Stay Invested

Stay Invested

Jordan Alturas / General

Pass the Torch / Malachi 3:7–12

Stay Invested

Example investing in relationships.

The heart of this message is worship and repentance. The main focus is on tithing but it's not just about money it's about the source of the problem, money is merely a symptom.

It's begins with return to me, tithing is a method not the root. God knows where your heart is your money goes.

The priests were playing church instead of living it. Here God addresses the people. Your part of the problem too! How are the sins of the nation here linked to the sins of the priests?

Malachi 3:6–12 HCSB

“Because I, Yahweh, have not changed, you descendants of Jacob have not been destroyed.
“Since the days of your fathers, you have turned from My statutes; you have not kept them. Return to Me, and I will return to you,” says the LORD of Hosts.
But you ask: “How can we return?”
“Will a man rob God? Yet you are robbing Me!”
You ask: “How do we rob You?”
“By not making the payments of the tenth and the contributions. You are suffering under a curse, yet you—the whole nation—are still robbing Me. Bring the full tenth into the storehouse so that there may be food in My house. Test Me in this way,” says the LORD of Hosts. “See if I will not open the floodgates of heaven and pour out a blessing for you without measure. I will rebuke the devourer for you, so that it will not ruin the produce of your land and your vine in your field will not fail to produce fruit,” says the LORD of Hosts. “Then all the nations will consider you fortunate, for you will be a delightful land,” says the LORD of Hosts.

In Text

Rob God - Hebrew is not stealing/robbery but oppress, pillage, plunder, rape. Is very violent.

They accepted the blessing of Gods provision but denied Him His provision for His temple and ministers of His temple. They were plundering God and the levites, the very people and system that made intimacy with God possible, and maintained intimacy.

Storehouse = treasury

Return to me? You were faithful go back. Obey and join the mission. All in!

Revelation 2:4–5 HCSB

But I have this against you: You have abandoned the love you had at first. Remember then how far you have fallen; repent, and do the works you did at first. Otherwise, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place—unless you repent.


What was it? Recognition of Gods provision/Levit’s inheritance.

Obedience often precedes understanding/ability.

v 10-11

Test me. God calls, gives instruction which includes a need for response prior to blessing. Does this mean if we give we will receive prosperity? No. But obedience proceeds blessing just as disobedience proceeds consequences.

Acts 2, they were all in and result was God blessed them, and used them to reach their city.

God was saying do you really think I would command you to do something, set up a system for sustainability that I will not provide for? Test me, try it! Jesus called Peter out of the boat, testing is putting God’s word/call to action.

3 P’s Provision, Place, & Purpose


Exodus 35 gift tabernacle generous heart, Passover God provided for them through Egyptians. Exodus 11:2-3; 12:35-36

1 Chronicles 28-29 raising money to build temple. David said "everything in heaven and earth is yours. Wealth and honor come from you. Everything comes from you, and we have only given you what comes from your hand."

We give out of Gods provision, we can because He has.

God created the world to be in harmony, people to be connected, loving God and each other and stewarding His creation.

God gives us abilities, talents passions and blesses us to be a blessing. When we actively engage and use our gifts to bless others the result is the whole community prospers, and others follow our example.

When we exercise stinginess, when we refuse to be a steward of what God has provided and seek to hoard it for ourselves we are actually plundering our communities, pillaging them, raping them. If I grow to a position of power and seek my reaping the benefits of my position at the expense of others I am may be a good capitalist, a successful business person but a poor steward, and evil influence, an oppressor of the weak and needy. (Sins from last week)

Verse 8 also tells us we don't even realize our sin. I'm just a good American, chasing the dream, if others want a piece they need to work hard and get it for themselves. Luke 12 watch out, why because your oblivious to it, it sneaks up on you.

2 Place

Instruction was to give 10 percent to Gods work and charity. In OT this was done through the one temple, in NT we don't have one institution that does that work holistically the way the temple did. If we all give according to scripture from a transformed heart both local churches would be sustainable as well as healthy, and non profit ministries throughout the world would be as well.

3 Purpose

Storehouse = treasury

Ministry Gods calling is what qualifies. God calls people to ministry and people to give, He gives no instruction on raising $.

OT rules for Levites, NT qualification of elders. OT instruction for giving to support ministry, NT instruction for supporting and examples of church thriving.

What's the result of failing to?

Jesus instruction for the 70.

stats on tithing Stats on closings of churches

“When we finally look at those in church, at best 25% of the congregationgive.That’s at best. If you have that level of participation, you’re not in the norm, according to other research, which says only about 3-5% actually tithe in most cases. And, it’s not the wealthy who always tithe. The statistics suggest that if you make less than $20k, you’re eight times more likely to give than someone who makes more than $75k.”

- About 50% of new churches fail. The reason is not solely because of money but it is a factor.

Building of tabernacle and temple was done through generous giving as a result of a realization of Gods generosity. Jericho first plunder was given to God.

We are either investing in God's treasury or the treasury of other gods, who's ministry will be fully funded? Who's will we be investors in?

What is your treasure? What is the one thing you say if only I had that I would be happy, fulfilled, safe? What would you give for that? Every treasure in the world requires you die to purchase it. Career, relationships, prestige, etc.

Jesus died to purchase you! Jesus is Gods tithe - firstfruits

Tithing Today

1 Jesus didn't abolish it Luke 11:42

2 proportionate giving is still the rule 1 Corinthians 16:2

3 ministry still needs money

1 Luke 11:42 Jesus said woe to you.

They have met the exact requirement but ignored other needs. They met the obligation but didn't involve their hearts, they saw the rest as their own and refused to do any more than that.

Notice Jesus upholds the practice of tithing, "these you ought to have done"

New vs Old beatitudes - the teaching in the new standards became more not less. Tithe is a baseline starting point not a full obligation.

Abraham tithes to Melchizedek prior to the law. Tithing preceded the law and continues after the law.

New covvs old, things get more strict rather than less, it's about the heart not the rules. Adultery, murder, etc.

2 Regular proportional giving. The more or less you prosper the more or less you give.

3 Galatians 6:6 those who are taught should support the teacher. Jesus modeled this.

Purpose Now?

Payment preachers and teachers received. 1 Timothy 5:17-18

Poor 1 Timothy 5; Romans 15:26

Missions Romans 15:24, 1 Corinthians 9:7

Heart Attitude of Giving

Willingness - 2 Corinthians 9:7; 8:8

Liberality - 2 Cor 8:3, 9:6

Stewardship - Ephesians 4:28 not work so you can get and have, but get and give.


You need to release in order to receive.

Where generosity thrives the gospel is proclaimed.

Faith without giving is dead.

We’re all in it together.

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