Seattle Women’s Hockey Club

Information Packet

2017-2018 Season

Mission Statement

The Seattle Women’s Hockey Club strives to establish a welcoming environment for women to learn to skate and play ice hockey in an atmosphere of cooperation and competition.

General Information

We welcome all women who want to play ice hockey. Our members span a wide range of hockey experience, from none at all to 15+ years; our average age is 38. With approximately 85 current members, we are growing all the time!

Our season runs from September through March.

We use three main tools to share information about up-coming events to club members:

 – Our website contains useful information for club members and anyone interested in hockey. It includes up-to-date schedule information, directions to home and away games, contact information, resources, etc.

SWHC email list – The majority of ongoing season information will be disseminated by email.

Facebook page – OurFacebook page supplements our primary email and website communication with upcoming events and information posted throughout the season.

Instagram – Follow us on Instagram:

All members must be registered with USA Hockey prior to stepping on the ice. To be eligible to join SWHC, a player must be 18 years of age or older by December 31 of the current season.

USA Hockey requires that every member be in full gear for every practice and game. This includes a full-face mask. See “Gear Checklist” section for details.


During the month of September, players may be assigned to one of two practices for evaluation purposes. It is important thatall club members attend their assigned practice(s) so that the coaches can accurately evaluate and then divide the members into evenly skilled tiered teams. If you are unable to attend your designated evaluation, please email as soon as possible. Our ice times for September are still to be determined, but we will send out an email to all club members as soon as they are scheduled.

Our practice ice times for the remainder of this season will be one hour practices Monday evenings at Olympicview Ice Arena from October through March.Starting in January, one to two practices a month will be transitioned into Club scrimmages.Occasional additional practices may be added on other week nights.Note: Ice times are subject to last minute changes beyond SWHC’s control.


Full Club and Game OnlyPlayers will be assigned to balanced tieredteams depending on their abilities as determined by our coaches. Tiered games will mostly be Saturday nights at Sno-King Kirkland.

Club scrimmages will occur one-two Monday nights starting in January. Practice only players have first priority. Full club members will be subject to a selection process to assure that all full club members have equal access to scrimmage opportunities. When selecting players, priority will be given to those that have played the least.

Everett Ravens and SnoCo games: Throughout the season, we’ll have opportunities to play against other local women’s teams. Games are assigned to each team with an equal amount of play and subbing opportunities will likely be available.


Jerseys are required for all members who will be playing in games with us. They are not required for practice-only members who are not playing in any tournaments. We will coordinate ordering jerseys prior to the Wenatchee Hot Autumn Ice tournament in November. Jerseys cost approximately $60 for a set of two (one white and one dark).


We typically attend two tournaments per season (Wenatchee Hot Autumn Ice in Fall and a second one in theSpring).


This season we will have primary coaches responsible for leading practices, and coaching intra-club games as available. We will also have captain and assistant captain, and who will support the primary coaches in practices and club games.

Player Code of Conduct for the Seattle Women’s Hockey Club

The following conduct guidelines are based on the premise that everyone participating in the Seattle Women’s Hockey Club (SWHC) is doing so voluntarily, and solely for the purpose of playing ice hockey. While ice hockey is a competitive sport, it is assumed that a spirit of cooperation and support will exist among the club members. Any SWHC participant who willfully performs any act that substantially interferes with or is detrimental to the orderly operation of the SWHC program shall be subject to discipline, suspension, or expulsion. Any such acts by participants on or off the ice at any time during the season constitute sufficient cause for discipline, suspension, or expulsion. Such acts shall include, but are not limited to, the following:

Failure to demonstrate courtesy, fairness, and respect for other participants, spectators, coaches, board members, SWHC property, or other property.

Creation of dissension among any members of the SWHC, including but not limited to slander, misrepresentation, or falsification.

In cases where a conflict, complaint, or concern arises, failure to follow the steps outlined in the SWHC Grievance Policy.


All players must pay a $75 registration fee upon submission of their registration documentsto cover player administration costs.Receipt of thisregistration fee reserves the player a place in the club on a first come-first-served basis and must be paid before the first practice. Once the player steps on the ice, their $75 registration fee is non-refundable. This fee maybe submittedat any time to the Seattle Women’s Hockey Club at PayPal.

Full club memberships are on a first come, first served basis based on the date of receipt of the $75 registration fee. We are currently planning for 5 teams of 13members each. Once 65 teammembershave committed,any additional registrantswill be wait listed and considered practice only members until a space opens on a team due to player health changes or attrition.If we reach a full team’s worth of wait listed players by September 15th, 2017, we will add a 6th team if feasibleand adjust the calendar accordingly. Any players registering after September 15th, 2017will be wait listed and considered practice only members until a space is available on a team.The number of practice only members is unlimited.

Seasonal dues (additional to the registration fee) depend on the membership option, which must be one of those listed below. The seasonal dues are listed below.

Full Club Member$625 per season+ $75 registration fee

This member plays a forward and/or defense position and is a voting member of the Seattle Women’s Hockey Club. Her dues cover:

All club practices

All gamesscheduled for their tier

Eligibility for Monday night Club scrimmages (see Games section for more detail)

All tournament registration fees

Game Only Member$550 per season + $75 registration fee

This member plays a forward and/or defense position and is a voting member of the Seattle Women’s Hockey Club. Her dues cover:

All games scheduled for their tier

All tournament registration fees

Practice Only Member$400per season + $75 registration fee

This member plays either a forward or defense position and is a voting member of the Seattle Women’s Hockey Club. Her dues cover:

All club practices

Monday night Club scrimmages

A practice-only member may substitute in a game if a team is short of players for a fee of $15 per game. To substitute in a game the player must go through the substitution policy procedures which will be announced prior to the first game. Practice-only members may also play in tournaments if the bench is not fullfor a fee of $55 per tournament.

Goalie$100 per season+$75 registration fee

This member plays in goal and is a voting member of the Seattle Women’s Hockey Club. Her dues cover:

All club practices

All game ice including scrimmages

All tournament registration fees

The first dues payment must be received by September 30, 2017. Players will not be allowed to step on the ice after this date without payment. The second dues payment must be received byNovember 15, 2017. Players will neither be allowed to step on the ice after this date nor attend the Fall tournament without full payment by this date. If the finalized practice and game times prevent a member from participating at their anticipated level and they decide not to join, a refund request must be made in writing to the board before October 5, 2017. If a refund is requested after October 5, 2017, the refund amount will be equal to the monthly prorated seasonal dues based on the date of the submitted request. The $75 registration fee is non-refundable and will not be included in the prorated refund.

Note: payment plans are available—please contact a board member for more information.

Unlimited subbing for Full Cluband Game Only members

Upon registration, Full Club and Game Only members will have access to subbing opportunities in league games. When selecting subs, priority will be given (1) Frequency of subbing (those that have subbed the least will get placed first. (2) same tier players

A practice-only member may substitute in a game if a team is short of players for a fee of $15 per game. To substitute in a game the player must go through the substitution policy procedures which will be announced prior to the first game. Practice-only members may also play in tournaments if the bench is not full for a fee of $55 per tournament.

Cost Summary

For registration by November 15th, 2017:

Membership Type / Registration Fee - Due Upon Registration / Due Sep 30 / Due Nov 15 / Total
Full time / 75 / 350 / 275 / 700
Game Only / 75 / 350 / 200 / 625
Practice only / 75 / 350 / 50 / 475
Goalie / 75 / 100 / 0 / 175

Players who registerafterNovember 15th will pay the full registration fee plus season dues prorated on a monthly basis.

Get More Involved

Club Members – The most obvious way to contribute to the SWHC is to be a considerate club member, a considerate teammate and attend practices and games. There are also many volunteer opportunities available!

Notify the team captain or coach when you can’t make a game

Give 100% effort and keep a positive attitude in the locker room, and on the bench and ice

Volunteer to help with Give Hockey a Try Day, the Annual Fundraiser, or volunteer positions

Team Captain and Alternate Captains – Each team will have one captain and one alternate captain when the captain is absent. These players must be full club members and will be chosen by team players. When the team captain is not present, the alternate captains are responsible for taking over the duties of the captain, which include:

Addressing any issues brought forward by a player with regards to the Grievance policy

Running pre-game warm-ups

Speaking to the referees during games. Other players should note that if an issue arises that they would like to take up with the referee(s) during a game, they should explain it to the acting captain and let the captain discuss the issue with the referee

Team Manager – Each team will have one team manager who is essential for organizing their team. If the manageris unable to carry out the following tasks, they are responsible for appointing a substitute to:

Confirmthat your team will have enough players and a goalie will be at each game

Ensure that there is a score sheet at each game

Organize team carpools for away games and help arrange hotel reservations

Board Members –Each Board member is elected by the club and serves a two-year term. This fall, the terms of Hannah Pliner, Marnie Camacho and Shana Woodromewill be completed, andthreenew Club members will be elected to the Board. The following club members currently hold Board positions:

President – Marnie Camacho

Treasurer – Shana Woodrome

Infrastructure Manager – Hannah Pliner

Communications Manager – Alexis Haire

Logistics Manager – Caroline Charter

Secretary – Robin Herschbach

Grievance Policy for theSeattle Women’s Hockey Club

The Seattle Women’s Hockey Club (SWHC) recognizes that there will be occasions where conflicts, complaints or concerns will arise in the course of group interaction. The SWHC expects that the players involved will make a good faith effort to resolve such situations amongst themselves. However, the SWHC also recognizes that this cannot always be accomplished. This Grievance Policy has been designed to ensure that all players are given an adequate opportunity to have any issues redressed before they become detrimental to the players involved or to the orderly operation of the SWHC program. In cases where issues arise which cannot be readily resolved among the players involved, the steps below shall be followed:

The player(s) involved shall bring their issues to the attention of the captain of the affected team so that a mutually acceptable solution can be determined.

In cases where the captain is unable to arrive at an acceptable solution, the player(s) involved and the captain shall bring the issue to the attention of the board, who shall review the situation.

In cases where the captain, upon being presented with a grievance, is unwilling to determine an acceptable solution, the player(s) may bring their issues directly to the board, which will review all grievances. In no case may a captain be intentionally bypassed without having been given an opportunity to review the situation and determine a solution.

When a grievance is brought to the attention of the board, a meeting shall be convened, to which all the members involved in the grievance, including the captain of the affected teams, shall be requested to attend. Attendance by the player(s) bringing the grievance is mandatory. At this meeting, all players involved will have an opportunity to present their issues to the board, who will decide upon a binding resolution. If the player(s) bringing the grievance fail to appear at such meeting, it will be determined that the grievance is without grounds. In any case where the steps outlined by the Grievance Policy are not adhered to, the player(s) involved will be considered in violation of the SWHC Code of Conduct, and subject to appropriate discipline.

Gear Checklist

2016-2017 Season Information Packet

Helmet with full cage

Mouth guard (optional but recommended)

Neck guard (optional)

Shoulder Pad/Chest Protector

Elbow Pads


Hockey skates

Hockey Pants

Hockey Stick(s)

Shin Guards

Pelvic Protector

Garter belt or shorts w/velcro

Hockey Socks

Practice Jersey

Hockey Bag

Water Bottle(optional)

Stick Tape (optional)

Sock Tape (optional)

2016-2017 Season Information Packet

Play It Again Sports

16929 Highway 99 Ste 110, Lynnwood, WA 98037