Table of Contents

About Omilia Echelon

  • School Philosophy
  • Inclusion and Diversity
  • Parent Communication and Volunteering
  • Application Information
  • School Hours and Dates
  • Program Information
  • Technology Information
  • School Fees
  • Withdrawal Policy

Being a student at Omilia Echelon

  • Behaviour Expectations
  • First Day Information
  • Attendance
  • Items from home
  • Field Trips and Off site activities
  • Nutrition
  • No Smoking Policy

Safety at Omilia Echelon

  • Child Health Information
  • Child Abuse Reporting
  • Medication Consent
  • Medical Information
  • Accident/Incident Reporting
  • Fire Drills
  • Emergency Evacuation

About the Director

About Omilia Echelon

Welcome to Omilia Echelon! We look forward to working with you as we teach your child.

Omilia Echelon is a home-based education and learning environment founded by the Director to provide a high quality, language rich learning environment in which children can grow academically, emotionally, socially, creatively and physically.

School Philosophy

Omilia Echelon is founded on the principle that every child has the right to learn in a safe, caring, supportive and developmentally appropriate environment. We believe language is central to learning and aim to provide language rich learning programs that will help build a strong foundation for your child’s success at school.

Children are great learners. At Omilia Echelon, we believe children learn best when they are:

  • in a safe and secure environment that allows them to have-a-go, make mistakes and grow
  • actively involved in their learning through hands-on real life experiences
  • involved in play-based learning which allows them to make sense of their world
  • able to work independently and collaboratively with others
  • involved in activities that cater to all learning styles and multiple intelligences
  • making connections between home and school.

It is important to remember that all children learn at their own pace and time. Their learning will be scaffolded so that they are building on previous knowledge as well as being challenged to grow and think beyond their experience and knowledge.

Inclusion and Diversity

Language is closely aligned with culture. Omilia Echelon respects the cultural diversity students bring to the classroom and welcome learning about the home culture and language of each student. We aim to integrate main words from each child’s home language and teach the significant cultural events students’ celebrate.

Learning about different cultures and languages helps:

  • support all students from diverse backgrounds
  • acknowledge the importance of the home culture and language
  • build understanding, tolerance and awareness of others.

Parent Communication and Volunteering

Parent-school communication is an important aspect in your child’s education. We are working toward the same goal – providing the best education and care for your child. You are encouraged to communicate with staff of Omilia Echelon through our:

  • Open door policy – come in and speak to us after a class or make a time to meet with us
  • Email, telephone or text messages.

General notices from staff will be posted on the parent information board.

We encourage parent involvement in your child’s learning. This is not compulsory but highly encouraged. A parent volunteer calendar is available on the noticeboard for you to schedule a time to play and work with us. You will be required to assist with activities andcleanup. You will work with individuals or small groups. The confidentiality of each child’s learning and behavior is of utmost importance.

Application Information

We look forward to receiving your application.

A complete application package requires the following forms and fees:

  • Student Application Form
  • Portable Emergency Record
  • Medication Consent Form (if applicable)
  • $100 deposit deducted from the September monthly payment.

The remaining post-dated cheques must be brought to schoolon your child’s first day at class.

School Hours and Dates

Office Hours are Monday – Friday 8:00am – 5:00pm during the school year.Email or SMS is the best form of communication. Please telephone in an emergency.

Omilia Echelon is closed on all statutory holidays. Upon enrolment, parents will be given a yearly timetable indicating main holidays and school events.

Omilia Echelon currently has the following classes running from September 8, 2015 – June 30, 2016:

PLAYLEARN CREATEPreschool Programs

Preschool 3/4 year old Tues/ Thurs9:00 – 11:00am

Preschool 4 year old Mon/Wed/Fri 9:00 – 11:00am

Preschool 3/4 year old Mon/Wed/Fri 12:30 – 2:30pm

JrKindergarten 4/5 yearTues/Thurs 1:00 – 3:00pm

A French lesson will be included in the program each week.

THINKLEARN CREATEEnglish as a Second Language Program

Junior ESL 5 – 7 year old Monday 3:30 – 5:00pm

Upper ESL8 – 10 year oldTuesday 3:30 – 5:00pm

Further ESL classes may be available throughout the year.

** English as a Second Language Important Information

The ESL classes have a minimum 3 monthcommitment. This is to support your child’s learning. If you wish your child to continue beyond this time, notice must be given by the 1st of the month in advance for another 3 month commitment and payment received. This will ensure your child’s continued place in the class. Alternatively, if you do not wish your child to continue, one month’s notice from the 1st of the previous month must be given. Yearly placements are also available and recommended.

Program Information

PLAYLEARN CREATEPreschool Program

Your child has the opportunity to participate in a range of hands-on activities that enable them to learn conceptsabout their world through play, imagination, creativity, exploration and thinking. The activities are designed to assist your child to grow linguistically, mathematically, scientifically, emotionally, socially and creatively.

PLAYLEARN CREATEJunior Kindergarten Program

Your child will explore a range of concepts in mathematics and science through experiments, games and inquiry learning. They will be encouraged to think, explore, question, pose problems, hypothesise and make deductions. This is a very hands-on class that aligns closely with the concepts in the Alberta Education Kindergarten Program.

THINKLEARN CREATEEnglish as a Second Language Program

The ESL programs are designed to assist your child in learning to speak, read and write English. Your child will participate in activities that focus on learning the language of school and the concepts taught at school. A greater knowledge of these will assist your child’s learning at school.

The main concepts from the Alberta Education Elementary Curriculum are interwoven in the weekly lessons from September – May. Classes during themonth of June focus on the language of tests to assist with exam preparation.

Your child will be required to complete homework for the ESL class.

Technology Information

Learning experiences will be designed to incorporate a range of resources. As your child is a part of the ‘digital native’ generation, technology will be one such resource and will be used to enhance a learning experience. All games, videos, YouTube, computer software and iPad applications will be chosen according to the educational content and relevance to the teaching /learning experience. At all times, they will be age and developmentally appropriate.

School Fees

School fees are payable on the 1st of each month September 2015 – June 2016.

An advanced payment for all classes of $100 is payable at the time of application to secure your child’s place in the class. This will be deducted from the September payment.

Children joining classes throughout the year will need to pay their first month in full upon application.

There is no fee reduction for holidays or illness.

An administration fee of $25 will be incurred for NSF cheques. If two cheques are dishonoured payment will need to be made by cash by the first of each month in order to retain your child’s place in the class.

If you would prefer to pay by e-transfer please contact the Director to make arrangements.

PLAYLEARN CREATEPreschool & Jr. Kindergarten Program

These classes require ten post-dated cheques for September – June. These are to be handed in on the first day of your child’s class.

THINKLEARN CREATEEnglish as a Second Language Program

These require a minimum of three months commitment for learning purposes. As such, three post-dated cheques are required on the first day of class. Continuing enrolment in these classes is also on a three month basis requiring a further three post-dated cheques. The final month of June is payable separately from the three monthly commitment.

Yearly enrolment is also available by providing ten post-dated cheques to secure your child’s place.

Withdrawal Policy

Omilia Echelon requires one month’s written notice from the 1st of the month should you need to withdraw. If you do not provide notice by the 1st of the month you will be liable for the following month’s payment also.

A withdrawal form will need to be completed for our records. This is available from the Director.

Omilia Echelon reserves the right to terminate enrolment for any child due to non payment of fees after ten days or due to ongoing behavioural issues that affect the well being and education of other children.

Being a student at Omilia Echelon

An orientation / open house day will be held prior to your child beginning classes so they become familiar with the setting.

First Day Information

PLAYLEARN CREATEPreschool & Jr. Kindergarten Program

On your child’s first day they will need to bring:

  • Indoor play shoes (not slippers or black soles)
  • A change of clothes (to be kept in their back pack)
  • Water bottle and snack
  • Ten post-dated monthly cheques

Please make sure all clothing and snack containers are clearly labeled with your child’s name.

THINKLEARN CREATEEnglish as a Second Language Program

On your child’s first class they will need to bring:

  • Indoor play shoes (not slippers or black soles)
  • Water bottle
  • Three (or ten for yearly enrolment) post-dated monthly cheques

Please make sure all clothing and snack containers are clearly labeled with your child’s name.

To assist in developing independence and personal responsibility, all children will enter class on their own with the teacher. Parents are welcome to view the class after classes.


A record of attendance needs to be maintained. Please inform Omilia Echelon by SMS or email if your child is going to be absent from their class or if you are going on a vacation.

Preschool and Kindergarten parents will need to sign their child in and out from class each time.

Items from Home

Your child should not bring any items/toys/belongings from home unless stated otherwise by the teacher for a specific purpose. You will be informed if your child is required to bring anything in for an activity. Whilst all care will be taken, Omilia Echelon will not be held responsible for any loss or damage to the child’s property from home.

Behaviour Expectations

Every child has the right to learn and every teacher has the right to teach in a safe and positive environment. To create this learning environment it is important that your child learns to:

  • respect the rights and feelings of others
  • respect school and personal property
  • use manners at all times
  • listen and do as they are asked
  • play and work safely with other class members.

Positive behaviours will be taught, role modeled and reinforced with your child. Your child will be encouraged to discuss their feelings, think about situations, and work with the teacher to problem solve ways to redirect their behavior if necessary. All children will be guided in making positive choices and learn that they are responsible for the choices they make.

Teachers will model appropriate social behavior, talk calmly and treat you and your child with respect.

Parents will be contacted if their child is having trouble adjusting or is unable to make appropriate choices on a continual basis. We will work together to develop a behavioural plan so that your child can learn appropriate social behaviours in a nurturing environment.

Field Trips and Off-Site Activities

Field trips and off-site activities will be incorporated into all learning programs where possible and applicable. Written information will be sent to parents with a description of the activity, mode of transport, materials required for the outing and a request for parent help.

As a part of our daily outside activity, children attending the preschool and junior kindergarten programs will walk to the park nearby once a week (weather permitting). Parents are welcome to join us.


PLAYLEARN CREATEPreschool & Jr. Kindergarten Program

Your child will need to bring a snack to class. As we would like to promote healthy eating habits and the best brain foods for learning, please use this snack time to provide your child with healthy foods. Fruit, yoghurt, cheese and homemade snacks make great choices. Canada’s Food Guide by Health Canada is a useful resource that you can access for more information.

Water is the healthiest option for drink. Your child can access their water bottle at any time during the class.

Omilia Echelon is a nut free school. Please make sure that your child’s snack does not contain nuts of any kind. In the event that it does, fruit will be given as an alternative snack.

THINKLEARN CREATEEnglish as a Second Language Program

Your child may bring a bottle of water to school. They will be able to access this anytime throughout the class. They do not require any snack.

Smoking Policy

Omilia Echelon is a smoke free environment. Staff, parents and volunteers are to refrain from smoking when on the premises or during a field trip or off-site activity.

Safety at Omilia Echelon

Omilia Echelon maintains a high standard of practice to ensure the health, safety and well being of your child whilst in our care.

Child Health Information

To maintain a healthy environment we ask that you do not send your child to school if they have any symptoms of a fever over 38C, diarrhea, vomiting or unexplained cough or rash. As children will be going outside for play activities it is best to keep your child at home if they would be unable to do so.

If your child should display any signs of sickness as outlined in the Calgary Health Services Illness Exclusion Policy (available on the parent noticeboard) whilst at Omilia Echelon, you will be notified and asked to collect your child within one hour. Children displaying signs of a communicable disease will be isolated until you arrive.

Child Abuse Reporting

Teachers are required by law to document and report any signs of suspected or known child abuse. All records will be kept in strict confidentiality.

Medication Consent

If your child requires medication whilst at Omilia Echelon, you must complete the Medication Consent Form. This includes any emergency medication your child may need, for example an EPI pen. It is best if theemergency medication is kept at school, when possible, in a locked box in the classroom. If you cannot keep a separate dose at school the child must have it intheir school bag at all times they are at the school. It is your responsibility to ensure all medication is within the expiry date.Staff will follow the guidelines of administering the medication as you have written for your child. You will be notified immediately if your child has required the emergency medication.

If your child requires antibiotics, we ask that you keep your child at home for a 24-hour period from the first dose. This is to ensure they have no reactions to the antibiotic and are nolonger exhibiting the symptoms /signs of their diagnosed illness.

Staff may only administer medication in the original labeled container clearly marked with your child’s name and accompanied with a medical consent form. Please note that over the counter medication cannot be given at any time by Omilia Echelon staff.

Medical Information

Please provide Omilia Echelon with all up to date medical information regarding your child. This will need to be used should an emergency occur requiring medical attention. The portable emergency form also needs to include all medical information as this form is taken on off-site activities.

Accident/Incident Reporting

Current first aid certification specializing in children is required of teaching staff. They are expected to perform first aid on any child should it become necessary and are responsible for making the decision if further medical action is required. This may include calling an ambulance. Only first aid care can be given to your child by certified staff. You will be notified immediately of any emergency affecting your child. You will be responsible for all costs related to the medical treatment, including the cost of the ambulance.

You will be notified at the end of a class if your child has had a minor accident/incident. This refers to any minor incident that may occur during the course of play, for example, a bump.

All accident/incidents will be documented and you will be asked to sign the form.

Fire Drills

In the first weeks of school, your child will be taught what to do in the event of a fire. A fire plan is clearly displayed on the classroom wall. Throughout the year the children will have the opportunity to practice the fire drill.

Emergency Evacuation

In the event of an emergency evacuation, your child will be promptly and calmly taken to:

New Brighton Residents Association

2 New Brighton Drive SE Calgary, AB T2Z 4B2

Phone: (403) 781 6613

You will be contacted immediately to collect your child. The Portable Record will be taken with the staff member so please ensure numbers are always current.

About the Director – Karen Duffy

Miss Karen has been an educator for 26 years and holds a Master of Education (Curriculum and Pedagogy), Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood) and a Diploma of Teaching (Early Childhood). Miss Karen is currently studying for a Certificate in English as a Second Language (ESL).

Thank You!

Omilia Echelon would like to thank you for the privilege of being able to teach your child this year. We look forward to a great year of exploring, creating, thinking and learning with your child.