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10 MAY 2012
R H Beeching, N Bell, P J Bibby (C L Berry), F Button (Chairman, Executive Member for Education & Skills), G R Churchard, M S Crawley,M J Frearson, T C Heritage, F R G Hill, A F Hunter, J K Maddern, C A Mitchell (substituting for T L F Douris) L J Newlyn,
A Plancey, M A Watkin
Also present:
M Bright, J Reynolds, R A C Thake
Upon consideration of the agenda for the Education and Skills Cabinet Panel meeting on 10 May 2012 as circulated, copy annexed, conclusions were reached and are recorded below:
Note: C A Mitchell made a declaration of interest, recorded at item 3 below.
The minutes of the meeting of the Education & Skills Cabinet Panel on 13 March 2012 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
Daniel Album presented the petition below and addressed the Panel on the subject of the petition:
“There is already an overwhelming Basic Need case for additional Jewish primary places in Borehamwood to meet the needs of the rapidly expanding young, Jewish community. The removal of subsidised school transport makes the cost of travel to school outside the Hertfordshire area prohibitively expensive for many.
We, the undersigned, urge the Local Authority to fund the proposed expansion of YavnehCollege to include a new primary section.”
F Button received the petition and gave an initial response, informing the petitioner that a written response would be sent to him within 10 days.
Officer contact: Pauline Davis (Tel: 01992 515042)
3.1 / C A Mitchell declared a personal non-prejudicial interest in this item as her husband was a Trustee of the John Warner School Hoddesdon. She remained in the meeting and participated in the debate.
3.2 / The Panel considered a report which provided an update on the existing primary expansion programme for 2012, a potential programme for 2013 primary expansions, anticipated primary needs for new provision from 2014/5, the need for secondary school expansions, and associated funding implications.
3.3 / Members heard that in some areas of Hertfordshire the number of children requiring school placements had risen dramatically. In order to meet need, Officers had identified potential temporary school expansions, as well as additional permanent school expansions.
3.4 / With regard to the table at 5.3 on page 4 of the report, it was highlighted to Members that the ‘temporary school expansion’ for the GroveInfant School should have read 0.5 f.e rather than 1. f.e. It was also highlighted that the estimated capital cost of £2,222,481 related to the combined cost of the proposed expansions at Grove Infant and the Grove Junior schools.
3.5 / Members noted that the expansion of existing schools was generally being funded from the County Council’s capital programme, and that it is unlikely that there will in future be any new schools funded via this route. The development of a FreeSchool programme across the county was noted, and close working between the County Council and proposers of free schools was welcomed and encouraged.
3.6 / In debate and in relation to YavnehAcademy, it was noted that in order to meet the governing body’s desire to create a new 2 f.e. Jewish primary school on their site the option of perusing a free-school proposal was available. Members felt that the Jewish community within the surrounding area was sufficiently strong and vibrant to fill the places created, should a decision be taken to make a free-school proposal.
3.7 / The Education and Skills Cabinet Panel unanimously recommended to Cabinet that:
(i)the application of S106 funds as outlined in appendix 1 be approved
(ii)that in principle, approval be given to the list of proposed permanent and temporary primary school expansions in paragraphs 6.2 and 6.4
(iii)to authorise the Director of Education and Early Intervention to consult on proposals for primary expansions for 2013/14 where necessary for the expansion of school premises.
(iv)to authorise the commissioning of the Hatfield Community Free School Company to develop proposals for three primary free schools in Watford, Hemel Hempstead and/or Stevenage.
(v)to agree that the Chief Legal Officer, in consultation with the Leader of the Council,should nominate a County Council representative to membership of the Hatfield Community Free School Trust
(vi)that approval be given to the allocation of £1m to enable the relocation of the Dacorum Education Support Centre (ESC) to the former BarncroftSchool site in Hemel Hempstead, to be met from currently un-committed capital maintenance grant received from DfE.
(vii)that approval be given to the allocation of £1.317m to fulfil the Local Authority’s responsibilities in relation to the scheme to rebuild St. Albert the Great RC Primary School in Hemel Hempstead. This funding would be met from currently un-committed capital maintenance grant received from DfE.
(viii)that the position on secondary expansions be noted.
Officer contact: Kate Leahy Tel: 01992 555864
4.1 / The Panel received a report informing them of the outcome of the public consultation on the proposal to lower the age range of SummerswoodPrimary School, Borehamwood, to create a 60 part-time place nursery class from January 2013.
4.2 / Panel noted that a previous consultation had taken place between November 2011 and January 2012 during which it had become clear that the building could not be ready in time for its anticipated implementation in September 2013. This further consultation therefore had a revised implementation date of January 2013.
4.3 / The Panel endorsed the report and recommended to Cabinet that:
a)the Director Education and Early Intervention be authorised to publish a statutory notice to lower the age range at Summerswood Primary School, Borehamwood, from 4 to 11 years to 3 to 11 years from January 2013, taking into account the majority of favourable responses to the consultation;
b)if there are no objections the Director Education and Early Intervention determine the proposals
5 / Proposals to establish early years specialist development centres as part of developing special provision locally
Officer contact: Jim Dalton Tel (01992 588555)
5.1 / The Panel considered a report outlining the outcome of a consultation on establishing Early Years Development Centres.
5.2 / Members welcomed the proposals with regards to establishing Early Years Specialist Development Centres for children with complex, long-term educational, and/or physical needs. Following the overwhelmingly positive response received during the formal consultation, Members were keen for the proposed changes to be implemented as soon as possible.
5.3 / Following the positive outcome of consultation on establishing Early Years Specialist Development Centres (EYSDCs), the Panel recommends to Cabinet that the EYSDCs are established for young children with complex, long-term educational, and/or physical needs. The EYSDCs would provide a range of services including family and child sessions, outreach services and home visiting.
6 / stevenage, lonsdalespecialschool, webb rise to consider the future of the existing site
Officer contact: Dick Bowler Tel: (01992) 556263
6.1 / The Panel considered a report which outlined a proposed strategy for the future use of the existing site of the LonsdaleSpecialSchool, Stevenage, once the school had been relocated to its new premises that are co-located with MarriottsSchool.
6.2 / In general discussion it was noted that full consideration had been given to the need for and assessment of primary school site capacity in the area. The forecast need for additional primary school places in North of Stevenage is expected to be capable of being met from existing reserve capacity. In addition, the opportunity to expand Trotts Hill primary school should additional places be needed here in future was welcomed.
6.3 / Conclusions
Panel endorsed the report and recommended to Cabinet that;
That the potential for future enlargement of the site of TrottsHillPrimary School, Stevenage, be investigated; and, with that objective:
(a)A planning application be made for a residential care home for the elderly on a part of the existing site of Lonsdale Special School, Stevenage, with a view to establishing the feasibility of re-siting the Wisden Court home at that location; and
(b)At the same time, a planning application for housing development be re-submitted for the balance of the Lonsdale site, with a view to establishing the potential of that land to contribute to the additional housing needs in the Borough of Stevenage; the Director Resources and Performance in consultation with the Executive Members for Resources and Economic Wellbeing and Health and Adult Care, be authorised to determine the division of the site for residential care home and housing, and
(c)A further report is brought to Cabinet once the outcome of the application for the residential care home for the elderly is available.
Officer contact: Dick Bowler Tel: (01992) 556263
7.1 / The Panel received a report which sought support for the proposal to acquire land in central Watford to enable provision of a site for an additional 2 form of entry (f.e.) primary school.
7.3 / Members heard that Officers continue to pursue all options for primary school expansions in the Watford area. However, owing to the ongoing rise in the need for additional places, the need for two new 2 f.e. primary schools had been identified with effect from September 2014. As the town is densely populated and developed, finding suitable existing school sites to expand or new sites to develop presents a considerable challenge. In response to this, a suitable location for an additional 2 form entry primary school had been identified at West Hertfordshire College. The acquisition and conversion of site known as the ‘LanchesterBuilding’ and its associated landwould assist in meeting rising demand where the highest increase was forecast, central Watford. Members heard that before the recent redevelopments the site had been in educational use and was the right size for such a proposal.
Members stated that the proposal had their full support, and recognised that planning permission may be required for any works to the existing building.
7.4 / The Panel recommended that Cabinet authorises:
a) Acquisition of the Lanchester Building and associated land at Hempstead Road, Watford, for the purpose of enabling the provision of premises for, and the establishment of, an additional 2 form of entry primary school; the terms of such acquisition to be decided by the Director Resources and performance in consultation with the Executive Member, and
b)Subject to consultation with the Executive Members for Resources & Economic Wellbeing and for Education and Skills, the making of a compulsory purchase order for all of the land interests that would be required in order to implement the proposed school scheme.
The Panel agreed that under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the said Act and the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.
- stevenage, lonsdalespecialschool, webb rise to consider the future of the existing site
The decision reached in Part II business in relation to this item is recorded in the Part II Minute.
The decision reached in Part II business in relation to this item is recorded in the Part II Minute.
The next meeting of the Education and Skills Cabinet Panel will be on 10 July 2012 at 10am in Committee Room B. Please note that the meeting scheduled for Wednesday 13 June 2012 has been cancelled.
Kathryn Pettitt
Chief Legal Officer
1120510 Education & Skills Cabinet Panel Minutes