MIS 115 Sections 1-3Exam 1 Study GuideSpring 2001
MIS 115, Fall 2001
Instructor: Gene Mesher
Note: For Chapters 1-4 of the textbook, you can skip all of the inserted, highlighted sections entitled “Management Focus”, “Technology Focus” and the case studies at the end of each chapter. They will not be covered on the test.
Chapter 1. Introduction to Data Communications
- Data Rates: bps, Gbps, Kbps, Mbps, Tbps, Pbps, broadband communications
- Network Types: Backbone Network, LAN, MAN, WAN
- Protocol Suites: Application, Data Link, Network, Physical, Transport Layers, OSI model, protocol, protocol stack
- The Telecom Industry: AT&T, IXC, LEC, MCI, monopoly, RBOC, Sprint, the Telecom Act of 1996, common carrier, customer premises equipment (CPE)
- Basic Network Components: Circuit, Client, File server, Host computer, Peer-to-peer network, Printer server, Server, Web server
- The Internet: Domain, extranet, Internet, Intranet, NSFNET
- Standards and Standards Making Organizations: ANSI, CCITT, IEEE, ITU-T, IETF, NIST, FCC, de facto and formal standards
- Future Networking Trends: pervasive networking, integration of voice, video and data, new information services, application service providers, information utilities
- Miscellaneous Term: ISPs
- Terms you can skip: CA*net
Chapter 2. Application Layer
Application Architectures; Client-based architecture, Client-server architecture, Host based architecture, server-based architecture, application logic, data access logic, data storage, presentation logic, distributed computing
Host and Client Types: Dumb terminal, Host computer, Mainframe computer, Microcomputer, minicomputer, network computer, Terminal, Workstation, Intelligent terminal, Transaction terminal
Fat & Thin clients and N-tiered architecture: Fat client, n-tiered architecture, Thin client, Three-tiered architecture, Two-tiered architecture
- Other TCP/IP Applications: telnet, Anonymous FTP, file transfer protocol, Instant Messaging
- WWW: home page, domain, HTML, HTTP, HTTP requests and responses, Metasearch engine, NCSA, Netscape, Search engine, URL, WWW, Web browser, Web server, Web casting
- E-mail: Message transfer agent, MIME, SMTP, telephone tag, user agent, X.400, IMAP, POP, snail mail
- Terms you can skip: Listserv, CMC, cluster.
Chapter 3. Physical Layer
Physical Media: Coaxial cable, Fiber optic cable, Guided media, Infrared trans, Microwave transmission, wireless media, radio transmission, satellite transmission, Twisted pair cable, VSAT, WDM, transponders, propagation delay, attenuation
Multiplexing: FDM, guardband, multiplexers, STDM, TDM, FEP, WDM, bandwidth, inverse multiplexing, BONDING, channel, logical and physical circuits
Pt-Pt versus Pt-Multipoint, Circuits and Duplexity: Full dup trans., Half dup trans, simplex, multipoint circuit, point-to-point circuit
Misc. Terms: Channel, VDU, DSL, POTS
Analog and Digital Transmission, Analog & Digital Data: Digital, Analog
Digital Transmission: parallel versus serial transmission, baseband signals, broadband, Manchester encoding, polarity, bipolar and unipolar signaling
Character Encoding Sets: ASCII, EBCDIC, coding
Telephone Network: central office, end office, guardband, switch, trunk line
Modulation: amplitude, AM, bandwidth, baud rate, bit rate, data rate, carrier wave, cycles per sec., frequency, FM, Hertz, modem, Phase, PM, QAM, symbol rate, local loop
Voice Digitization: codec, PCM, ADPCM, quantizing error, DS-0
Modems: 56K modem, data compression, Huffman encoding, Lempel-Ziv encoding, V.22, V. 34, V.34+, V. 42bis, V.90, V.92, handshaking
Terms you can skip: modem pooling, MNP 5, TCM, remote intelligent controller, Intelligent controller, retrain time
(1)Relationship between no. of bits/char. (or symbol) & no. of poss. chars(sym.):
2n = X where n = no. of bits and X = total
(2)Data Rate (Bit Rate in bps) = No. of Bits/Symbol x No. of Symbols/Sec.
Chapter 4. Data Link Layer
SECTIONS YOU CAN SKIP: Asynchronous File Transfer Protocols (pp. 149-150) and Throughput (TRIB) (pp.156-158).
- General Data Link Layer Terms: data link protocol, packet, message delineation, throughput, transmission efficiency, frame, overhead bits, information bits, efficiency.
- Media Access Control: contention, controlled access, collision tolerant protocol, polling, hub polling, roll call polling, token, X-ON/X-OFF
- Synchronous Transmission Protocols: Ethernet (IEEE 802.3), Token Ring, HDLC, LAP-B, SDLC, SLIP, PPP, synchronization, bit-oriented protocol, byte count protocol.
- Asynchronous Transmission: stop bit, start bit.
- Sources of Errors: error rate, lost data, corrupted data, attenuation, burst error, impulse noise, cross-talk, echoes, amplifiers, repeaters, jitter, line noise, white noise, shielding, line outage.
- Error Control: error detection and correction, backward error correction, retransmission, ARQ, stop-and-wait ARQ, ACK, NAK, go-back-N ARQ, sliding window (continuous) ARQ, forward error correction, Hamming Code, flow control.
- Error Detection: checksum, polynomial checking, CRC, even & odd parity, BCC
- Terms you can skip: harmonic distortion, Gaussian noise, token ring, TRIB, Xmodem, Zmodem