Go Microsoft PowerPoint Comprehensive Glossary
Action button / A type of hyperlink, created from the list of shapes, that has built-in actions or links associated with it, or you can change the action that occurs when the action button is clicked.Active cell / Displays with a dark, heavy border around the cell; it is the cell in which data may be entered, deleted, or edited.
After Previous / Allows you to set the timing of animation to dynamically start after any previous animations on the slide occur.
Alignment / The placement of an object or text as it relates vertically or horizontally to the document.
Animated GIF / A file format used for graphic images such as clip art; in this format, images are presented in a specific order and are contained in a single file to create the illusion of animation by displaying frames of the graphic one after the other in quick succession.
Animation / Any type of motion or movement that occurs.
Annotation / A note or highlight that can be saved or discarded.
Area chart / Similar to a Line chart, it shows changes over time and the total value across a trend.
Autof it / An option that resizes a column to accommodate the largest entry.
AutoFormat As You Type / A feature that anticipates formatting based on what you type. There are several formatting options; each can be turned on or off independently of the others.
Banded rows / A table setting that enables you to format even rows differently from odd rows to make the table easier to read.
Bar chart / Shows comparisons among individual items. In a bar chart, the X-axis (horizontal) is the value axis and the Y-axis is the category axis.
Bar of Pie chart / Emphasizes one slice of the pie by representing the slice as a bar, showing how the data in the slice is further divided.
Basic Custom Slide Show / A separate presentation saved with its own title and that contains some of the slides from the original presentation.
Black slide / Displays at the end of every slide show to indicate the slide show is complete.
Bold / Text emphasis in which the text is darker than the surrounding text; used to emphasize key words.
Border / A frame around a picture.
Brightness / The perceived radiance or luminosity of an image.
Browser / A software application that interprets HTML files and displays them as Web pages; can also play embedded sound and video files, and follow hyperlinks.
Bubble chart / Similar to the X Y (scatter) chart, it compares three sets of data instead of two.
Bullet / A typographical symbol, such as a square or diamond, used to introduce items in a list.
Bulleted level / An outline level designated by a bullet, which is a symbol, such as a filled circle or asterisk, used to set off an item in a list.
Bulleted lists / A group of items that use bullet symbols to introduce each item in a list; used when the items in the list can be displayed in any order.
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Caption / The text that helps to identify or explain a picture or a graphic.
Category axis / Also known as the Horizontal axis (X-axis), it displays categories such as months, years, or quarters.
Category labels / Text labels, identifying the categories, that are displayed along the Horizontal axis (X-axis).
CD-R / Removable media that can be written to only one time.
CD-RW / Removable media that be written to multiple times.
Cell / The intersection of a row and a column.
Cell address / Another name for cell reference, it is the combination of the column letter and the row number.
Cell reference / Another name for cell address, it is the combination of the column letter and the row number.
Change case / Allows you to change the case of selected text to all uppercase (all capital letters) or all lowercase.
Character spacing / Allows you to change the spacing between characters or letters.
Chart / A graphical representation that helps you display data in a meaningful way.
Chart area / Defines the entire chart, including the Chart Title, the Category Axis, the Value Axis, the Plot Area, and the Legend.
Chart elements / The individual items in a chart, including the Chart Area, Plot Area, Category Axis, Value Axis, Chart Title, Axis Titles, Data Labels and Legend.
Chart template / A predefined layout or format that can be used to create a chart.
Chart title / The name of the chart (optional).
Chart type / Determined by the data you want to display and the analysis applied to the data.
Chevron / A symbol that indicates more information or options are available.
Clip art / A collection of predefined graphic images included with Microsoft Office or downloaded from the Web. Clip art is also available from several vendors and can be purchased as a CD-ROM collection or used on a royalty paid basis.
Clip Art task pane / Used to search for clip art either on your computer or on the Microsoft Office Web site.
Clipboard / A temporary storage area that allows you to copy one or several items and then paste the item(s) into any Office document.
Clustered Column chart / Vertical rectangles grouped together.
Collapse / When you collapse a slide in Outline view, only the slide title displays.
Column chart / Best applied when the data represents the comparison of values across categories.
Command tab / Displays the commands most relevant for a particular task area, such as inserting, designing, and animating.
Compatibility Mode / Ensures that files created in previous versions of Microsoft Office can be opened in Office 2007, and can also be saved in a format that can be used by previous versions of Office.
Compound type / A line style composed of double or triple lines.
Compress / To reduce the size of the data so that when it is saved, it occupies less storage space.
Context-sensitive / A program feature, such as a help topic or a menu, that changes depending on what you are currently doing in the program.
Context-sensitive commands / Commands that change depending on the action taken.
Contiguous / Adjacent or next to each other.
Contrast / The amount of difference between the light and dark extremes of color in an image.
Copy / A copy, or duplicate, of the selected text that is placed on the Clipboard.
Copy and paste / The process of duplicating an item and inserting it in new location.
Crop / The process of removing unwanted areas of a picture.
Crop lines / The lines that display at the corners, sides, top, and bottom of a picture when the Crop button is clicked and that are dragged to crop a picture.
Crop tool / The tool that displays with the mouse pointer when the Crop button is clicked.
Custom Animation task pane / An area that contains a list of animation sequences for the selected text or object. From this task pane, you can add entrance, exit, and emphasis effects and motion paths; create triggers; and modify how a sound or animation will start.
Custom Slide Show / Displays only the slides you wish to display to your audience in the order you select.
Cut and paste / The process of removing an item from its original location and inserting it in a new location.
Cycle / A SmartArt layout used to represent a continuing sequence of stages or events in a circular flow.
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Data labels / The actual data values displayed on chart elements such as columns, markers, or slices.
Data series / A set of data.
Data table / A small table below the chart that displays the actual data values.
Datasheet / A table composed of horizontal rows and vertical columns in Microsoft Graph that allows you to enter data, import data, or copy and paste data from another application to be used in your chart.
Demote / To apply a lower or subordinate outline level. When an item is demoted, the indent of the item increases, or moves to the right.
Destination file / A file into which information is pasted.
Dialog Box Launcher / A small icon that, when clicked, opens a dialog box or task pane of related options.
Document Inspector / A PowerPoint feature that reviews the presentation for hidden data or personal information that may be stored in the presentation or in the document properties.
Domain name / A user friendly name that represents an IP address.
Doughnut chart / Similar to a Pie chart, it shows the relationship of parts to a whole; however, it may contain more than one set of data.
Drag / To depress the left mouse button, move the mouse, and then release the mouse button.
Drag and drop / To move text by selecting the text and then dragging the selection to a new location.
DVD-R / Removable media that can be written to only one time.
DVD-RW / Removable media that can be written to multiple times.
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Electronic spreadsheet / Microsoft Excel 2007.
E-mail client / Software program that allows you to compose and send e-mail.
Embed / To save a file so that it is part of the presentation.
Embedded / A type of object that is saved with, and becomes part of, the PowerPoint file.
Emphasis effect / Animation effects that cause a font on a slide to change from normal to bold formatting or change the fill color of an object.
Entrance effect / An animation effect applied as the text or object is introduced into the slide during a slide show.
Exit effect / An animation effect applied as the text or object leaves the slide or disappears during a slide show.
Expand / When you expand a slide in Outline view, the outline displays.
Explode / Manually pull out a slice or slices so that it stands away from the pie for emphasis.
Exploded Pie chart / Displays all the slices disconnected, or exploded, from each other. In this type of pie chart individual slices cannot be manipulated.
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File extension / Also called the file type, it identifies the format of the file or which application created it.
Fit to slide / In a photo album, selecting this option allows the picture to occupy all available space on the slide with no room for a frame or caption.
Flash drive / A compact removable drive that is plugged into the USB port of the computer.
Font / A set of letters, numbers, and punctuation marks with the same design, shape, and appearance.
Font face / The specific name of the particular character set, such as Calibri or Times New Roman.
Font size / The height of the text measured in points.
Footer / Information that displays at the bottom of every slide or that prints at the bottom of slide handouts or notes pages. It is possible to include footers on all slides or on individual slides.
Format / To change the design or configuration of the text characters.
Format Painter / A feature that allows you to duplicate formatting from one part of a presentation to another.
Frame / The border around a picture in a photo album.
Full path / Includes the drive, the folder, and any subfolders in which the file is contained.
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GIF / Stands for Graphics Interchange Format and is a file format used for graphic images.
Gradient fill / A gradual progression of several colors blending into each other, or shades of the same color blending into each other.
Graphic / The general term used to describe a drawing, clip art, or a photo.
Gridlines / Nonprinting dotted lines that form a grid of 1-inch squares that displays on the slide to help you size and align objects.
Group / Related command buttons associated with the selected command tab.
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Hard return / Created by pressing the Enter key.
Header / Information that prints at the top of a document.
Header row / The top row of the table, which is formatted differently from the rows containing data.
Heading styles / Built-in, predefined formatting styles.
Hierarchy / A SmartArt layout used to display hierarchical information or reporting relationships in an organization either horizontally or vertically.
HLDN / Stands for High Level Domain Name. This is the upper level domain, such as .com, .org, .gov. etc., to which the lower level domain belongs. Also referred to as a top level domain.
Horizontal axis (X-axis) / Also known as the Category axis, it displays categories such as months, years, or quarters.
HTML / Stands for HyperText Markup Language. It is the language used to code Web pages.
HTTP / Stands for HyperText Transfer Protocol. It is the protocol used on the World Wide Web to define how messages are formatted and transmitted.
Hyperlink / A navigational element used in a document, presentation, or Web page that, when clicked, will link to, or take you to, another location. In a PowerPoint presentation, hyperlinks can also be used to link to a slide in the presentation, to a slide in a different presentation, or to a custom slide show.
Hyperlinked Custom Slide Show / A quick way to navigate to a separate slide show from within the original presentation.
HyperText Markup Language (HTML) / A language used to create Web pages that can be viewed in a Web browser.
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