Grade 6 to Year 7 Transition


Gippsland Region


Page / Document
2 / Timeline
3 / Student Placement Form
4 / Student Placement Form
5 / School Contract Bus and Conveyance Allowance Policy
6 / School Contract Bus and Conveyance Allowance Policy
7 / Year 7 Enrolments 2012 – form for Primary Schools
8 / Year 7 Enrolments 2012 – form for Secondary Colleges
9 / Summary of Secondary Placement 2012
Attachment 1
Attachment 2
Attachment 3
Attachment 4 / Privacy Statement
Student Eligibility Guideline 2011
Stay Bus Safe Around The Bus Stop flyer
Conditions of travel – safety requirements for parents & guardians


Thursday 19 May 2011 / GippsMail distribution of placement information to all primary, secondary and specialist Principals outlining timelines for placement data, including summary sheet and information package for primary principals and Year 6 parents.
Thursday 16 June 2011 / Primary schools distribute to parents of all Year 6 children:
·  parents’ letter
·  secondary school information (Student Placement Form)
·  Application for Enrolment (Year 7) Form
·  contract school bus and conveyance allowance policy
·  Student Eligibility Guide
·  TR701 Application for permission to travel on a contract school bus
·  Conditions of travel – safety requirements for parents & guardians
·  Stay Bus Safe Around The Bus Stop flyer
Primary schools discuss placement options with parents of students on the Program for Students with Disabilities. Some students may be eligible for a specialist setting and parents may wish to explore this option further.
Friday 15 July 2011 / Year 7 placement responses and TR701 Applications for Permission to Travel on a Contract School Bus returned to Primary School from parents.
Friday 29 July 2011 / Primary schools to return completed enrolment applications and TR701 Applications for Permission to Travel on a Contract School Bus to relevant Secondary Colleges and Specialist Schools as appropriate.
Friday 26 August 2011 / Parents notified by Secondary Colleges of the results of their placement applications and appeal process instigated if required.
Parents to be advised by Secondary Colleges of school bus arrangements as soon as possible upon enrolment.
Friday 9 September 2011 / Placement lists sent to individual Primary Schools by Secondary Colleges as their placements are completed.
Friday 7 October 2011 / Completed Placement lists sent to the Regional Office by primary schools on completion of the placement process.
Tuesday 13 December 2011 / ORIENTATION DAY – Statewide

NB: Gippsland Specialist Schools cater for the needs of eligible students with an intellectual disability. Students who are transitioning from a primary/secondary setting are often supported by an extended orientation program at the specialist setting. Planning for such a placement should be undertaken in partnership with the relevant specialist school.

Student Placement Form

Section 1 - Student Details
First name: ______Surname: ______MALE / FEMALE
(please circle)
ACTUAL RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS (Physical location eg. Road name, not RMB’s or PO Box No’s)
No: ______Street: ______Town: ______Postcode: ______
MAILING ADDRESS (if not the same as above)
RMB / PO Box: ______Town: ______Postcode: ______
CONTACT PHONE NUMBER: H: (___) ______M: ______
Section 2 - Current School Data
My child currently attends ______Primary School.
If your child is attending a Government Primary School, please fill out only Section 2a.
If your child is attending a Non-Government Primary School, please fill out only Section 2b.
Section 2a.
Is this the nearest Government Primary School to your residence? YES / NO (please circle)
If no, which is the nearest Government Primary School to your residence?
______Primary School
Section 2b.
Is this the nearest Non-Government Primary School of the appropriate denomination to your residence?
YES / NO (please circle)
(If no, which is the nearest Non-Government Primary School of this denomination to your residence?
______Primary School
Section 3 - Year 7 Placement School Data
If your child will be attending a Government Secondary College, please fill out only Section 3a.
If your child will be attending a Non-Government Secondary College, please fill out only Section 3b.
Section 3a.
The name of the nearest Government Secondary College to my residence is:
______Secondary College
In 2012 my preferred choice of College is ______Secondary College
Section 3b.
The name of the nearest Non-Government Secondary College of the appropriate denomination to my residence is:
______Secondary College
In 2012 my preferred choice of College is ______Secondary College
Mr/Mrs/Ms ______Firstname: ______Surname: ______
Mr/Mrs/Ms ______Firstname: ______Surname: ______

Please complete all 3 sections of this form and return it to your Primary School by 15 July 2011.

School Contract Bus and Conveyance Allowance Policy

Transport to Government Schools

The following does not apply for transport to Specialist Schools. Transport to Specialist Schools should be discussed with the Specialist School Principal.

A student attending a government secondary college will be eligible for school bus travel or a conveyance allowance to the nearest* government secondary college provided they reside not less than 4.8kms from that school.

It is recognised that there may be special circumstances (eg. integration students) which may warrant consideration of a case where a student does not meet the rules for eligibility to travel. In such cases parents may seek recommendation by the Regional Director for approval consideration by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD).

When selecting a school and prior to enrolment, parents may need to consider eligibility for access

to a contract school bus and should confirm available arrangements for their child with the relevant

coordinating school. Contact details for all schools responsible for the coordination of contract

school bus services can be found in the attached Student Eligibility Guide.

Eligible Travellers

(As detailed in the Procedural Guidelines School Contract Bus Services Rural and Regional Victoria 2010)

·  Students who reside not less than 4.8 kilometres by the shortest practicable route to their

nearest relevant school.

·  Students who have been granted permission for special circumstances that have been recommended by the Regional Director, in accordance with DEECD policy and considered by DEECD.

Guiding Principles

·  The contract school bus service is a privilege and not a right.

·  The Principal of the coordinating school is responsible for the coordination of all applications for permission to travel on a school bus service. The approval of DEECD is required for other than eligible travellers. This includes students attending both State and registered schools.

Transport to Non-Government Schools

A student attending a non-government school may apply for transport or transport assistance to that school, provided it is the nearest* school of that denomination to the student's residence, and the student resides not less than 4.8kms from that school.

Should a student wish to attend a more distant school of the same denomination, then transport and its associated costs must be borne independently of the DEECD.

Nearest* means nearest to the student's place of residence. Eligibility to travel requires a student to reside not less than 4.8kms, by the shortest practicable route, from his/her nearest school. This is determined by measuring the distance from your home gate to the school’s official front gate via the shortest practicable route, regardless of the route the school bus travels. You will not be eligible to access a Contract School Bus if you reside within 1.6 kilometres of a Public Transport Service that travels to your school.

Government Secondary Colleges

8466 Bairnsdale Secondary College

8486 Bombala High School

8575 Cann River P-12 College

7785 Drouin Secondary College

7955  Koo Wee Rup Secondary College

7960  Korumburra Secondary College

8716 Kurnai College - Churchill

8716 Kurnai College - Maryvale

8720 Lakes Entrance Secondary College

8745 Leongatha Secondary College

8821 Lowanna College - Moe

8005 Maffra Secondary College

8578 Mallacoota P-12 College

8050 Mirboo North Secondary College

8145 Neerim District Secondary College

8215 Orbost Secondary College

8223 Pakenham Secondary College

8305 Sale College

6015 Secondary Distance Education School

7845 South Gippsland Secondary College

8892 Swifts Creek School

8395 Trafalgar High School

8803 Traralgon College

8827 Warragul Regional College

8482 Wonthaggi Secondary College

8490 Yarram Secondary College

Non-Government Secondary Colleges

625 Catholic College - Sale

1872  Chairo Christian School – Drouin

1876 Flinders Christian Community College - Traralgon

1558 Lavalla Catholic College - Presentation Campus

1553 Lavalla Catholic College - Traralgon

1768 South Coast Christian College - Leongatha

1498 Marist Sion College - Warragul

1903 Mary MacKillop Catholic College - Leongatha

1589 Nagle College - Bairnsdale

1812 Newhaven College - Newhaven

1218 Gippsland Grammar - Sale

1849 St Pauls Anglican Grammar – Warragul

2012 St Pauls Anglican Grammar - Traralgon

Government Specialist Schools

5079  Baringa – Moe

8859 Bass Coast Specialist School - Wonthaggi

5490 East Gippsland Specialist School - Bairnsdale

5227 Latrobe Special Development School - Traralgon

5175 Sale Specialist School - Sale

5495 South Gippsland Specialist School - Leongatha

5289 Warragul & District Specialist School - Warragul

Year 7 Enrolments 2012

This form is to be completed by Primary Schools

To: Principal of ______Secondary College/Specialist School

From: Principal of ______Primary School

The students listed below wish to enrol in Year 7 at your College in 2012.

Name of Student / Name of Student

* Please ensure copies of completed “Student Placement Forms” are attached.

Signature: ______Date: ______


Year 7 Enrolments 2012

This form is to be completed by Secondary Schools

To: Principal of ______Primary School

From: Principal of ______Secondary College/Specialist School

The students listed below have been enrolled in Year 7 at this College/School for 2012.

Name of Student / Name of Student

Signature: ______Date: ______


Summary of Secondary Placement 2012

Grade 6 students from ______Primary School will be transferring to:

Government Secondary College/Specialist School / Boys / Girls / Total
Non Government Schools
Transfer to another region in Victoria
Transfer Interstate
Transfer Overseas
Total Number of Transfers or Placements

Please fax this form to Leah Arbon at the Gippsland Regional Office on 5126 1933 by Friday 7 October 2011

A copy of this summary should be kept on file at the Primary School

Privacy Statement

Year 6 to Year 7 Transition

1.  The attached Application for Enrolment Form has been completed by the primary school your child attends from the student information in their records. Personal details such as your family name, child’s given name, date of birth and permanent residential address are necessary to ensure that families are provided with as much choice as possible, that all children who require a place in a government secondary school are provided with one, and that the transition process is as smooth as possible for your child.

2.  If you wish your child to attend a school currently being attended by an older brother or sister who lives at the same address, we ask you to identify the school, year level and name of brother or sister.

3.  In order to assist the primary school to properly implement the transition process, please ensure that all personal information e.g. address, telephone number, emergency contact details and Family Law Court Orders are current and correct.

4.  Once an offer of a secondary school place has been made and you have accepted the offer, administrative information will be sent to that secondary school electronically by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development administrative system Cases 21.

5.  Once you have accepted a placement by enrolling your child into a Victorian government secondary school, the secondary school may request additional information about your child’s education abilities. You may be informed by the primary school if additional information is requested. Alternatively the secondary school may request this directly from you.

6.  If you require further information concerning the transfer of your child’s information you may contact your child’s primary school or the GippslandRegional Office on 5127 0400.