Name ______

Per. ____ Date ______




Listen to your IOC Poetry Practice and reflect on your analysis and performance.

Compare what you said to what you meant.

Demonstrate achievement on the IB rubric for the poetry portion of the IOC (A, B, C, F).

Celebrate your strengths and plan further practice/prep for the real IOC in February.

1. BEFORE LISTENING to your recording

Comment overall on how you felt about the practice session: the poem you drew, the kind of day you were having, how prepared you were, how the prep time and/or speaking went, etc.

Overall comment here...

2. Organization Notes: Standard C on IOC/D rubric

3. Language Notes: Standard F on IOC/D rubric

Listen to your whole track and make notes showing where your sections start and end (organization, rubric C). At the same time, be listening for your spoken "highs" and "lows" of register, accuracy, vocabulary, and/or verbal habits. Enter notes on the two grids below, and be listening for your "best" segments of Knowledge/Understanding and Writer's Choices (

Organization: Standard C
Start / Rubric / Element / Summary/Notes (Only the claim needs to be transcribed verbatim)
** / ** / ** / **Please replace text below with YOUR responses!
0:00 / C / Content / Poem about journey of expanding perspective through human lifetime
0:45 / C / Context / More abstract and ambiguous than many of the poems we studied
1:25 / C / Claim-as spoken on tape / "In 'Alphabets,' Heaney celebrates the lifelong journey of human discovery through imagery, structure and the motif of the 'O' shape."
2:34 / C / Close Reading (Imagery) / Each segment of imagery fits the age of the child/student/adult; most important images are the globe and the earth from space
5:35 / C / Close Reading (Structure) / In writing, we expect a beginning/middle/end
6:45 / C / Close Reading
(Other) / Metaphor of the "leaning hoe" and use of near rhyme
7:30 / C / Conclusion / Re-stated claim and elaborated on Heaney's admiration for words
7:50 / C / End / I survived!
Language: Standard F
Start / Rubric / Element / Summary/Notes (Not verbatim except claim and language quotes)
0:18 / F / Lang high / used "arbitrary" -- word I learned recently : )
4:29 / F / Lang low / "kid" -- next time I will say "child"
all / F / Habit / "just really" and lots of "ums," especially in Content

4-5. Transcripts: Standards A & B on IOC/D rubric

Typed, double-spaced, labeled as shown in the table.Type the segment verbatim (word for word), includng speech habits (um, like, etc.). Use ellipsis (…) or em-dash (––) to show breaks in sentences. For each segment, include START and END times from the tape. If overlap between the two segments is unavoidable, format the repeated portion in italics.

4. Knowledge & Understanding -- Transcript of Excerpt (Standard A)

Locate a segment of your response (up to 2 minutes) that showcases your knowledge and understanding of the poem. A good segment may show insightful interpretation, sincere personal response, and thorough grasp of the text, including subtle, complex, or ambiguous elements. Transcribe your response VERBATIM!

Start / End / Rubric / Element / Verbatim transcription
1:14-2:30 / A / Content / Every word, just as it is on the recorder, "ummms," "likes" and all!

5. Appreciation of Writer's Choices --Transcript of Excerpt (Standard B)

Locate a segment of your response (up to 2 minutes) that showcases your appreciation of literary features. A good segment may show attention to textual detail; may note the effects of subtle, complex, or ambiguous features; and/or may show personal engagement with the author's craft, including evaluative judgments. Transcribe your response VERBATIM!

Start / End / Rubric / Element / Verbatim transcription
4:56-6:30 / B / Symbolism / Every word, just as it is on the recorder, "ummms," "likes" and all!

6. Greatest hit/s!

Identify one or two of your BEST MOMENTS in the commentary.

Start / End / Rubric / Element/s / Summary of content and discussion of what makes it GREAT!
7:02-7:45 / B, C / Symbolism / I love what I figured out about how the shadow puppets symbolize the very simple view that children have of the world--and how it is shown to them by their parents--and that children are more than satisfied with this.

7. My progress and plan

Compliment yourself on what you have achieved so far, state any concerns you would like to address, and make three specific plans for review/preparation before real IOCs in February.

Compliments and concerns:
Specific plans:

BEFORE conserve paper, please delete the instructions in blue (as well as these final notes) and save file.

AFTER PRINTING...please attach your prep work (the poem itself and any notes you used in speaking) to the back of this assignment. Thanks!