Grading Rubric – PowerPoint 2010

Carbon Footprint

Class:MS Office

Teacher:Mr. Lord


Solution Filename:Carbon Footprint.pptx

Description / Pts / Your Score
The Snapshot Picture List SmartArt graphic is inserted on Slide 1 / 1
Appropriate text is entered into the SmartArt graphic and formatted / 1
A picture is inserted into the SmartArt graphic / 1
The Cartoon Style is applied to the SmartArt graphic and the SmartArt graphic color is changed / 1
The SmartArt graphic is resized / 1
The bulleted list on Slide 2 is converted into a SmartArt graphic / 2
Four pictures are inserted into the SmartArt graphic on Slide 2 / 1
The Metallic Scene Style is applied to the SmartArt graphic on Slide 2 and the SmartArt graphic color is changed / 2
The SmartArt graphic on Slide 2 is resized / 1
The text in the four hexagons on Slide 2 is made bold / 1
A 3-D Pie chart is created on Slide 3 with appropriate data / 2
A chart style is applied to the Slide 3 pie chart and the chart is formatted in other ways / 2
The Slide 3 pie chart layout is changed and the chart is resized / 1
The orange pie slice is exploded and the chart is rotated / 2
A table is inserted into Slide 4 and appropriate data is added to the table / 2
A style, borders, and an effect are applied to the table / 1
The table is resized and an image is added to the table / 1
Some cells of the table are merged / 1
The table title text is displayed vertically / 1
The text in the table is centered both horizontally and vertically / 1
The table text is formatted / 1
A transition is applied to the slides / 1
Document properties are changed / 1
The presentation is printed / 1

YOUR SCORE: ______