Hello St. Margaret Mary School Families,

Welcome back! I hope you all had a super week and were able to stop by the school this last weekend to enjoy the Fair. Lots of fun was had by all!Although the Fair was exciting, I am happythat the students are now back in an environment of uninterrupted learning.

A huge thank you goes out to Skip and Ronnie Richards and their crew of parish and school volunteers who planned and prepared the events and activities. A special ‘thank you’ to our awesome teachers (Mrs. Rosato, , Coach Eron, Mrs. Desmond, Kayci Richards and Mrs. Taylor), who braved the waters of our ‘dunk tank’ in what proved to be the most popular booth of the weekend! A huge ‘thank you’ to our 8th grade class! They came out on Monday to help the Fair Crew with clean – up and tear down. Thank you all!!!

As we move into the third week of September, I want to remind everyone of a few important items:

  1. The Mom’sClubmet last week to begin their year –long presentation of student activities. It is going to be a year of great fun! If you would like to join in, it’s not too late!! Please contact Sandra Traversa for more details at
  2. If any of you know of individuals who have graduated from SMMS, please let me know. We are starting a SMMS ALUMNI ASSOCIATION and are currently gathering names for our ALUMNI data base. Please contact Mrs. Lopez at with info!
  3. 7th graders! If you have not received your TDAP IMMUNIZATION, then I am soooo sorry but I will be unable to temporarily allow you back in school. As previously stated in my 7th grade emails, I cannot permit any 7th grade student who has not received their TDAP immunization, into class. It’s the law! Please contact me asap if you are experiencing issues with this.
  4. FUNDRAISER PACKETS were sent home last Wednesday via FAMILY FOLDER. Please look for those in your child’s back pack.
  5. FALL PICTURES for all our students will take place on Tuesday September 19th. ‘FORMAL MASS UNIFORM’ IS REQUIRED. Please, no P.E uniforms or sweatshirts. Students must wear a designated collared SMMS shirt, belt, pants or skirt, and a sweater or sweater vest. Again, no sweat shirts are allowed.
  6. SPIRIT SHIRTS will go on sale Wednesday. Students are allowed to wear these shirts every Thursday. All Shirts are $20.00. Supply is limited.
  7. ATTENTION ALL DADS! The Holy Name Society of Saint Margaret Mary Parish is looking for men who are interested in joining their group. The Holy Name Society is composed of a dedicated group of parish men who share a common commitment to the parish and school to conduct charitable works, sponsor social events, and focus on spirituality in recognizing God in their daily lives. They gather together once a month to laugh, collaborate, eat and drink, plan and pray! I am so thankful for this awesome group of fathers who have done soo much for our school. If you are interested in joining, please call the school.
  8. For those of you who are PAST DUE ON TUITION, the last day to make special arrangements with our financial office is September 20th. Unfortunately, I will be sending ‘Unable to Return Notices’ home, via express mail, on September 22nd.
  9. FAMILY NIGHT AT CALIFORNIA PIZZA KITCHEN – Please join our school community on Wednesday September 20th for FAMILY NIGHT!. A portion of the profits will go directly to SAINT MARGARET MARY SCHOOL!!!!!
  10. LUNCH ORDERS FOR THE MONTH OF OCTOBER –The lunch order form for the month of October will arrive on Wednesday via Family Folder.. If you would like your child to receive ‘hot lunch,’ please fill out the form, make a copy for your home records and send in the original ‘hard copy’ with your child to give to his/her teacher. PLEASE, DO NOT E-MAIL THE FORM. All lunch orders are due this Friday, September 22nd.
  11. BOOK FAIR IS HERE!!! Beginning tomorrow, students will be allowed to visit the book fair to purchase wonderfully exciting books!!! Stop by and see what all the excitement is about.
  12. Dress for Change – the first ‘DRESS FOR CHANGE’ will be Thursday, September 21st. All children will be allowed to come to school in ‘appropriate free dress’ provided that they pay a fee of $2.00. All money collected will be donated to the Hurricane Relief Fund.

Have a wonderful week!

Mrs. Zimmerman
