Creating accessible Excel spreadsheets

By thoughtful application of some simple techniques and strategies, your Excel spreadsheets can be made very accessible. The latest versions of access software such as JAWS are optimised for use with Microsoft Office programs including Excel.

Appropriate formatting and design considerations will aid effective navigation and use by all users and not just those who are blind or partially sighted.

1. Design

Design basics

A well designed spreadsheet is of benefit to everyone and not just blind and partially sighted users.

Spreadsheets can provide perfectly accessible information providing that appropriate formatting is used to create the tables of data. Most screen reader software and screen magnification software include specific functions for reading Excel spreadsheets.

No special formatting is needed to create a table in Excel. The entire worksheet is a grid which you can populate with text and data.

However, this flexibility can create accessibility issues. For example, text such as titles or notes can be inserted into cells that are not part of a table. Unfortunately text which is not part of a table can cause access and navigation problems for blind and partially sighted users.

Top ten accessibility pointers
  1. Break down complex data sets into logical tables ideally with their own worksheets. New tables should be created on separate worksheets to aid navigation and understanding.
  2. Reserve the first worksheet for a contents or index page.
  3. Use Clear Print guidelines for text and data.
  4. Insert all text and data within a logical path that a keyboard only user would take. As a general rule keyboard users will navigate down from cell A1 until the table is reached.
  5. Empty cells within a table should be marked as such with a minus sign, a zero or N/A for not applicable as appropriate.
  6. Adjust cell height and width to ensure all text that you want to appear is visible in your spreadsheet.
  7. Add text descriptions and Alt text to charts and graphics.
  8. Avoid using visual devices such as colour, shading, patterns and borders to divide up data regions.
  9. Avoid merging data or header cells. Merged cells cause navigation problems and will not be read correctly if they contain row or column headers.
  10. Always save your spreadsheet with the focus on cell A1 unless you want to draw attention to a specific cell.

Avoid setting text in a vertical or diagonal direction and adding spaces between letters in a word for visual effect. Screen reader and magnification users will find such text difficult or impossible to access.

Keyboard shortcuts

Tab = move one cell to the right

Shift Tab = move one cell to the left

Arrow keys = move in any direction

Ctrl Arrow key = move to edge of table in direction of arrow

Clear Print guidelines

Following Clear Print guidelines for spreadsheets will help ensure that your information is accessible to as wide an audience as possible.

Good design will also ensure that information can be accessed more efficiently by everyone and not just access technology users.

How to use Clear Print
  • Table layout should be predictable and easy to navigate.
  • Comment and signpost cells used where appropriate.
  • Each new table on a separate worksheet.
  • Row and column headings effectively formatted.
  • Headers and footers not used to convey important information.
  • Cells formatted so that all text is visible.
  • Font colour set to automatic.
  • Information provided through cell patterning and conditional formatting also provided via text.
  • Floating elements such as graphics and text boxes not used.
  • Graphics, where necessary, on a separate worksheet.
  • Concise text descriptions of graphics and images provided.
  • Overall spreadsheet and individual worksheets have meaningful names.
  • Unused worksheets deleted.
  • Users are alerted to filters and frozen panes.
  • Cell focus is left in a logical place when saving and closing the spreadsheet.

Basic settings for Clear Print can be set up as defaults for use with any new spreadsheet you create.

Clear Print settings
  1. Select Tools, Options and General to set the following options [Alt T, O, G].
  1. Select Sheets in new workbook and change this to 1 [Alt S].
  2. Select Standard font and change this to Arial [Alt A].
  3. Select Size and change this to 14 [Alt E].
  4. Select Ok or press Enter to close the tab.
  5. To set colour to automatic select Format, Cells, Font [Alt O, E, F].
  6. Select Colour and change this to Automatic [Alt C].
  7. Click Ok to close the tab [Enter, Tab, Enter].

Setting the default worksheets to one means you only add extra worksheets if you actually need them. To add a new worksheet select Insert, Worksheet [Shift F11].

Keyboard shortcuts

Shift F11 = insert new worksheet

Ctrl + Page Down = move to next worksheet

Ctrl + Page Up = move to previous worksheet

Large print

Documents in large print may be requested by people who have some useful sight but prefer larger than standard 14 point Clear Print.

Large print should always follow the Clear Print guidelines as regards text and layout.

Large print type size

Whereas Clear Print is 14 point type size, large print starts at 16 point. Always ask to identify the preferred reading size but if you are unable to find out from your recipient or colleague their required type size, you might offer 18 point.

Remember that access technology can enlarge the text for a user, so no alternatives may be necessary.

Reasonable limits to the size of print

Requests for type sizes above 28 point should be carefully considered for effectiveness. Very large type sizes can be counter-productive because they cause publications to become bulky and difficult to navigate. Alternative formats can be offered to avoid running into these problems.

How to make your spreadsheet large print
  1. Highlight your entire worksheet [Ctrl A].
  1. Change the Font Size to the new value [Ctrl Shift P].
  2. To resize cells to fit the enlarged print select Format, Column, AutoFit Selection [Alt O, C, A].
Important quality checks
  • Spreadsheets enlarged in this way should always be carefully proof checked.
  • Particularly look for numbers which will appear as a line of hashes if the cell is too small.
  • Large print should never be created by enlarging a standard print document using a photocopier.
  • Pictures and images should be checked to ensure they work at a larger scale.
  • To avoid possible problems always use AutoFit Selection to change the size of cells.


By leaving the colour selection set to automatic Excel will always try to maintain a strong contrast between the foreground and the background. This has the additional advantage that partially sighted users are free to modify the colour selection to best suit themselves.

If colour alone is used to highlight important aspects of a spreadsheet then this can cause problems for blind and partially sighted users and those with colour vision deficiencies, for example.

Where colour has to be used you can apply additional techniques to help ensure the meaning is conveyed to as many users as possible.

  • Try to provide additional cues in the text to draw attention to the meaning of the colour. For example, text marked in red could also have a comment which would be read out by a screen reader.
  • Dividing areas of a large table up by colour alone is not really accessible. A more accessible design solution would be to divide the large table up over several worksheets.
  • With a bit of thought it is possible to design your spreadsheet so that screen reader users can filter information using the same criteria that determines the colour.
A note about conditional formatting

Conditional formatting is where the colour of a cell changes according to a pre-set condition. Unfortunately, at the present time there is no acceptable method of making conditional formatting accessible.

Accessible forms in Excel

The more accessible a form is the more likely you are to get a good response rate. Simple techniques can be used to design forms that are accessible to as wide an audience as possible.

Even where forms are to be posted out, following Clear Print guidelines and the advice given here will help to ensure that print versions are as accessible as possible.

Designing for accessibility from the start will help to ensure that alternative formats such as large print, braille and electronic versions can be more easily created.

Top 10 tips for accessible forms:
  1. The title should clearly state that the document is a form.
  1. Give a clear description of the structure of the form in Worksheet 1. For example, you may want to include the number of questions or sections, an estimate of the time required to fill in the form and any special instructions which may apply.
  2. Make all instructions for completing the form clear and unambiguous.
  3. Ensure that the structure is meaningful when navigated using the keyboard. Two column table grids are a recommended technique for accessibility. For example, questions in column A and answers in column B.
  4. Information which needs to be repeated on separate worksheets can be gathered once on the first page and then automatically inserted.
  5. Questions and response fields should follow a logical format for keyboard users.
  6. Make sure questions are worded to be compatible with screen readers. For example, Type your name here:
  7. Include contact details for getting help if required. For example, a recipient may want to request an alternative format.
  8. Ensure that instructions for returning the form are comprehensive and accessible.
  9. Add text descriptions or comments to questions where specific types of responses are required. For example, if the answer needs to be chosen from a given list of items.
  • Run a small pilot of your form or survey first. Apart from checking for accessibility you can also ensure that the information returned is what you actually want.
  • Avoid questions which use visual references such as Tick the appropriate box or Delete as appropriate.
  • Don't use lines of full stops, underscores or other characters to indicate where responses should go.
  • Questions which rely purely on visual elements or layout to make sense will not be accessible.
Simple table layout

Excel lends itself to using table layouts for producing accessible forms. Forms with simple uniform table layouts can be easily navigated from the keyboard.

How to create a 2-column form

A recommended technique is to use a two column table with questions typed into column 1 and answers in column 2.

  1. Create a two column table grid. Please refer to the section on formatting tables and headers if you need a reminder.
  1. Label the top cells of the table. The first column could be labelled Question and the second column Answer, for example.
  2. Appropriate instructions should be given above the table or on a separate header page. Comments can be added to question cells if required for clarity. You should include the following information:

The form uses table layout

Column one contains the questions

Column two is where the answers are typed

Who to contact for help with filling in the form

Where to send the completed form

  1. It is also good practice to include the number of questions so that screen reader users will know when they have reached the end.


  • Run a small pilot of your form or survey first. Apart from checking for accessibility you can also ensure that the information returned is what you actually want.
  • Avoid questions which use visual references such as Tick the appropriate box or Delete as appropriate.
  • Don't use lines of full stops, underscores or other characters to indicate where responses should go.
  • Questions which rely purely on visual elements or layout to make sense will not be accessible.
  • Always put important information at the start of the form or on a separate information or header page.
  • The header page in a complex form can hyperlink to appropriate worksheets.
  • Use the header page to collect information which needs to be repeated throughout the form such as Employee name, Employee number etc.
  • Any information to be added to the form after completion by the recipient should be included at the end of the form.

Advanced functions

  • Following the guidelines given in these pages should ensure that you are producing spreadsheets which are accessible for all your potential users. Excel is a vast subject and there are simply too many functions and features to list the accessibility implications of them all.
  • As a general rule accessibility problems can occur where advanced functions are used to lock or restrict spreadsheet access in some way. Hidden information is likely to remain so if an access technology user does not know it is there.
  • In particular, frozen panes and filters will not necessarily be obvious to access technology users. Where such features are deemed to be essential it is important to document their use and where possible how to switch them off.
  • The page on Saving and sharing will help you to ensure that when a user opens your spreadsheet they experience it exactly as you intended. For example, did you know that Excel always saves the cursor focus exactly where you left it?

2. Structure

Structure basics

The structure of your spreadsheet can go a long way towards ensuring that it is as accessible as possible to your users. If a little care is taken at the beginning your spreadsheets can be a very effective and accessible means of conveying information and data.

Leading accessibility software such as JAWS can work very well with Excel spreadsheets providing a few simple guidelines are followed.

Top tips for structure

  • Rather than have multiple data tables in one worksheet it is much better to create a worksheet for each table. The first worksheet can act as an index with hyperlinks to enable users to quickly jump to desired locations
  • Give your data tables row and column headers to aid navigation.
  • Data tables should be positioned against the top and left hand edges as keyboard users will generally navigate from Cell A1 in the top left corner unless signposted otherwise.
  • Visual effects such as merged cells should be avoided as this can cause disruption to the structure making accessibility more difficult. In fact, Excel naturally expands text over adjacent cells if necessary without affecting the underlying structure of the spreadsheet.
  • Data tables should allow the cursor to navigate logically around the rows and columns. This can be easily checked using the arrow keys.
  • Try to avoid large gaps between data areas and purely visual effects together with blank rows and columns as these can all cause confusion to keyboard users.

Divide and conquer

Complex data sets can generally be broken down into smaller tables to aid navigation and accessibility. Ideally, these tables can each have their own worksheet which can be navigated to and accessed from a contents list or index page.

Where multiple tables do need to be placed on a single worksheet there are a few points to bear in mind:

Single worksheet

  • Tables should border the left hand edge of the worksheet.
  • Tables should ideally be separated by a single blank line. Large gaps between tables could well be missed by screen reader users.
  • Give each table a title reference.
  • Similarly, row or column gaps in the tables themselves may be perceived by keyboard users as the edge of the data area rather than a divider.

Multiple worksheets

The most accessible spreadsheets tend to be those which make full use of worksheets to display individual tables, charts and graphs. Combine this with an index or contents page which signposts the user to the various parts of the spreadsheet and you will help to make your data easier to understand for everyone and not just blind or partially sighted readers.

Hyperlinks can be used within Excel spreadsheets to quickly navigate from the index to the different worksheets, for example.

Don't repeat yourself!

Sometimes information obtained from the user needs to be repeated throughout a complex spreadsheet. This information may include name, date of birth and employee number, for example. In these circumstances such information can be gathered just once on a purpose designed worksheet and then applied automatically where required throughout the spreadsheet.

Information and index pages

Providing information about the structure and layout of your spreadsheet is useful for all users but especially blind and partially sighted people who cannot easily get an overview.

  • A good starting point is to reserve the first worksheet in your spreadsheet for information and navigation.
  • You can provide a text description of how the worksheets are set out and organised.
  • It is helpful to provide an index or a list of contents which can be hyperlinked to the appropriate worksheets.

Worksheet descriptions