Independent art syllabus

C Wilder instructor.


Independent art is a course designed to give students first hand experience with various media and processes related to visual art. Emphasis will be placed on independent student driven inquiry. Every two weeks the students and I will meet to discuss problem solving as well as to gauge progress within the trimester.

Grading Policy

·  within the trimester Each student will complete a minimum of eight pieces FAILURE TO DO SO WILL RESULT IN A FAILING GRADE.( MINIMUM SIZE REQUIREMENT IS 12 BY 18 ON TWO D WORK)

The overall quality and skill demonstrated will be assessed throughout the trimester via class meetings.

Upon completion of the minimum required pieces the student’s portfolio will be assigned a grade. (Each student will turn in one piece every two weeks)

In addition to portfolio scoring students will be graded for time on task in the classroom (this means working on assignments in class as well as at home) - this means a daily grade. Students who fail to use their time in class will receive no daily points, which will result in a substantially lower grade or failure of the course.

Late work will not be accepted unless a Doctors note is provided or an unforeseen event has taken place. (WITH A PARENTAL NOTE AND DESCRIPTION)

An independent study course can be a rewarding experience provided that the student possesses the maturity, discipline and overall aptitude for the completion of class work.

Keep in mind that I will be teaching my other scheduled class; I will not be available during that time period. I expect that you will be working quietly and not disrupting my scheduled class. In the event that this occurs you will be written up and an administrator will be assigning you either in or out of school detention.

I ------(student) ------

I understand Mr Wilder’s class policy and I take full responsibility for my behavior and my success.


I look forward to working with-you-lets have a great year!- CWilder