KUMC Toastmasters


24 September 2014

The meeting of the KUMC Toastmasters was convened at noon on 24 September 2014 by Keith Stubblefield, club president. Attendance is reflected on the meeting sign-in form.

Club Business

  1. Keith instructed new members to obtain a new member kit at the end of the meeting.
  2. Keith informed the members that he would be submitting the last form necessary to establish KUMC’s group as an official Toastmasters club.

Opening Remarks

Keith introduced Hinano DeBarthe as Toastmaster for the 24 September 2014 meeting. Hinano discussed the theme and agenda for the meeting.

  1. Theme: Ancient Inspiration, which was based on Hinano’s work with her father, who is an archeologist. He is currently conducting a dig in Oskaloosa, Iowa. Hinano invited members to participate in the dig.
  2. Hinano asked members to introduce themselves to the group. Members were asked to give their name, position and respond to one of the two following questions:
  3. What is the oldest object you’ve held in your hand?
  4. Regarding expired food, would you eat it and/or how far back can expiration go before you wouldn’t eat it?

Word of the Day

Nancy Karanja-Meek discussed the word of the day: dearth, which means inadequate supply, scarcity, lack.

Meeting Roles

Hinano introduced individuals with specific roles in the meeting, who described their roles.

  • Grammarian, Nancy Karanja-Meek
  • Timer, Janice Fletcher
  • Ah-Counter, Justine Karungi
  • Vote Counter, Kelly Murphy
  • General Evaluator, Dan Arbuckle
  • Table Topics Master, Claire Sabin


Hinano introduced Anna Nguyen, who presented her Icebreaker speech. Anna spoke of growing up in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Her studies took her to Finland. From there, she traveled with to the United States, where she studied at Emporia State University. Her husband joined her in Kansas. Their jobs then brought them to Kansas City, where they now live, along with their two daughters. Anna is excited to see the next chapter in her life unfold.

Table Topics

Claire Sabin introduced the Table Topics section of the meeting. The topic she selected was: if you could resurrect one historical person and have dinner with him/her, who would it be and why?

  • Sheri Copeland – Conrad Hilton / outreach
  • Bob Pisciotta – Marx, Einstein and Freud / impact
  • Kelly Morken – Hitler / how could he do what he did, and a grandfather
  • Dan Arbuckle – Samuel Clemmens (nom de plume: Mark Twain) / met so many people
  • Kelly Murphy – Grandmother / to hear her stories and to see if they are all true
  • Michelle Holman – 12 disciples, Nelson Mandela and Corrie ten Boom / faced tribulations and mustered forgiveness
  • Nancy Karanja-Meek – Pharaoh and Queen Nefertiti / attained great beauty and technology to build pyramids
  • Heiata Chapman – Great grandmother / proofreader, midwife and teacher

Hinano reviewed the names and topics of the Table Topics speakers. Club members voted on speakers.


Dan Arbuckle discussed the Evaluation section of the meeting and introduced the evaluators, who subsequently gave their reports.

Regarding the Vote Counter’s report, Kelly announced that Nancy and Neiata tied for the best Table Topics speech.

Dan delivered the general meeting evaluation, summing up this week’s meeting with the word “growth.”


Hinano suggested that the club consider a traveling trophy award to recognize club members and to garner interest in Toastmasters.

Closing Remarks

Keith thanked members for their attendance and participation. He thanked Dan for filling in for him while he was gone. He reminded members to sign in if they had not, and he encouraged attendees to fill out a Toastmasters application if they had not.

Meeting Adjourned

Keith adjourned the meeting at 1 p.m.

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