The Communication Studies program allows students to focus their major course work and required electives to meet the needs of business, interpersonal, and public communication and demonstrate communicative competence. A degree in Communication Studies can lead to career (or further study) in public relations, teaching, consulting, broadcasting, law, ministry, public administration, politics, or any field in which communication skills are highly valued.

FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT:Jason Hough at (831) 755-6994, , E-208


Upon successful completion of the Communication Studies Associate's Degree program, a student should be able to:

  • Conceive, develop and deliver a focused, cogent, and clear oral presentation.
  • Explain the transactional and transformative nature of human communication.
  • Research, organize, and write a paper concerning the development, implementation, and effective use of various communication theories.

A minimum of 60.0 semester units with a grade of “C” or better must be maintained in all degree-applicable units. Only courses numbered 1-199 may apply toward the Associate Degree.Courses listed below may have prerequisites that must be completed prior to enrolling. Consult a schedule of classes, college catalog, or a counselor for further information.

 / REQUIRED MAJOR COURSES / Course No. / Course Title / Units
Required Major Course / COM-1‡ / Introduction to Public Speaking / 3.0
Required Major Course / COM-3‡ / Introduction to Communication / 3.0
Required Major Course / COM-8‡ / Interpersonal Communication / 3.0
Required Major Course / COM-35‡ / Intercultural Communication / 3.0
 / RESTRICTED MAJOR ELECTIVES (Select a minimum of 9.0 units from the following:) / Course No. / Course Title / Units
Restricted Major Elective / BUS-175 / Business Communications / 3.0
Restricted Major Elective / BUS-194 / Human Relations in Business / 3.0
Restricted Major Elective / COM-5‡ / Introduction to Organizational Communication / 3.0
Restricted Major Elective / SOC-5‡ / Introduction to Social Problems / 3.0
Restricted Major Elective / SOC-41‡ / Marriage and Family Relations / 3.0
Restricted Major Elective / PSY-41‡ / Psychology of Human Relations / 3.0
Restricted Major Elective / ANT-2‡ / Introduction to Anthropology: Cultural / 3.0
Total Major required units / 21.00
 / GENERAL EDUCATION COURSES(Students can double count General Education courses with major courses.) / Course No. / Course Title / Units
Choose either HartnellGeneral Education or CSU-GE or IGETC. pattern related to your educational goal: / 21.0-39.0
The Associate degree in Communications requires satisfactory completion of a minimum of 60 semester units with a C or better, including at least 21.0 required semester units listed above, fulfillment of the Ethnic Groups in the United States requirement, and fulfillment of all Hartnell College general education or CSU-GE or IGETC.
Major units and general education can be double-counted and satisfy both a major requirement and a general education requirement. Elective units may be required to attain the required 60 units. If following the Associate General education course numbering must be 1-199; if following CSU-GE or IGETC courses numbering must by 1-99.

‡These courses also satisfy General Education Requirements.

TRANSFER STUDENTS: Completing the AS degree may not meet all the requirements for transfer. Students planning to transfer to a university should follow the requirements of the four-year university. Information on course equivalencies and major preparation requirements for the University of California (UC) and California State University (CSU) systems are available online at Please consult with a Hartnell College counselor to review transfer requirements.

Hartnell College Catalog/2013-14