Virginia Project Learning Tree

Facilitator Training

New KentForestryCenter

July 16-18, 2013

Virginia Project Learning Tree is offering facilitator training onJuly 16-18at the Virginia Department of Forestry’s New Kent Forestry Center located at 11301 Pocahontas Trail, Providence Forge, VA 23140. The prerequisite for facilitator training is previous participation in a full-day Project Learning Tree®(PLT) PreK-8 Educator Workshop or PLT Early Childhood Workshop. All newly trained facilitators are expected to lead or co-facilitate at least one PLT workshop within 18 months of being trained. There is a $30 registration fee which covers all meals, lodging, and materials.


Tuesday, July 16: Early Childhood Workshops

7:00 a.m.Breakfast

8:30 a.m.Registration

9:00 a.m.Welcome & Agenda Overview

Icebreakers, Elements of the Agenda

Role of the Facilitator

9:30 a.m.What is Environmental Education?

History of Project Learning Tree

PLT Program Overview

Environmental Education in Virginia

10:00 a.m.Benefits & Barriers of Going Outside

#19 Viewpoints on the Line

10:30 a.m. Break

10:45 a.m.Activity Design #1 The Shape of Things

11:30 a.m.Teaching Children about Nature

Quality Environmental Education Practices

NoonLunch & Scenario Cards

12:30 p.m.Walk through the PLT EC materials

Resources at

How Young Children Learn

1:15 p.m.Depart for Education Center

Environmental Experiences for Early Childhood – sample activities

2:45 p.m.Return to Conference Center / Break

3:00 p.m.Resources at

Sample Agendas

3:30 p.m.Agenda Planning

4:00 p.m.Share Agendas


6:00 p.m. Dinner

Optional Evening Activities

More Early Childhood Art Activities

Leaf Printing T-Shirts

Wednesday, July 17: PreK-8 Workshops

7:00 a.m.Breakfast

8:00 a.m.Icebreakers, Elements of the Agenda

Responsibilities, Role of the Facilitator

8:45 a.m.Activity Design: How Teachers Use PLT

National and State Correlations

9:45 a.m.Learning Styles, Multiple Intelligences

Differentiated Instruction

#8 The Forest of S.T. Shrew

Reading Connections

#36 Pollution Search

Technology Connections

10:30 a.m. Break

10:45 a.m.Meaningful Watershed Educational

Experiences on Cypress Trail

#45 Web of Life

#48 Field, Forest, & Stream

NoonReturn to Conference CenterLunch

12:45 p.m.Energy Kits, Secondary Module Activities

2:00 p.m.E-walk through “All of PLT”

Virginia PLT Website

Virginia Naturally

2:30 p.m.Workshop Design / Themed Workshops

Selecting and Leading Activities

3:00 p.m.Break

3:15 p.m. Planning workshops

Advertising workshops

4:00 p.m.Review and Questions

#51 Make Your Own Paper, ActivityKits

5:30 p.m.Dinner in Williamsburg

Optional Evening Activities

Thursday, July 18: Practice Workshops

7:00 a.m.Breakfast

8:00 a.m.Workshop Assignments

Groups plan workshop elements

9:00 a.m.Participant-led workshop(s)

11:30a.m.Remaining Facilitation Questions

NoonishLunch, Certificates and Evaluations

Happy Trails



VirginiaPLT Facilitator Training

@ New Kent Forestry Center, July 16-18, 2013

Application Form – Due June 28


Organization______Title ______

Address ______

City/State______Zip Code______

Phone (Work)______(Home)______

You are applying to join a network of 200 trained facilitators in Virginia. Please help us learn a little bit about your interest in PLT by thoughtfully completing the following questions.

I have attended the following PLT workshops. List dates and types of workshops.

Name the five PLT activities you use most frequently with students or other groups.

Name special events or local educational programs where you’ve incorporated PLT activities and explain how.

Why do you want to become a facilitator?

What type of PLT workshop(s) are you most interested in leading?

I understand that my attendance at this facilitator training is a commitment to facilitate (or co-facilitate) one workshop in the next 18 months.




Name ______

Special Dietary Requirements______

Lodging is provided at the New Kent Conference Center, possibly 2 people per room, for anyone who is unable to commute. Information on the Conference Center is available at . Please indicate the nights you will need lodging and the meals you will attend:

Breakfast Lunch Dinner Lodging

Monday, July 15

Tuesday, July 16

Wednesday, July 17

Thursday, July 18

REGISTRATION FEE: $30, payable to the “Virginia Forestry Association-PLT Fund”

This fee covers all meals, lodging and materials.

QUESTIONS? Contact Lisa Deaton, VirginiaPLTState Coordinator at

804/966-2201, ext. 115 or

804/512-2933 cell

EMAIL or FAX YOUR FORM (pages 2 and 3) TO:Lisa Deaton

VirginiaDepartment of Forestry

11301 Pocahontas Trail

Providence Forge, VA 23140

FAX 804/966-9801

Sponsors of the Virginia Project Learning Tree Program