  Additionally any boarders who have family members taking regular focus or group lessons on any horse will automatically have their lesson cost reduced to $35 per lesson. This is invoiced monthly on board invoices.

(b) As with any lesson and training facility, Great Escape Stables requires that every horse maintain a certain standard of fitness for lessons and showing. Boarded horses must be ridden a minimum of 3 days per week including at least 1 lesson (this is outside of any free training rides included in board) on a regular. Horses boarded at GES who are not being ridden or worked with by their owner at least three days a week will warrant training rides at $35 each if above and beyond what is included in the board package or maybe used in canter/jump lessons at the trainer’s discretion. This may exclude when the owner is on vacation and notified GES management. Owners that are laid up for a period of time with illness, injury or other commitments may assign another boarder in the barn to ride their horse, will incur additional training rides or may have their horse used in a canter/jump lesson to ensure the horses standard of fitness is maintained. Please talk with your trainer to make arrangements if you need time off riding.

This policy is in place to avoid having boarded horses out of shape, out of condition, unattended, un-ridden.

(c) GES reserves the right to notify the Owner if the horse, in GES’s opinion is deemed to be dangerous or undesirable for GES establishment. In such case, the Owner shall be solely responsible for removing the horse within seven (7) days of said notice and for all fees incurred during the horse’s presence upon the premises. This Agreement shall be deemed terminated and concluded upon the payment of all fees.

(d) Board invoices are sent out on the 20th of each month and payment MUST be received by the 1st of the following month (example: invoice goes out June 20, board due July 1). Board not paid by the 1th of the month will be charged a $50 late fee and a $10 per day daily fee. If board is not paid by the 15th of the month a lean will be placed on the horse or eviction will ensue. Board maybe paid through GES Paypal service or via Credit Card but will incur a service fee.

(e) Board price is based on current grain, hay and bedding costs. Board is subject to change with 30 days written notice from GES to boarded horse owner. Surcharges may apply during times when costs temporarily rise.

(f) Owner is solely responsible for damage to stable facilities beyond normal wear and tear caused by the boarded horse or Owner, as determined by GES. This includes but is not limited to destruction of stall or pasture(s), equipment (feed tubs, water buckets, cross-ties), arenas or other areas on the property. Chewing, biting or kicking will almost ultimately result in excess damage for which the owner could be billed.

(g) GES reserves the right to levy surcharges for horses or clients determined to utilize more than standard amounts of feed, hay, personnel, or other resources. GES will notify the Owner of said resource use and associated fee. GES reserves the right to levy occasional surcharges to cover unanticipated capital or operating costs. This includes horses on weight gain diets, oversize breeds, excessive use of shavings/bedding, need for extra hay, riders not cleaning up after themselves, anyone making additional work for staff for any reason, lack of rule following etc.

(h) BOARD INCLUDES: one tack locker per owner, one bridle hook per horse (you may only keep your bridle & martingale on bridle hooks), one saddle rack per rider to keep your saddle and one saddle pad at a time. Additional items may be kept in either your tack trunk or on the top shelf of the storage area in the tack room if available and stored neatly. Equipment that is homeless and can’t be identified will be placed in the lost and found bin. All your leather items should have name plates and your name should appear on any non-leather item as well.

(i) BOARDER MUST HAVE: Each boarded horse must have one of the following. A halter with a throatlatch snap and leather crown piece for safety or an all leather halter, a lead rope with a chain, a heavy weight- waterproof winter turnout blanket, waterproof turnout sheet and Turbo Dry cooler. If you have more then one of these items they must be kept in your tack locker or at home. If you are leasing a horse your trainer will talk with you about necessary items.

(j) Please make sure ALL your items are clearly labeled.

(k) LAUNDRY: Board includes weekly or monthly basic horse laundry (saddle pads, sheets, rags).

(l) Winter blankets are taken to the cleaners once a year. You will be billed accordingly on your board bill and notified ahead of time when this is done.

(m) FARRIER appointments are scheduled by the GES stable manager and they will notify you in advance when you will need to have an open check at the barn to pay the farrier. These appointments are also noted on the GES “lesson” calendar under “JON”. If GES must cover the cost of the farrier service a fee of $50 will apply in addition to the amount GES had to pay to cover the farrier service and will be due immediately. You may give GES’s stable manager an envelope of open checks for us to keep in your file to avoid additional fees for non-payment of farrier services. See section 7 of this agreement.

(n) VET appointments are scheduled by the GES stable manager and they will notify you in advance if the vet must be called or an appointment is scheduled. You will be responsible for all payments to the vet. Every horse that shows will automatically have a coggins done each spring. Each gelding automatically will have its sheath cleaned each spring when vaccinations are given. Each mare will have their udder cleaned. You will need to call our vet’s office to place a credit card number on file with them as well as to give them all you contact information prior to boarding your horse. See section 8 of this agreement.

(o) DISCOUNTS: Working boarders who have chosen to assist with barn chores in exchange for paying down their board must make sure to note these tasks on the record sheet. Due to the high cost of boarding a horse or pony there is a min. of deductions allowed. Boarders on the Standard board package may work off up to $100 per month.

(p) SHOWING: Due to being a small, private lesson and showing facility, GES offers board to clients who have horses and plan on showing with the show team to some extent. Each boarded horse must attend at least 4 out of barn shows a year. One show may be substituted for a Hunter/Jumper clinic.

2. Description of Horse(s).

Horse Barn Name: ______

Horse Show Name: ______

Date of Birth: ______Color:______Sex:______Breed:______Value (US$): ______Insurance: (circle) NO YES : Company______Policy Number:______Terms:______

Relevant Health History, Allergy/Sensitivity: ______

Special Needs/Concerns: ______

Current Feed & Supplements :______

Persons Authorized to handle your boarded horse outside of GES staff: ______

3. Turn-Out

Horses will be turned out in groups of compatible horses daily, weather permitting. Supplemental hay given when appropriate.

4. Standard of Care

GES agrees to provide normal and reasonable care to maintain the health and well-being of said horse(s).

Standard Accommodations:

(a) Box Stall, at least 10’ x 10’.

(b) Bedding material as per GES standard.

(c) Daily turn out in groups of compatible horses, weather permitting.

(d) Grain ration morning and evening (up to 1 scoop each feeding).

(e) Hay in stall evenings and in pasture daily to supplement pasture feeding as appropriate. Up to 6 flakes a day.

(f) A worming program consistent with recognized standards will be applied. Sensitivity/allergy to worming medication should be noted here: ______

(g) As a boarder of GES no owner shall administer any kind of drugs to their horse outside the presence of the stable manager or a managing member of Great Escape Stables.

(h) No boarder may change their horses diet or supply their horse with unnecessary supplements. All feed changes must be discussed and agreed upon by GES management. Supplements must be pre-packaged or purchased in Smartpak’s. The exception is liquid supplements. Powdered supplements are discouraged as they don’t stick to a horses food and are wasted when a horse blows them out of their feed tub or leaves the powder at the bottom of their feed dish.

(i) Fly masks, fly spray, boots, blankets and sheets will be applied as needed, owners must supply all these items if they wish to have them applied to their horse and their horse needs them. Excessive handling or dressing/undressing of a horse for any reason will result in an additional handling fee at management’s discretion based on time spent.

5. Risk of Loss/Hold Harmless

(a) Owner agrees to hold GES harmless from any act of ordinary negligence of any of its agents, contractors, or employees arising from any accident, injury, or damage whatsoever, however caused,

to any person or persons, or the property of any person or persons or corporations occurring during such term of this

Agreement and arising out of the use and care of said horse(s). This includes, but is not limited to, any personal injury or disability the horse Owner or Owner’s guest, may receive on GES’s premises.

(b) During the time that the horse(s) is/are in custody of GES, GES agents and employees shall not be liable for any sickness, disease, estray, theft, death, or injury which may be suffered by the horse(s) or any other cause of action arising out of or being connected in any way with the boarding of said horses.

(c) The Owner understands that GES does not carry any insurance on any horse(s) not owned by it for boarding of for any other purposes, whether public liability, accidental injury, theft, of equine mortality insurance, and that all risks connected with boarding or for any other reason for which the horse(s) in the possession of, and on the premises of GES are to be borne by the Owner. GES recommends the Owner obtain equine mortality insurance applicable to subject horse(s).

(d) The Owner may store, at his/her own risk, certain tack and equipment on the premises of GES at no additional charge to the Owner. However, GES shall not be responsible for the theft, loss, damage, or disappearance of any tack or equipment or other property stored at GES. GES shall not be liable for the theft, loss, damage, or disappearance of any tack or equipment taken to horse shows or clinics.

(e) The Owner understands that they and/or anyone they allow to ride their horse does so at their own risk and may not hold GES or any of its affiliates responsible in the case of injury or death. Boarded horses at GES may only be ridden under the training of a GES instructor and are not to have “training rides” by any rider or instructor unless under the supervision and guidance of a GES instructor.

(f) Anyone mounting a horse at GES MUST have a liability form on file! Keep in mind you work hard to train and ride your horse. What it took you 6 months to do with your horse someone might start to undo can undo in 20 mins. of bad riding.

(g) No on other than riders and/or their parents maybe in the barn aisle at lesson times. It is too busy and too dangerous to have friends and family lingering in the aisle way. This is also posted on the arena wall as well. Please ask visitors and guest to wait in one of the viewing areas as well as make sure they follow all posted rules. If staff is in the barn and sees a policy not being enforced…lingering guests, open toed shoes, feeding the horses (w/o permission), standing behind a horse etc. YOU will be reminded of the policies for the safety of the horses and themselves. Please advise your guests of GES rules and ask staff if you have any questions.

6. Emergency Care

(a) If emergency medical treatment for the horse is needed, GES will call the Owner as soon as this is recognized. In the event the Owner is not reached, GES has the authority to secure emergency veterinary and/or blacksmith care. However, GES has no responsibility to pay for such emergency care. Owner is responsible to pay all costs relating to this care. GES is authorized to arrange for billing to the Owner, but Owner must make such arrangements with veterinarian and clinic in advance.