Parent/Guardian Guide

2210 (Cowley) Squadron

New Cadet Information

1.  Introduction

2210 (Cowley) Squadron welcomes your child as a junior cadet at the Squadron, and you as supporters. This guide is intended to provide you with information about the Squadron and its activities. If you require further information, or can think of ways we can improve this pamphlet, please get do in touch.

2.  Parade nights and attendance

We parade on Monday and Wednesday evenings, from 1915 - 2145 at Sandy Lane West, Black Bird, OX4 6LD. We expect cadets to attend as many of the Squadron’s parade nights as possible to ensure that they obtain maximum benefit from our training and activities programme (and to avoid disruption to their fellow cadets). If you are going away on holiday, please remind your child to fill in an absence form at the Squadron IN ADVANCE, so we are aware and can take cadet absence into consideration. We accept that, on occasion, something unforeseen may happen, which means a cadet is unable to attend a parade night at short notice: it is accepted practice in this case to notify the Squadron as soon as possible by either leaving a message on the Squadron’s answerphone, or contacting the squadron via email or text message.

3.  Training and progression

Initially, your child will join a recruit intake, which is a group of cadets who will undertake their initial training together. We currently hold an intake on the second Monday of each month. Over the first 4-6 months, the intake learn about the ATC, RAF, the history of flight, map reading, expedition training, weapons handling, drill, communications, Heartstart and airmanship. They will also have the opportunity to gain their swimming proficiency. Details of the training programme are circulated by email each month with plenty of notice.

Each intake is looked after by Cadet NCOs, who are the junior cadets’ first port of call for any questions. Junior cadets will be enrolled by the Squadron Padre at an OC’s parade, or a suitable external event, approximately one month after they have started. We encourage parents to come along for the enrolment ceremony, photographs may be taken.

Once the recruits have passed a number of short checks of understanding on their initial training, they become first class cadets, and are eligible to partake in a wider range of cadet activities including attending annual camp.

Further training progression involves participating in activities as much as it does studying subjects such as communications, flight, navigation and operations in more depth. Our training programme caters for all capabilities of cadet. Successful completion of a further three levels of classification results in the award of a BTEC in Aviation Studies. After the completion of recruit training, cadets also join one of the Squadron’s projects. Current projects include model making, building dioramas, building a squadron website to name a few. Cadets also take part in drill, shooting, sports, leadership training, fieldcraft and aircraft recognition. The Squadron is involved in the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme, and all cadets are encouraged to participate.

All cadets are encouraged to achieve their potential. Some cadets – those who show aptitude, set a good example, and meet current criteria (published on the Squadron’s noticeboard) are selected to become Cadet NCOs, who help the staff to manage the cadets and some activities.

4.  External activities

The Squadron has an extremely active programme of external activities. These can be broadly broken down into 4 types.

Local community activities. These involve helping out local organisations .

Squadron activities. These include Duke of Edinburgh’s expeditions, other expeditions, hiking, small bore target rifle shooting, trips to RAF Stations, fun trips and (uurgh) cleaning.

Inter-Squadron activities. These include sporting events and other competitions.

ATC Core activities. These include flying, gliding and full-bore shooting.

There is a compulsory Sunday parade, which is the Remembrance Parade in November of each year.

We expect cadets to attend a minimum of 1 weekend activity per month.

All adventure training activities, and some other activities, require consent forms. Other activities require reply slips and payments. Please help us by returning consent forms promptly.

5. Medical requirements

There are no formal medical requirements for cadet membership, but some activities are of a strenuous nature and a reasonable level of fitness is required and expected.

It is of paramount importance that all known medical conditions are declared when joining the ATC, and that they are indicated on the Consent to Join form (RAF 3822A). If any conditions materialise after your child has joined, please let us know in writing. These medical conditions should be restated on consent forms for camp/activities.

6.  Discipline

The ATC is a uniformed youth organisation which is sponsored by the Royal Air Force. We require a level of maturity above other youth organisations and we expect self-discipline to be maintained at all times. Each parade night commences with “first parade”, where the uniform, haircut, smartness of bearing and personal hygiene are assessed. Please help us by encouraging your child to polish their shoes and iron their uniform before they attend parade nights.

We also require cadets to act in a mature and professional manner when dealing with the staff and other cadets. Repeated failure in these areas will result in disciplinary action, which may, in extreme cases, involve suspension or recommendation of dismissal. Matters of a serious disciplinary nature will always be discussed with parents.

7.  Costs

All on-Squadron activities have to be funded from the Squadron’s funds. These come from the combination of Cadet membership subscriptions, fund raising and occasional donations. The subscription for enrolled cadets is £8 per month. The first months subs are paid in the second week of membership with further subscriptions by standing order or post-dated cheques, we do not accept cash payments. Subscriptions must be paid regardless of attendance. If you are a tax payer, please sign the gift aid form, your subs will generate us valuable additional income from the Tax Office at no extra cost to you.

Some off-Squadron activities are paid for by the MoD, for example flying and gliding. Other activities have to be paid for (in advance). Receipts will always be issued. There is assistance available for those who may not be able to afford activities. Please contact the Commanding Officer for further information and advice.

8.  Uniform and Squadron equipment

Junior Cadets will be issued with green coveralls until such time as their blue uniform is ready. This may be a mixture of new and part-worn uniform initially, however, for new cadets we order new items of uniform for them. When available, we will also issue combat uniform. All uniform items are loaned and logged on an official RAF form and should a cadet leave then the uniform items must be returned. Please follow the instructions for washing each item of uniform. PLEASE CHECK THE POCKETS BEFORE WASHING – the cadet’s record of service book, when issued, is ruined by a visit to the washing machine. All cadets need to purchase a pair of service-style shoes within the first three weeks. Details of suppliers can be found in the Air Cadet Magazine.

All losses, whether of uniform or other equipment, must be paid for. In addition, major damage to (eg) tents must also be covered.

9.  Staff and Civilian Committee

The Squadron is staffed by volunteers. Some of the volunteers have commissions in the Training Branch of the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve. Others have MoD positions as Adult NCOs. In addition to the uniformed staff members, we also have civilian instructors, serving members of the RAF, and a Padre. The staff have undergone selection, checks and training to ensure that we deliver a safe, varied and stimulating training programme.

The Squadron is supported by a Civilian Committee who assist the Squadron in numerous ways, including running the Squadron’s canteen, fundraising and organising events. The civilian committee is similar to a school’s PTA and meets once every 6 weeks.

10.  Transport to events

It is the responsibility of parents to provide transport either directly to activities, or to their designated pick-up points. The Squadron will try and provide transport to events that we have organised, and official activities such as flying, gliding and some inter-squadron activities. However, provision of transport will only be provided if staff members are also attending these events (and departing from or near to the Squadron).

11.  Getting involved

The Squadron organises a number of events during the year for you to come to.

We are always looking for new volunteer staff and new members of the civilian committee. Please get in touch with the Commanding Officer if you are interested. You do not need any experience of the armed forces or youth groups as we will supply all initial training you need for free and there are specialist courses available, most in house are free, others such as hosted by other organisations are heavily subsidised and are minimal cost.

12. Squadron Who’s Who

The Officer Commanding (OC) 2210 (Cowley) Squadron has overall responsibility for the staff and cadets at the Squadron, and for what goes on. The OC can also be called the Squadron Commander or the Commanding Officer (CO). The current Commanding Officer is Flt Lt Furlong.

13.  Leaving

Should your child decide to leave the Squadron, please return all items of uniform and equipment that have been issued, and settle up any outstanding membership subscriptions. Please do this promptly – subscriptions are due until the uniform is returned.

14.  Contact information

Officer Commanding

Mob: 07880 738920


Squadron Contact details

Telephone: 01865 777055


Postal Address

2210 (Cowley) Squadron

Royal Air Force Air Cadets

Air Cadet Building

Cadet Forces Centre
Sandy Lane West
Blackbird Leys
OX4 6LD​​​​​​​​​​​


Squadron Website:

Thames Valley Wing Website:

Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions