st. Stephen

Lutheran church – elca

Pastor Gail Sowell

424 N 3rd Avenue, PO Box 95

Edgar, WI 54426-0095

Telephone: 715-352-2491 (St. Stephen Office)

715-352-2492 (Pastor Gail Home/Cell/Emergency)

715-352-2524 (St. John Office)

Church Web Site:

Gail Sowell / Home/Cell/Emergency
St. Stephen Office
St. John Office / 715-352-2492
Secretary / Sherry Gayken
/ 715-355-9039
Outside Custodian / Steve Doran / 715-393-5080
Inside Custodian / Rachel Doran / 715-393-5076
Organist / Charlotte Otto / 715-443-2007
Handbell Director / Marla Berg / 715-302-4768
Altar Guild / Millie Borchardt/
Marge Copeland/Deb Pilgrim / 715-352-2451
Media Team / Dale Pilgrim, Mark Schreier, Vern Spaulding, Rod Zietlow, Kristin Zietlow, Mike Maurer, Sherry Gayken

june birthdays

06/04Krause Ashley

06/10Holte Carlee

06/15Mroczenski Jake

06/18Penno Carl

06/18Reiche Ronald

06/21Werner Alice

06/25Krueger Scott

06/28Palm Hannah

06/29King Lyla

06/30Thorn Russell

06/30Werner Rebecca


06/08- Berg, Marla & Tom

06/08- Werner, Jen & Perry

06/14-Doran, Jordon & Courtney

06/15- Feltz, Jesse & Jessica

06/16- Knetter, Michelle & Jesse

06/23- Holte, Beverly & Jason

06/26- Harm, David & Deb

06/30- Lang, Shirley & Dennis

JULY birthdays

07/01Paul Keith

07/01Freese Brooke

07/01Beighley Tammy

07/04Strassser Marlena

07/08Steinke Kelsey

07/11Mroczenski Alexa

07/11Punke Ken

07/12Krause Kim

07/13Berg Marla

07/13Knetter Michelle

07/14Krueger Debra

07/16Martin Zachary

07/19Haanstad Julie

07/27Kohel Simon

07/28Martin Mitchell

07/29Krahn Annette


07/01-Schreier, Mark & Kathy

07/02-Twerberg, Joel & Susan

07/03-Niewolny, Travis & Erin

07/11-Dvorak, Daniel & Colleen

07/12-Paul, Keith & Anne

07/20-Reiche, Jeff & Jill

to Ben and Patty Kohel on the arrival of their new baby girl, Greta Faye Kohel. Greta was welcomed into the world on Friday, May 12, 2017 at 4:52 AM, weighing 6 lbs. 9 oz. Sometimes the smallest things bring the greatest joys!

GRADUATE RECOGNITION – Graduating seniors Rachel Heiden, daughter of Greg and Mindy Heiden, and Katlynn Mroczenski, daughter of Larry and Tami Mroczenski, were recognized on Sunday, May 14, at St. Stephen’s 10:30 AM worship service.

Rachel plans to attend UW-Eau Claire in the fall. At this time her major is undeclared

Katlynn is going to the UW-River Falls this fall and is pursuing a degree in Education and hopes to become a teacher.

The Ladies’ Quilting Group presented each graduate with a hand-made quilt.

It is the wish of the St. Stephen congregation, that with the Lord as your guide, your continuing journey may be blessed with success and happiness.


I’m looking at two Ziggy comic boxes from the Wausau Daily Herald, one from last year and one from this year. Last November shows Ziggy looking out the window and saying, “In the past, I used to look forward to the present becoming the future!! Now, I find myself looking forward to the present becoming the past!” Then in February we see him looking out the same window; this time he says, “I’m gonna try to become more concerned about my future. . . After all, that’s where I’m gonna spend the rest of my life!!”

In mid-May we had our first-ever no-holds-barred, no-question-too-dumb/hard/simpleminded Bible study at St. Stephen. Ziggy’s concern about the future, the past, and the present reminds me that our first session at this new Bible study was a pretty good reflection of how our faith began, got stuck, grew, got stuck, and now continues to grow into the future. Without understanding the past, the “holy history” of Judaism and Christianity, we can’t begin to understand what true faith in Jesus means. Jesus wasn’t a Christian; he was a Jew. We dishonor both him and his faith if we don’t try to understand the context of religion 2000 years ago. There’s not much in scripture that can be taken out of context and still retain its integrity if we want to be faithful to God’s holy Word.

This summer the newly formed “St. John/St. Stephen Lutheran Parish (ELCA) in Edgar, Wisconsin, is expanding opportunities to worship and to learn. Our Wednesday evening Bible study will continue at 6:00 PM every other week through the end of July: June 7, 21, July 5, 19. In addition we’re adding a Thursday evening worship service every week at 6:00 PM at St. Stephen (chosen because it seems to be a more central location than St. John). This will begin June 8 and go to the end of July; if we’ve had an average attendance of 8 or more people, we can continue through August. This will be a very informal service, without the structured liturgy. We’ll use the appointed readings for the following Sunday, and instead of a sermon I’ll talk about the texts: how they relate to each other, to the season of Pentecost, and to our daily lives. Unless someone wants to volunteer to play an instrument, we won’t have a musician—but that doesn’t mean we won’t sing! Note: anyone and everyone is welcome at both Bible studies and worship services!

Summer is a time for vacations and travel. I’ll be going to the Los Angeles area (August 14-18) to visit my son and his family. He says the twins are growing like weeds—by the time I see them they’ll be almost 6! Every day I give thanks for the miracle of their lives; at birth neither one was expected to live, and now they’re thriving.

– For those of you traveling, go with God! Be safe, keep in touch, and bring bulletins from other congregations where you worship.


1892 – 2017 (125-Year Celebration: September 10th)

St. Stephen Lutheran Church as it was on April 2, 1967 – Edgar’s first house of worship, built in 1892-1893 – originally was a small frame church building, no tower, no bell. In 1904 a woodshed was built at the southeast side of the church which was also used as a horse stable by the pastor. In the same year a foundation was made under the church and the outside was painted. An addition, and the tower, were added 1914-1919. The structure remained the same, with the exception of necessary repairs and minor alternations, until its sale to the School District. 1922-1927 a school house was erected adjoining the enlarged and remodeled church building.

Growth of the congregation in the succeeding years made it obvious that a new and larger church building was needed. A building fund was launched 1930-1944. The new (and present) building site on Edgar’s main street consisting of 4 ½ acres of land was acquired by the congregation in the spring of 1949. The groundbreaking exercises were conducted on June 4, 1949. The cornerstone was laid on September 10, 1950. On May 20, 1951, a beautiful new and bigger church was dedicated. In 1999 a new addition was completed, including a lift – making the church handicapped accessible.

Excerpts from: The Architect’s Story, Hugo Logemann, Milwaukee, WI, May, 1951: instead of awarding the work of construction all on the usual contract basis, it was decided that the congregation would act as its own contractor on much of the important work … put their heart and soul into the effort as well as strong arms … donated labor, truly work of love. The building’s initial overall length about 85 feet, width of 50 feet, height of 38 feet. The top of the stone cross on the apex of the west gable is 2 feet higher. The new St. Stephen building is a strong and sturdy structure.

History books are stored in the library downstairs of St. Stephen. Feel free to view these at your leisure. More history information about the interior in the next Newsletter. Anniversary celebration: Sunday, September 10, 2017. Mark your calendars!!

Adventures of the Church Mice

My goodness gracious! I think Rose and Pastor Gail have forgotten all about us church mice! This is Twink, and all I hear about these days is the baby bunnies outside the Sunday School rooms and robins’ nests and baby robins and baby doves. Don’t we mice count anymore???? –

We’re going to have to keep on our toes, all of us, because worship will start earlier at both congregations! Usually Tully and I are just finishing our browsing around 8:30. And I don’t know about Miri—I hope she can stay out of the way of those early summer feet!

It sounds like it’ll be a really busy summer at St. Stephen, with Bible studies and worship services during the week. (If they’re going to have snacks, maybe Tully and I should visit Miri!).

We sure miss the children during the summer. I hope their parents will keep bringing them even if there’s no Sunday School. (Really, we like the kids, not only the crumbs they leave!) Oh that reminds me, I heard someone complaining about babies crying in church, and Pastor Gail got really upset. She said babies and children are always welcome in church. She said she was pretty sure Jesus cried too when he was a baby.

(I wonder if Jesus liked mice? I sure hope so!) Anyway, we mice wish all of you people a safe and happy summer, and we hope you’ll still come to church often!

A SAFE JOURNEY is wished for Katie Heiden on a wonderful opportunity God has placed in her heart because of her love for children and her love for Christ. Through Adventures in Missions Passport Program she has been accepted to partake in the 2017 summer Passport trip to Ometepe Island, Nicaragua.

She will be leaving June 1st and coming back the beginning of August. During this time she will be working in an orphanage helping children with their studies, teaching them about Jesus, and doing anything she can to help them.

She has completed her second year at Concordia studying to be a Kindergarten teacher but felt God calling her for something more. When she found The World Race she wrote that she knew that was what God wanted for her.

Please keep Katie in your thoughts and prayers throughout her journey.

of Suzzanne Spaulding-Wright, daughter of Vern and Marilyn Spaulding, memorial received from Wilbur and Charlotte Otto – for the Table Fund.


7:00 PM -- Community Ecumenical Worship in

Oak Street Park

BEGINNING, SUNDAY, JUNE 4 (June, July, August):

8:30 AM – Worship at St. John ELCA

10:00 AM – Communion Worship at St. Stephen ELCA

This summer the newly formed “St. John/St. Stephen Lutheran Parish (ELCA) in Edgar, Wisconsin, is expanding opportunities to worship and to learn.


6:00 PM every other week through the end of July: (June 7, 21, and July 5, 19)


6:00 PM – Worship at St. Stephen ELCA

(A Thursday evening worship service every week at 6:00 PM at St. Stephen (chosen as central location) – beginning June 8 through the end of July – a very informal service, without the structured liturgy – with appointed readings for the following Sunday, and instead of a sermon, Pastor Gail will talk about the texts and how they relate to each other, to the season of Pentecost, and to our daily lives. Musical volunteers are welcome—singing will be done!

Note: anyone and everyone is welcome at both Bible studies and worship services!


(2nd Tuesday of each month at 1:00 PM):

Tuesday, June 13 (Jane to hostess at St. Stephen);

and Tuesday, July 11 (at MaryAnn’s cabin)

(No Bible Study in August)


(3rd Wednesday of each month at 1:00 PM):

Wednesday, June 21; Wednesday, July 19;

and Wednesday, August 16

SUNDAY, JUNE 4 @ 9:15 AM

to issue a call toReverend Gail Sowell to serve as Pastor of St. John/St. Stephen Lutheran Parish (ELCA) in Edgar Wisconsin;

and to vote on the funding for the remodel project of the women’s downstairs restroom.

ORDINATION ANNIVERSARY – June 19th is Pastor Gail’s ANNIVERSARY! It will be the 18th anniversary of her Ordination. Extend her your congratulations! Let her know how she has been a blessing to you through her calling as a Pastor.

PASTOR GAIL (Saturday, May 27). Ain’t it heavenly – to turn “70” !!!!!


Sunday, June 18, at 8:30 AM

and Sunday, July 16, at 8:30 AM.


Sunday, July 23, @ 8:45 AM.

SPECIAL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING on Sunday, June 4 @ 9:15 AM, as mentioned above.

YOKING with St. John becomes “official” on Saturday, July 1, 2017 – as: St. John/St. Stephen Lutheran Parish (ELCA) in Edgar, Wisconsin

LIVE FLOWERS – if anyone wishes to donate live flowers (NO artificial) or plant to place at the base of the cross in front of church for a Sunday service, please feel welcome to do so. This may be done any Sunday. The Altar Guild will arrange them for the service. If you wish to offer them as a memorial, please write a note for Pastor Gail.

PENTECOST SUNDAY is Sunday, June 4th – a reminder to wear RED!! Also, if you wish, red geraniums or any red live flower or plant would be welcome to place at the cross in front of church. A note to Millie Borchardt ahead of time would be appreciated … but not necessary.


Saturday, June 3, 7:00 AM – 11:00 AM. Raffle baskets available.

Also, St. John will be holding a BRAT FRY at ProVision (CENEX) in Stratford Fridays, June 9 and June 16.

THE 44TH ANNUAL ANTIQUE STEAM & GAS ENGINE SHOWis being held Friday, August 25th – Sunday, August 27th. Mark your calendars – a volunteer sign-up sheet will be out shortly. Many hands make for light work and FUN!

SENIOR DAY – 3rd Wednesday of each month from 1:00 – 3:00 PM at St. Stephen.

Pictured are the Kings Korner card sharks from May:

Seated: Marilyn Spaulding and Esther Pilgrim; Standing from left: Arlene Roddy, Adeline Pilgrim, Gisela Ringle, Carol Stevenson, Vern Spaulding, Marge Copeland, Millie Borchardt, Elaine Pilgrim, Ruth Paul, Jane Ross, and Lorraine Martyn. Photo by Sherry Gayken.

Champion for the month of May is:

Arlene Roddy.

Join in with the group for some old-fashioned fun !!

All area seniors are welcome !!!

THANK YOU to everyone who came and helped with the church cleaning on Saturday, May 6th: Rachel Doran (for organizing), Kathy Schreier, Ruth Paul, and Mary Riederer (stand-in for Jane Ross). Mark your calendars for next spring … as manyMORE hands do indeed makelightwork!

THANK YOU also to the individuals who spent hours organizing and working the May 19 and 20 rummage sale and food stand: Marge Copeland, Rachel Doran, Marilyn Spaulding, Debbie Pilgrim, Steve Doran, and Margaret Socha, and to all who donated items for sale. Profit for the Table Fund was: rummage sale $374 and food stand $213 – a superb job by all !!

A WISCONSIN WOODCHUCKS game will be enjoyed this year again by St. Stephen members (in July or August). Tickets are $11.50 each which includes soda and a hot dog. This year it will be a Friday night game with entertainment and fireworks!!

Three choices of dates are on a sign-up sheet in the back. Please pick one up and indicate the dates you are absolutely NOT available and your 1st choice of available dates. Majority wins! It was a fun time last year – with good seats, great entertainment, and fun with friends !!!

VOICES OF PEACE 13th ANNUAL GOSPEL MUSIC FEST – Hilbert Civic Park, Hwy 657, Hilbert, WI – Friday, August 18 from 1:00 – 9:00 PM; and Saturday, August 19 from 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM. Country/Southern Gospel/Bluegrass. Free admission (free will offering – 100% given to bands) – Food available – No carry-ins – Nondenominational – bring lawn chairs & your family. Flyer on bulletin board in back. Speak with Mark Schreier for more information or call 920-756-3830 or 920-470-0423. Email: /

EDGAR SUMMER CONCERTS IN THE PARK – sponsored by the Edgar Fine Arts Association:

July 27 – Keith Allynn will perform “Not Really Willy!!”

August 3 – KT Country

August 10 – Steve “Shoes” Schumacker

August 17—Acoustic country by Rod Parsons

JUNE, 2017
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
/ 1
7:00 PM
Worship in the Park / 2
Edgar / 3
7:00 – 11:00 AM
St. John Breakfast
In the Park
4 Day of Pentecost
9:15 AM Special Congregational
10:00 AM Communion Worship
1:00 PM Edgar Parade / 5
Pastor Gail’s
Day Off / 6 / 7
6:00 PM
Bible Study / 8
6:00 PM
Worship / 9 / 10
11 The Holy Trinity
10:00 AM Communion Worship / 12
Pastor Gail’s
Day Off / 13
1:00 PM
Ladies’ Bible Study
(Jane Ross-
Hostess) / 14
Flag Day / 15
6:00 PM
Worship / 16 / 17
18 2nd Sunday after Pentecost
Father’s Day
8:30 AM Council Meeting
10:00 AM Communion Worship / 19
Pastor Gail’s
Day Off / 20 / 21
First Day of Summer
1:00 PM
Senior Day
6:00 PM
Bible Study / 22
6:00 PM
Worship / 23 / 24
4:00 PM
Maurer/Laidlaw Wedding
25 3rdSunday after Pentecost
10:00 AM Communion Worship / 26
Pastor Gail’s
Day Off / 27 / 28 / 29
6:00 PM
Worship / 30 / JULY 1
Yoking Official:
St. John/
St. Stephen Lutheran Parish (ELCA) in Edgar, Wisconsin

FIRST ANNUAL CHALK FEST AND ART SHOW – Friday and Saturday, June 23rd and 24th, on Edgar sidewalks. Individuals and groups will purchase chalk sets with brushes and sponges for $15.00 and be given a 4x4 foot area on sidewalks near the Village Hall to create artworks. For more information, contact Karen Schmitt (715-352-2577 @ Stark’s Floral, OR Amanda Albrecht (715-680-1245).

JULY, 2017
/ 1
Official Yoking of
St. John/
St. Stephen Lutheran Parish (ELCA) in Edgar Wisconsin
2 4th Sunday after Pentecost
10:00 AM Communion Worship / 3
Pastor Gail’s
Day Off / 4 / 5