Unit Theme: 1.3 Working It Out Week:# 1

Teacher: Subject: English Grade: 1st Date:From ______to______20______

Desired Results
Enduring Understanding
Example: The student will understand that...
EU1. Reading helps us understand our own stories, the stories of others, and the world around us.
EU2. Good friendships help and support us, even during difficult times. Building friendships
requires the ability to extend kindness, forgiveness, and to resolve conflict peacefully.
EU3. We build peaceful relationships through the decisions we make.
EU4. Good stories can connect with the reader regardless of time and place.
Assessment Evidence
SummativeEvaluation (Unit projects, quizzes, special work, etc)
Learning Plan
Suggested Learning Activities:
Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 / Day 5
Standards / Listening, Speaking / Listening, Speaking / Listening, Speaking / Listening, Speaking, Reading / Listening, Reading, Writing
Expectations / 1.L.1; 1.L.1d; 1.L.1e;1.S.1 / 1.L.1; 1.L.1d; 1.L.1e; 1.S.1; 1.S.2a / 1.L.1; 1.L.1a; 1.S.1; 1.S.2b; 1.S.4; 1.S.6a / 1.L.1a; 1.R.1; 1.S.1;1.S.2;1.S.3 / 1.R.1; 1.R.2L; 1.R.3L; 1.R.7; 1.W.1
Academic Strategy
Instructional Strategy and Phase
Objective / Through meaningful integrated oral practice of greetings and farewells, the student will use them with accuracy.
/ After read aloud, the student will identify examples of greetings, farewells and interactions with accuracy. / Through an oral discussion of the question: “What is a good friend?, the student expresses ideas and opinions fluently. / Through an oral discussion on friendship and after listening to “Will you be my friend?”, the student participates and responds accurately. / After the read aloud, the student compares and contrasts characters using a Venn diagram correctly.
Depth of Knowledge (DOK) / ___ Recall / Memory
___ Skill / Concept
___ Strategic Thinking
___ Extended Thinking / ___ Recall / Memory
___ Skill / Concept
___ Strategic Thinking
___ Extended Thinking / ___ Recall / Memory
___ Skill / Concept
___ Strategic Thinking
___ Extended Thinking / ___ Recall / Memory
___ Skill / Concept
___ Strategic Thinking
___ Extended Thinking / ___ Recall / Memory
___ Skill / Concept
___ Strategic Thinking
___ Extended Thinking
InitialActivities / Routine activities. The teacher introduces the topic “Greetings and Interaction” telling the student what is it about and what will they be doing during the day, / Routine activities. The teacher tells the student he/she will start a read aloud activity and will invite them to pay close attention to phrases or words related to greetings, farewell and interaction. / Routine. The teacher introduces the topic. “Today we will start talking about Friendship.
How many of you know what friendship is?(Free-talk) Brainstorm. / Routine activities.. Review the class given the day before. The teacher discusses the assignment given about being a good friend. Some students can share their answers with the group. / Routine activities. Review the class given the day before. Tell the student the teacher will be reading stories that show different types of friendship. Invite the student to listen carefully because he/she will be part of the oral discussion about the stories and their characters.
Development Activities / The teacher starts reinforcing greetings and interactions through the “Good Morning” song. (Use attachment K.2 “Let’s Learn”) Practice with the student until he/she gets familiarized with the new words. / The teacher starts with a read aloud activity. He/she will find examples of greetings, farewells and interactions. Then, the student can identify them by him/herself in other read aloud activity. The teacher creates a list of these examples and can place them later on the Word Wall. / The teacher asks: “What is a good friend? “
The teacher starts creating a class vocabulary chart based on the student’s own experiences and what he/she believes are the qualities of a good friend. / The teacher reads aloud “Will you be my friend?” to share with the students how sometimes we can be shy when wanting to makes new friends.
Teacher can use attachment 1.3 – Friendship vocabulary and lessons to develop common vocabulary for friendships and to describe friendship through senses. As the teacher reads aloud stories about friendship, he/she add to the poster of what friendship looks like. / Teacher starts reads aloud stories that show different friendships and how they develop (Frog and Toad, Willy and Hugh and Franklin is Bossy). After reading the stories, the teacher, with the student, compares and contrasts using a Venn diagram poster.
Closing Activities / Summarize the class. Tell the student they will continue with greetings, farewells and interactions the next day. / Sum-up activity. Teacher asks: “What did we learn today?” What did we talk about? Who can mention some on the greeting phrases, farewell or interaction words that we have mentioned in these two days? / Summarize the class. What can we say now about friendship? Let students talk freely. / Summarize the class. Review the vocabulary words from these two days and remind students they will continue studying about friendship. / Sum-up the class. Review all the new words studied during the week relating to the topic (Friendship). Ask students to review them at home.
Formative Assessment – Other evidence
Homework / With your parents, think about yourself. Are you a good friend? Answer with a sentence.
Differentiated Instruction Strategies
___ Special Education
___ Section 504
___ Gifted
Teacher’s Reflection