Grand Haven – Holland – Forest Hills - Grandville
Tracking Progress
Tracking Progress
One of the most important things you can do on this plan is tracking your progress; this should be done on a weekly or bi-monthly basis. It is the best way to know if the plan is working so adjustments can be made if need be.
The 4 things you should be doing to track progress are: recording your weight, inches, body fat as well as taking pictures.
The two most important markers of success are inches and pictures. Our goal for you is to build lean muscle and burn body fat. So you could lose 4 inches off your waist but not a pound. What has happened is you have gained muscle and lost bodyfat. I don’t care how much you spend on a scale this is something your scale will never be able to tell you. So stop putting so much stock into what the scale says!
I am not saying ditch the scale but make sure you are tracking inches and taking pictures. Imagine if the person in this picture only went by what the scale said and wasn’t measuring and taking pictures.
Weight and inches should be done once a week. Pick 1 day a week and stick with that day only (We prefer Saturday). Do it first thing in the morning, after using the bathroom, and record a nude bodyweightand measurements as well.
The sites you should be measuring are:
1) Arms: thebiggest part of your arm. You can either measure one arm and multiply it by 2 or measure both.
2) Chest the biggest part of your chest, typically the nipple line.
3) Waist: This gets tricky, but it is the smallest part from your sternum (just below your chest) and your belly button. A lot of people think it’s their belly button, but it’s not.
4) Belly Button: place measuring tape on belly button and measure around.
5) Hips: the biggest part around your butt.
6) Thighs: the biggest part around your thighs. For most of us this is pretty close to right under our buttocks.
Pictures should be taken every 3-4 weeks. Pictures should be from the front, side, and back. I recommend as little clothing as you feel comfortable. For women either a bikini or sports bra and shorts. Guys, just a pair of shorts works great.
Fit Clients is our goal tracking and accountability software program.
If you would like a platform that will help you track your goals please use Fit Clients or a similar app.
It will allow you to set goals and track your weight, inches, as well as upload your progress pictures.
If you would like to use the app the login information is down below.
Step 1: Select correct locations registration link
Grand Haven
Trainer ID: 1153
Trainer ID: 3849
Forest Hills
Trainer ID: 14885
Trainer ID: 14886
Step 2: Select Create an Account
• Option 1: Sign up via Facebook
• Options 2: Sign up via email
Email is the preferred option at the moment, sometimes clients have issues when logging in via FB, the programmers are working on this bug.
Step 3: Enter Email and Password
• Please write down or save your email and password as you will be logging in on weekly basis. (we are able to reset if needed, you will just need to contact your locations Director of Operations).
Step 4: Name/Gender/Birthday
• You do not need to fill out the entire thing, just name, gender, and birthday.
Step 5: Upload Profile Picture
• Please upload your most current profile pictures, we really would love to put a face to a name (if you login through Facebook it will use your profile picture)
Step 6: Create a goal (what you would like to accomplish by end of that month)
• Click create a goal
• Click personal goal
• Click Weight if weight loss is your goal.
• Lose Lbs (most people want to lose weight)
• Lose an amount
Step 7: Goal Deadline (last day of the month)
Step 8: Reward or Punishment
• Optional
Step 9: Weigh in Settings
• Weigh in day: Saturdays
• Frequency: Every week
Step 10: Enter initial measurements
• Home
• + Go to Weigh Ins Page
• Add Weigh In
• Date (Monday July 25th)
• Weight
• % BF (Optional)
• Inches
Step 11: Create or Join Team
• Join Group
• Month/Client (September Client)
Step 12: Upload Photos (update every 3-4 weeks)
• Upload Initial Pictures
• Front/Side/Back
• Women
o Sports Bra and Shorts
o Bikini/bathing suit
• Guys
o No shirt and shorts
Step 12: Update every Saturday by noon