Operator Guide
Operator Guide,
Revision A - July 6, 2004
Copyright Ó Océ Display Graphics Systems, 2004
Introduction 3
Operator Mode 3
Installation 4
Hardware Installation 4
Software Installation: 4
Using T220Tools 12
Starting T220Tools: 12
VRC Debug Terminal Log: 14
Using the Window Tabs to Navigate 14
Encoder/Sensors Window 15
Start / Stop 15
Encoder Readings: 15
Sensors: 16
UV Lamps 17
Heaters 17
Printer Info 17
Download Window 18
Configure Window 20
SCSI Setup 20
Serial Port Setup 21
Trouble Shooting Information: 22
T220Tools is a diagnostic and control software utility that can be used to trouble-shoot printer problems, monitor printer status, and download firmware and image files.
The same version of T220Tools is used with both the T220 Solvent and the T220UV printer models. The T220Tools software detects which printer model is connected and displays the appropriate material for that model.
Operator Mode
There are features available in the T220Tools software that can cause damage to a printer if not properly used. Therefore, Operator Mode restricts the operator from accessing features that might be harmful, such as turning components on and off, and controlling motors. Operator mode offers useful features such as monitoring encoders and sensors, downloading firmware and images to the printer, and logging VRC information.
On start-up, when prompted for a password, just press the OK button. T220Tools will launch in the Operator mode with its custom feature set.
The operator mode of T220Tools lets you:
· Monitor encoder and sensor readings via the serial port,
· Perform SCSI downloads of firmware & image files,
· Log VRC information via serial port.
Hardware Installation
- Serial Cable Installation: Install a standard 9 pin serial cable between the host computer and printer.
Note: A 10 Meter serial cable OIN 3010103104 is included in the printer ship kit. Alternatively a standard serial cable (not a null modem cable) can be purchased from a computer store.
Arizona T220UV Printers Only: The internal serial cable between the VRC board and the side bulkhead of the printer needs to be replaced with part # 3010100489 (connector pin out needs to change for this software to communicate).
- SCSI Cable Installation: If T220Tools is being installed on the PosterShop host computer for the T220 printer the SCSI cable should already be installed, if not, install it.
Software Installation:
- Download Software: T220Tools can be downloaded from the Océ DGS website:
Or ftp site:
Note: Due to security measures in place on many computer systems today, it is necessary to rename the file after downloading by changing the extension from .ex_ to .exe before installing.
- Install Software:
· Double-click on the file downloaded in Step 1.
- Files are unzipped to a temporary folder and Install menu appears (Fig. 1).
· Click on Install Now!
- The T220Tools executable is placed in the folder: C:\Oce\T220Tools\Prog.
- SCSI ASPI driver are installed, if required.
- A shortcut is created on the desktop and all users start-up group. (Hint: if you want T220Tools to start automatically when you boot the computer, place this icon in the Start-up folder).
Figure 1 Installation Dialog Box
ASPI Driver Installation: if the ASPI drivers for the Adaptec card are already installed, uncheck that option by clicking on the box. However, if they need to be installed (or updated), leave it checked and the drivers will be installed.
Note: Windows XP Installation of ASPI Drivers – the screens in Figures 2 & 3 do not appear since XP does not require rebooting after installing the drivers.
Figure 2 ASPI Driver Installer
Click the Install button to install/update ASPI drivers. If you click on Exit, the ASPI drivers will not be installed and the installation program installs T220Tools (although you will have to uncheck the Install ASPI option first).
Figure 3 Reboot System
Click Reboot to restart the computer with the new or updated ASPI drivers. If you choose to manually reboot your computer later, click Exit. Make sure you reboot the computer before attempting to configure T220Tools with the new ASPI drivers.
- Start Software: Double click on the T220Tools icon that was placed on the desktop during installation. A dialog box appears requesting a password:
Figure 4 Password Request
· To enter Operator mode, simply click OK (no password is required).
Window boxes will temporarily appear stating that the VRC and DSP ports are not configured, then the startup Window appears.
Figure 5 Initial Startup Window
- Configure SCSI and Serial Port: Click on the Configure tab to display the following setup window, (Figure 2).
Figure 6 Initial Configuration Window
- Configure the VRC port by selecting the COM port that is used by the serial cable connecting the computer to the printer.
- Select “Scan SCSI bus”, and then select the Oce Arizona T220 or T220UV printer from the drop down box near the Info button.
The Configure window should look similar to the following, (Figure 3).
Note: The DSP port is not used in the field; Engineering uses it for development purposes only.
Figure 7 Configure Window After Setup
7. Get Printer Information: click on the Get T220 Info button to retrieve information from the printer. This lets T220Tools know whether the printer model is the T220 or T220UV. This step is only necessary on the initial startup. It is not required on subsequent startup, unless some aspect of the hardware configuration is changed (i.e., different serial port is used or a different SCSI card is installed).
Figure 8 Get Printer Information
- Test Serial Port – To test the serial port connection, select the Encoders/Sensors tab and click on Start to begin monitoring the sensors.
The fields in the windows will look slightly different for the T220UV and T220 Solvent models because the former has UV lamps and the latter has IR heaters.
The T220UV Encoder/Sensor Window is shown in Figure 9, and the Solvent T220 Encoder Sensor Window in Figure 10.
Figure 9 T220UV Encoder/Sensor Window
Figure 10 T220 Solvent Encoder/Sensor Window
- Start Using T220Tools – T220Tools has successfully been installed.
Using T220Tools
· Starting T220Tools
· VRC Debug Terminal Log
· Encoder/Sensors Window
· On/Off IO Window
· Motor Control Window
· Download Window
· Configure Window
Starting T220Tools:
Double-click the T220Tools icon on the desktop to run the program.
When connected to a T220UV model printer, you see the following window:
Figure 11 Startup Window for T220UV Printer
When connected to a T220 solvent model printer you see the following Window:
Figure 12 Startup Window for T220 Solvent Printer
In addition to the T220Tools window, a VRC Debug Terminal Window will be displayed at startup, (see Figure 13 VRC Debug Window).
Figure 13 VRC Debug Window
VRC Debug Terminal Log:
The VRC Debug Terminal Log, when running, receives data from the printer via the serial port. The VRC Debug Terminal Log automatically starts running when T220Tools is launched. VRC log files are created with date stamps and are stored in the folder C:\Oce\T220Tools\Logs.
!! Important !!
The VRC debug terminal cannot run if the Encoders/Sensors are being monitored. It is not possible to run both at the same time since they use the same serial cable. This means that when Encoders/Sensors are being monitored, the VRC debug terminal is stopped. No log information is collected until the sensing of the Encoders/Sensors is stopped.
Using the Window Tabs to Navigate
The T220Tools interface has five tabs that provide access to the available windows: Encoders/Sensors, On/Off IO, Motor Control, Download, and Configure. The following sections explain the features and functions available in each of these windows.
Encoder/Sensors Window
The Encoder/Sensors window displays the current values and status of encoders, sensors, lamps (T220UV), and IR hearers (T220 solvent). It also shows the status of various printer functions, including Motion, Ink Fill, Motors and Printer status (idle, warming-up or printing).
Figure 14 Encoder/Sensors Monitored on a T220UV Printer
An explanation of the fields in the window follows:
Start / Stop
Click the Start button to begin monitoring the features listed above.
Click the Stop button to end monitoring. This also automatically causes the VRC debug terminal log to begin recording again.
Encoder Readings:
Gantry Linear – Position of gantry relative to the position it was in when booted. There are 25400 counts/inch, and 10000 counts per cm.
Carriage Linear – Position of carriage. There are 618 counts/inch, and 243 counts per cm.
Carriage Motor – Monitors the value of the encoder in the carriage motor.
Carriage Height – Position of the Z-axis stepper motors. The maximum height (carriage raised as high as it can go from the table) has a value of zero. There are 3200 counts/inch, and 1260 counts per cm.
Stepper 1, 2 & 3 – These are the encoder values of the individual Z-axis stepper motors. Their values should be the same as the carriage height unless an individual motor has been changed in the Motor Control Window.
Blotter – The blotter encoder monitors the blot cloth motor advance.
Flipper – The flip encoder monitors the height of the media rotary touch sensor (flipper) on the carriage, used in the detection of a media collision and to verify the height of the spit catcher in the solvent model. Too high of a value will trigger a media collision error. The maximum value before a collision is reported is 8 encoder ticks.
Optical Home – Closed (at home position) or Open (not a home position)
Interlock (E-Stop) – Monitors the status of the interlock system.
Air Pressure – Good or Low. The status of the compressed air going into the main regulator must be 70 PSI or more. The compressed air is used for the carriage air bearings, to lift the blot station, and for purging the print heads.
Blotter ADC – Measures how much blot cloth is on the supply roll.
· A full roll has a value of about 50
· An empty roll has a value of 210 +/- 2. Note: If the empty roll value is not within tolerance see the service procedure for adjusting.
· A Blot Cloth Low message will be displayed between 195 and 201 inc.
· A Blot Cloth Out message will be displayed at 202 and above.
Ink Temp. – Temperature of ink measured in the carriage.
Ink Vacuum – Current vacuum pressure in ink system. The values should be:
· Solvent T220 Printer when capped: 5.1 +/- .2 (DAC 105)
· Solvent T220 Printer when printing: 6.4 +/- .2 (DAC 136)
· UV T220 Printer when printing or idle: 6.4 +/- .2 (DAC 136)
If the vacuum system pressure is low, check the DAC values in the printer control panel, field service menu. If the DAC values are correct there may be a kinked tube or loose tubing connection. Note: Rapidly changing values may be caused by a leak in the vacuum system and higher activity of the vacuum pump/solenoid.
Ink Bottles – Green (not empty), Red (low/empty), -1 (default value before sensors are read).
Juice Boxes (Ink Reservoirs) – Green (not low in ink), Red (low in ink), -1 (default value before the sensors are read).
Note: It is normal for the ink reservoir sensors to alternate between red and green during printing as the carriage motion will cause the ink to slosh around.
UV Lamps
{For T220UV Printer Model only}
Refl. B/C Temp – The reflector temperature for the blot side (B) lamp and capping/park side (C) lamp. Note that this value is always displayed in Celsius.
Lamps Level – The percentage of the full curing energy currently being used.
Lamps State - Displays the current lamp state.
{For T220 Solvent Printer Model}
Main Heater - Percentage of full IR heat currently being used.
Printer Info
Motion – ON (gantry and carriage motors can operate), or OFF (gantry or carriage motion is not allowed).
Ink Fill - Any Time (ink pumps will be turned on when the juice box sensors reports low ink), or When Idle (juice boxes will be refilled if required after printing completes). Manual (ink pumps may be manually turned on), or OFF (inks pumps are disabled).
Motors - Ready or Not Ready
Printing – Idle or In Progress
Download Window
The Download window allows you send firmware or image files to the printer. Figure 15 shows an example of the Download Window.
Figure 15 Download Window
Only Firmware and Image Files (PosterShop .print files or Special Print – Menu Tree or Grid - files) can be downloaded via the SCSI cable to the printer. Downloading can occur when the printer is idle or during printing.
Info - Click this button to display the header information of the current selected file (displayed to the left of the Info button) if it is a .print file. This presents useful information about the various print options associated with the file (see Figure 16 Print File Info Window).
Figure 16 Print File Info Window
Browse – Allows you to search folders on your computer or network and then select the desired file for download. You can refine your search by selecting one of the following three file filters:
Firmware Files – the browser displays only firmware files with the .hex extension.
Image – the browser displays only PosterShop print files with the .print extension.
All Files – the browser displays all files in the selected folder.
Download Image – If an image file is selected, click this button to begin downloading it to the printer. Print files are sent to the Print Queue and Grid or Menu Tree files are sent to the Operator/Special Prints menu.
Download Code - If a firmware file is selected, it will be down loaded with the name “job xxxx” where xxxx is a four-digit number. The printer must be rebooted for the new firmware to be used.