How to Organize a Coat Drive for the Homeless
An easy social justice project with great results!
-1. Pick a weekend that’s good for your parish. Check with the pastor and parish calendar.
-2. Put a notice in the bulletin for three weeks, two weeks prior and the weekend of the drive. See attached sample.
-3. Put a flyer in the bulletin the weekend before the drive. See attached sample.
-4. Arrange an announcement from the pulpit at all Masses the weekend before the drive. See attached sample.
-5. Weekend of the drive - have two+ volunteers on hand to receive coats at all Masses, ¨label each one, ¨sort, and ¨pack.
¨Attach label to front of coat with safety pin. Heavy paper preferred. See attached sample. ¨ Sort in five groups, men, women, boys, girls, babies. Wash / discard unsuitable items. ¨ Pack coats in trash bags – separate bag for each group. Label each bag; use large sign with sturdy tape, (e.g. 8 1/2” by 11” paper, duck tape, WOMEN’S.)
-6. Deliver the coats to the Mass Coalition for the Homeless
15 Bubier St. Lynn, MA 781-595-7570 (limited pick-up available) or a charity of your choice.
-7. All of these papers can be found in a word document on the website (on home page, at far left blue column, click “Coat Drive”)
Need more help? Want to talk things over with someone who’s done this before?
Contact Wally McGovern, parishioner at St. Pius V Parish, Lynn. Email or telephone (781)-599-2381 between 8-10:30a.m. or 8:30-9:00 p.m.
Coat Drive for the Homeless
Sample bulletin Item
Coats for the Homeless. Can you help? The Mass Coalition for the Homeless urgently needs our help this winter. Please bring new or gently used coats (for men, women, boys, girls, and babies) to ______Parish the weekend of ______. A crew will be on hand after all Masses in the ______to receive your items. For more information contact ______at tell______or email ______.
Sample Pulpit Announcement
The Mass Coalition for the Homeless urgently needs our help this winter. Please bring new or gently used coats (men women, boys, girls, and babies) to ______Parish the weekend of ______. A crew will be on hand after all Masses in the ______to receive your items. See the bulletin for more information. Thank you for your help.
Sample Clip Art
Sample Flyer - Bulletin Insert
Coats for the Homeless
Can you help?
The Mass Coalition for the Homeless urgently needs our help this winter.
______Parish’s Collection
on ______, 2010
What: new or gently used coats for men, women, boys, girls, and babies.
When: ______, 2010
Where: ______Catholic Church, ______Street, ______, MA.
How: A crew will be on hand at all Masses in the ______to receive your items.
More Information:
contact ______tell______or email ______.
Sample labels to attach to front of coats with safety pins. Use heavy paper.
circle oneS M L XL XXL
/ Mencircle one
Womencircle one
/ Womencircle one
Boycircle one
S M L /
circle oneS M L
circle oneS M L /
circle oneS M L