Presbyterian Committee on the Self-Development of People
Midwest Task Force minutes
January 23, 2015
Houston, TX
Present: Bernadette Hightower-Hughes, Jimeka Holloway, Sarah Jane Moore, Lisa Leverette, Sharon Ware (Chairperson), Clara Nunez (Staff).
Joys and Concerns were shared.
Opening Prayer by Jimeka Holloway
Approve November 12, 2014 Minutes
They need to be removed from future agendas:
SM14013 CMAA Refugee Services - Withdrawn.
SM14008 Genesis Garden Macomb, IL – Withdrawn.
New Applications for Review
SM14020 African workforce & Entrepreneurial Development Bloomington, MN The Task Force voted to REJECT this application because it is not owned and controlled by the direct beneficiaries.
SM15001 Bridge to Freedom Chicago, IL The Task Force voted to REJECT this application because it is not owned and controlled by the direct beneficiaries.
SM15002 Healthy Growers for Detroit Detroit, MI The Task Force authorized Lisa Leverette to conduct a site visit. Lisa will request a revised budget.
SM14012 Father and Sons of Northeast Ohio Akron, OH
Jimeka Holloway and Sharon Ware reported on their site visit to this project. The Task Force REJECTED this application as presented because the project doesn’t appear to be cooperative in nature as defined as cooperatively being owned by ten members or more.
SM14014 Detroit Water Crisis Hotline Detroit, MI
Lisa Leverette reported on her site visit to this project. The application was reviewed and it was determined to meet the SDOP criteria for funding. The Task Force will recommend this application to the National Committee at its January 2015 meeting for validation and funding for $15,000 in quarterly payments. Lisa has prepared a précis.
SM14017 Unity in Our Community Detroit, MI
Lisa Leverette reported on her site visit to this project. The application was reviewed and it was determined to meet the SDOP criteria for funding. The Task Force will recommend this application to the National Committee at its January 2015 meeting for validation and funding for $12,701 in quarterly payments. Lisa has prepared a précis.
SM14019 Brightmoor Artisans Cooperative Detroit, MI
The Task Force voted to REJECT this application because the group isn’t sharing the profits cooperatively.
2015 Meeting Dates
The Task Force cancelled its March meeting.However, each Midwest Task Force member is encouraged to increase local/regional SDOP workshops. The Task Force will explore alternative meetings within the budget.
September 17-19, 2015 (In conjunction with the National Committee meeting) Pittsburgh, PA.
Bernadette Hightower-Hughes closed the meeting with prayer.
Respectfully submitted,
Clara Nunez