Ratings: Fatal, Serious, Potentially Serious, Minor

E,I,M: Eliminate, Isolate, Minimise

HAZARD / RATING / E,I,M / CONTROLS USED / DATE / Date of most recent review
Noise – NIHL / Potentially serious / Minimise / Hearing protection required - when operating tools for longer than 5 seconds and /or when in constant on /off use for longer than two hours
Hearing protection must be worn not only by person a noisy equipment but anyone else working in the same room or within a 5 metre range if outside / 1.4.2011
16.6.2011 / 19.8.2014
Darkness – accidents from unseen hazards / Potentially serious / Minimise / Lighting to be used in the area to increase visibility / 1.4.2011 / 19.8.2014
Solvents and Paint – inhalation / explosion / corrosion / Serious / Eliminate
Minimise / Use non hazardous paint or solvents where possible
If unable to eliminate then MSDS sheets to be retained on each site. Goods to be stored in a safe separate area. Ventilate areas when in use. Keep lids on products when not in use. Decant into 1 litre quantity to use / 1.4.2011
8.7.2012 / 19.8.2014
Manual Handling – Muscle damage / tears / Serious / Minimise / Any lift over 30kg (male) 25kg (female) to be a 2 person lift or use barrows and other tools to move over 30kg Items
Attend toolboxes on manual handling and safe lifting techniques. Ensure when lifting that the load is evenly distributed in weight between both arms. / 1.4.2011
16.8.2012 / 19.8.2014
Vibration disease / OOS / Serious / Minimise / Ensure micro breaks are taken every 15 minutes when completing repetitive work. Stretching in between jobs. Alternate tasks so that repetition is no longer than 6.5 hours in an 8 hour day. / 1.4.2011 / 19.8.2014
Trip Hazards - Cords/ Tools/ Rubbish / Potentially serious / Eliminate
Minimise / All rubbish to be placed in provided skips, bins etc. Tools to be put away when not in use.
Tools in use and electrical cords are to be put against walls, out of traffic areas or in a manner that will not create a hazard for any person working or walking by. / 1.4.2011 / 19.8.2014
Fall from unstable ladder / Serious / Minimise / All 3 step ladders will have four feet on stable surface, legs locked, certified safety rails and be level.
All open ladders will be tied at the top and footed at the bottom – or tied at the top and a person will hold the bottom.Ladders to be at a1in 4 angle and the ladder must project at least 1 metre above any landing place. / 1.4.2011 / 19.8.2014
Fall from ladder / Serious / Minimise / Always check rungs, feet and look for warping, cracking etc before use. Only used certified ladders. Do not use if damaged.
When working on a ladder there must always be three points of contact. Always face the ladder when climbing up or down. Never over reach sideways, always move the ladder.
When the ladder is not in use it will be safely stored on the ground. / 1.4.2011
8.2.2013 / 19.8.2014
Fall from roof / serious / Isolate
Minimise / No work is to commence on a roof unless there is roof edge protection and a Task Analysis that you are inducted to.
Follow our working at heights guidelines.2 men must always be present when working on roof in case assistance is required. Other person can be a contractor
If thereis roof edge protection then always remove access ladder when not working on the roof. If using scaffolding ensure access is isolated when not in use. / 1.4.2011
20.6.2013 / 19.8.2014
Rotating Machinery / Potentially serious / Minimise / When using drills (and any other tools which have rotating machinery) all clothing is to be fitting and not lose. Gloves are not to be worn. / 9.5.2011 / 19.8.2014
Hair ripped from scalp / Potentially Serious / Minimise / All hair longer than a person’sjaw line must be tied securely at the back of the head when on any Longsilver work site. / 1.4.2011 / 19.8.2014
Electricity / Serious / Isolate
Minimise / All electrical equipment must be plugged into RCD boxes. Only RCD boxes are to be plugged into wall sockets. Follow the H&S Manual electrical section.
All electrical equipment will have current testing tags. All equipment must be checked for faults or exposed wires prior to every use / 1.4.2011 / 19.8.2014
Electric shock from loose wall plug or electrical cable / Serious / Eliminate / When working with tools or water (spraying for wallpaper removal) or steam around any electrical outlet you must take great care. Do not commence work unless you have verified there is no electricity to that outlet. / 17.10.2012 / 19.8.2014
Foreign bodies in eye / Potentially serious / Isolate / Safety glasses to be used when operating equipment which discharges material / 9.5.2011 / 19.8.2014
Asbestos / Serious / Eliminate / Follow the H&S Manual instructions regarding the discovery of Asbestos. Specialists will be engaged to deal with any asbestos issue. / 1.4.2011 / 19.8.2014
Stipple ceiling / Serious / Eliminate / Any ceiling which has stipple could potentially have asbestos. Only painting is acceptable work. No grinding or sanding is to be completed unless it has been tested for asbestos and a certificate is on site advising it is all clear. / 26.4.2011 / 19.8.2014
Grinding Plaster / Morter – particles inhaled in lung / Potentially Serious / Minimise / Full nose and mouth filtering dust masks to be used / 2.6.2011 / 19.8.2014
Compressed air nail guns / Serious / Minimise / Only fully trained staff to use / 03.03.2012 / 19.8.2014
Ramset Guns / Serious / Minimise / Only certified and qualified staff to use. Certification will be recorded by Longsilver Construction on their training register. / 01.11.2011 / 19.8.2014
Scaffolding – collapse / Serious / Eliminate
Minimise / Scaffolding where the work platform is over five metres will be erected by certified scaffolders only
Only trained staff will erect scaffolding where working platforms are less than 5 metres. A Scaffolding certificate is to be held in each site box. Regular inspections of scaffolding erected by staff will occur. / 16.6.2011 / 19.8.2014
Circular saw / Potentially Serious / Minimise / Only guarded saws to be used. / 01.03.2012 / 19.8.2014
Working under a floor / Serious / Minimise / If any person is working under a floor there must be another employee present in the immediate area. No music or other noisy equipment to be used so that the need for help can be heard immediately. Clear close exits must be available. No entry unless inducted into a specific Task Analysis for that work. / 24.8.2011 / 19.8.2014
Working with Stanley knives / Potentially Serious / Minimise / When using a Stanley knife all care should be taken to ensure your other hand and your body are not placed where the Stanley knife would go to if a slip occurs.
When not in use the knife must be retracted or guarded / 9.5.2012
12.6.2012 / 19.8.2014
Hydrated Lime / Minor / Minimise / Use a lightweight nose and mouth filter. If long exposure (4 hours +) use eyesheilds, gloves, tight fitting clothing / 16.8.2012 / 19.8.2014
Crack repair –epoxy resins and mortar binders / Potentially Serious / Minimise / Do not wear contact lenses when using this product. Ensure area is ventilated, use gloves when handling, recommended touse eye or face shields. Do not smoke, eat or drink when handling this product. Wash hands after handling. / 16.8.2012 / 19.8.2014
Selleys liquid sugar soap / Minor / Minimise / Wash hands after use and before eating. If irritates then use nitrile or neoprene gloves. / 16.8.2012 / 19.8.2014
Substance / Chemical spill / Potentially Serious / Minimise / Keep lids on all products when not in use. Where possible all chemicals on site should be in 1 litre or less containers. Use good housekeeping and keep chemicals away from walkways and work areas / 16.8.2012 / 19.8.2014
Methylated Spirits or Turpentine / Potentially Serious / Minimise / Flamable over 40oC. Do not smoke near. Keep in cooler place. If using for longer than 10 minutes at a time then gloves must be worn / 16.8.2012 / 19.8.2014
Resene Lumbersider- extended use / Potentially Serious / Minimise
ELiminate / Always wash hands before eating, recommended to use gloves
Use a different product where possible to completely eliminate this hazard / 16.8.2012 / 19.8.2014
Plastering with Tyrol gun / Serious / Eliminate
Minimise / When using a Tyrol gun a hopper must be used
When using a Tyrol gun for over 8 square metres of coverage two fully competent plasterers must complete the job / 22.8.2012 / 19.8.2014
muscle strain when Plastering outside / Potentially serious / Minimise / When completing any exterior plaster work a break of 5-10minutes must be taken every 1.25 hours / 22.8.2012 / 19.8.2014
Injury to visitors / Potentially Serious / Minimise / All visitors must be inducted to SSSP and must be accompanied on the site at all times. Notice requiring visitors to report to a staff member on the entry point to a site. / 1.2.2013 / 19.8.2014
Ramset Foam Handiseal and Blazebreak / Potentially Serious / Eliminate
Minimise / Use a different product. No hazard once foam has set
Use nitrile gloves, full face filtered mask when spraying seal. / 24.6.2013 / 19.8.2014