Date: April 9th and 11th

Teacher: Meg Wilson

School: Auburn Early Education Center

Grade: Kindergarten

Focus (Skill Theme): Dribbling

Sub-Focus (Movement Concepts): Spatial Awareness, speed, partner relationships

Objective: At the end of this lesson the students will be able to dribble with changes in speed, maintain the dribble while starting and stopping traveling, and be able to control the ball with a partner.

Cues: 1. Slow as a turtle

2. Fast as a rabbit

3. Low as your knees

4. High as your head

Equipment:~8 basketballs

~8 various sized balls


Protocols: Red Light; Green Light; 1,2,3 All Eyes On Me

Set Induction: Does anybody know how fast a turtle moves? How about a rabbit? Today we are going to learn how to dribble as slow as a turtle and as fast as a rabbit!

Content Development:

  1. When I say go, everyone pick out a ball and dribble it in your personal space like Ms. Steeb taught you how to do.
  2. Now we are going to start to dribble with our balls in a circle. Everyone make a circle.

~With your coloring hand, dribble as slow as a turtle in place.

~Now, start walking around the circle still dribbling slowly.

~Switch hands and dribble as slow as a turtle.

~Now, start walking around the circle still dribbling slowly.

~With your coloring hand, dribble as fast as a rabbit in place.

~Now, start walking around the circle still dribbling fast.

~Switch hands and dribble as fast as a rabbit.

~Now, start walking around the circle still dribbling slowly.

  1. Now we are going to start dribbling facing me in our personal space at different heights.

~With your coloring hand, dribble as low as your knees from the ground.

~Switch your hands and dribble as low as your knees.

~With your coloring hand, dribble as high as your head from the ground.

~Switch your hands and dribble as high as your head.

  1. Now you are going to dribble fast and slow in a zigzag pattern through the cones.
  2. Now I want you to partner off.We are going to play a really fun game with a partner and our basketballs.
  3. Now I want you to stand 3 gigantic steps across from your partner.
  4. Now, we are going to pass the basketball to our partner with only one big bounce.
  5. Now, see if you can bounce the ball with two bounces between you and your partner.
  6. Now, everyone bring your basketballs to the front and put them in a huge pile.

Culminating Activity:

1.Now we are going to play the Frozen Dribbling Game!

2.Dribble around in general space.

3.If you lose control of the ball or bump into someone then you are frozen.

4.You should stop where you are and hold your ball above your head.

5.You become unfrozen when someone touches you on the shoulder.

6.Remember try not to run into anyone or lose your basketball.


1.What are some different heights that you can dribble?

2.What are some different speeds that you can dribble?

  1. What sport do you need to be able to dribble in all of these different ways

to play?