Yoga Alliance Professionals

Statement of Fact

Please retain a copy for your records.

This document serves as a guideline to keep a record of your

further training hours and teaching experience.

Pleasesubmitthefollowingproofifyouwantto upgrade to:
Associate Teacher - Level 2
2 years and 1000 hours of yoga teaching experience since graduating from your foundation teacher training course
Chartered Teacher - Level 1
4 years and 2000 hours of yoga teaching experience since graduating from your foundation teacher training course
Chartered Teacher - Level 2
6 years and 3000 hours of yoga teaching experience since graduating from your foundation teacher training course
Senior Yoga Teacher
8 years and 4000 hours of yoga teaching experience since graduating from your foundation teacher training course
+ 2 references who support your application/upgrade
6000 hours of yoga teaching experience since before 2001 if you have not attended a Teacher Training Course + 2 references who support your application/upgrade

Please email this form before your renewal

or at time of upgrade to

Teaching Experience Form


Name in CAPITALS + Signature + Date

With this signature you confirm that the following statement is made to the best of your knowledge andyou understand that

in case of false or misleading statements your membership with Yoga Alliance Professionals might be revoked and cancelled without refund.

To obtain your total hours for each location, multiply the number of 'Weeks Teaching' by the number of 'Classes Per Week' by 'Class Length’ and divide by 60.

Name of Studio
Studio Website / Reference available
(Yes/No) / Class Type
(Group, Individual, Workshop, Mentoring,
Retreat) / Dates
(DD/MM/YYYY) / NumberofWeeks Teaching / NumberofClasses per Week / Class Length
(in minutes) / TOTAL
Yoga Studio - / EXAMPLE
upon request / EXAMPLE
01/01/2012 -
01/04/2012 / EXAMPLE
75 minutes / EXAMPLE
12 x5 x75 /60 =75
Name of Studio
Studio Website / Reference available
(Yes/No) / Class Type
(Group, Individual, Workshop, Mentoring,
Retreat) / Dates
(DD/MM/YYYY) / NumberofWeeks Teaching / NumberofClasses per Week / Class Length
(in minutes) / TOTAL
Yoga Studio - / EXAMPLE
01/01/2012 -
01/04/2012 / EXAMPLE
75 minutes / EXAMPLE
12 x5 x75 /60 =75

Further Training Attendance Form


Name in CAPITALS + Signature + Date

With this signature you confirm that the following statement is made to the best of your knowledge andyou understand that

in case of false or misleading statements your membership with Yoga Alliance Professionals might be revoked and cancelled without refund.

Events we CAN accept:

All Mentoring, Workshops and Further Training that are longer than 2 hours, run by any teacher anywhere in the world.

Please provide proof of attendance (signature in table below, certificate of attendance, confirmation from course leader by email etc)

Events we CANNOT accept:

- Individual Yoga Classes during Retreats unless they classify as workshops (more than 2 hours and dedicated workshop content)

- Any Online Training, we can only accept YAP training videos for teachers purchased through the YAP website

For upgrading to the next level, attending events can replace up to 30% of your teaching experience.

We’ll calculate this for you, just make sure this form is complete.

Name of Event
+ Style of Yoga if not obvious from the title / Location and
Date of Workshop / Number of hours / Name + email
of Course Leader / Signature of Course Leader
Name of Event
+ Style of Yoga if not obvious from the title / Location and
Date of Workshop / Number of hours / Name + email
of Course Leader / Signature of Course Leader