Crete Rotary Club
Activities Calendar
July Club Assembly: quarterly planning meeting
Jack TCommunity Service: Saline County Fair (Beer Garden, Figure 8 Races, Parade)
Community Service: Saline County Fair Recycling (Fri, Sat, Sun mornings)
August Community Service: Begin District Grant Project
KarenRotary/Fye Rotary Fundraisers @ The Brew House (Oct. 8 or 9 ?)
Jim F.
SeptemberGrocery Grab preparation
ChrisCommunity Service: Dictionaries (last week of month)
Craig Community Service: Maples (?)
OctoberClub Assembly: quarterly planning meeting
JustinCommunity Service: Highway Cleanup (first week of month)
Tom S.Community Service: CAMC Health Fair
Stephanie Community Service: Sokol Hall Service & Halloween Festival (?)
Crete Pumpkin Festival- Oct.8th
November Sell Grocery Grab Tickets
Mary Rotary Foundation / Rotary International Program
Jim J.
December Grocery Grab
JanelleChristmas Party (Social Committee)
BrettHelp with Crete Cares (labor and financial)
January Club Assembly: quarterly planning meeting
February Community Service: Boy Scout Pancake Feed
Jenn Community Service: Elementary Book Fair
March Community Service: Hospital Health Fair
TrevorCommunity Service: Highway Cleanup (last week of month)
Jack G.
April Club Assembly: quarterly planning meeting
BobCommunity Service: Youth/Scout Cabin cleanup
BarbaraCommunity Service: Elementary School Carnival
May Grant Project Discussions
VickyCommunity Service: Rotary Park Cleanup? City Project? Spring Creek Project?
JillInvite scholarship winners/RYLA to a meeting
June Community Service: CAMC picnic
Tom P.Pass the Gavel Celebration (New President)
Program Reminders
- Club meetings are better with quality programs.
- Program topics should not be controversial.
- Start setting up programs at least a month ahead of your assigned month.
- Make sure your program presenter is aware of our meeting time constraints. Program should not exceed 30 minutes.
- Presenters can use our flat screen. They should bring their own laptop and should arrive early to make sure the connections will work. Let president know if the speaker requires any special digital hookups.
- Presenters are invited to eat with the club. Usually the sponsor member purchases their meal. If that is not possible or realistic because of multiple presenters/guest, the club can help with the cost.
- Program info (who, what, when, where, etc. and any questions) should be communicated to the Program Committee Chair or Club President for inclusion in our club schedule.