NES General Practice Nursing Education Supervisor

(General Practice, Medical Directorate)



In March 2011 NHS Education for Scotland (NES) appointed a National Co-ordinator for General Practice Nursing (GPN), based in the General Practice Section of the Medical Directorate. A key issue leading to this rolewas the need for standardised preparation for general practice nurses across Scotland to ensure consistency, transferability and quality assurance of education and training.

Why was the NES GPN Education Supervisorrole introduced?

This roleprovides a significant part of the learning supportin thenational educational programme to prepare registered nurses who are newly employed in general practice to become a General Practice Nurse. The programme of NES funded training takes place over one year. The taught content is currently provided at central taught sessions and by NES GPN Education Supervisors using a work based learning programmeto help them learn both clinical skills and knowledge. Education Supervisorsmentor, teach and assess the trainees in their general practice. As it is such an important part ofthe programme of learning it is important to ensure that Education Supervisors are well prepared for their role.

What is involved in preparing to be a GPN Education Supervisor?

Experienced general practice nurses wishing to become an Education Supervisor will be expected to undertake learning to meet the academic standards equivalent to that of a Practice Teacher. General practice nurses are any registered nurses employed by general practice. NES will fund general practice nurses who meet NES criteria and are successful at a selection event to complete an accredited programme of education to meet the NMC Standards as a Practice Teacher to support learning and assessment in practice excluding the sign-off mentorship component. NES will further supplement learning on specific components of the new GPN education programme such as analysis and assessment of consultation videos. This programme of preparation will involve occasional attendance at central events from January to June.Distance learning will be used to reduce time spent traveling and so enable candidates to apply from across Scotland. In becoming a GPN Education Supervisor successful completion of academic and practical assessment of competence is required initially and at reappraisal.NES expects that on successful completion of the academic education course applicants will apply to be approved as NES GPN Education Supervisors.

How will General Practice benefit from NES GPNEducation Supervisor role?

The introduction of a national training programme to support GPN development aims to:

  • Provide a training programme that prepares registered nurses newly appointed to work in general practice to deliver competent specialist practice.
  • Improve access across Scotland to training for becoming a General Practice Nurse.
  • Support development of the GPN workforce.

GPN is in direct contact with the Scottish population, dealing with face to face consultations on important issues such a long term conditions, keeping the workforce healthy, among many facets of community care. A better prepared GPN workforce enhances the ability of general practice nurses to articulate patients’ needs and deliver quality nursing care. Being a GPN Education Supervisor will support own self learning and development in education and clinical practice.

If I successfully complete the preparation programme what will be the key responsibilities of the NES GPNEducation Supervisor?

If you are successful in completing the preparation programme and you are approved as a NES GPN Education Supervisor you will be geographically matched for trainees. There may not be suitable trainee matches every year. There is detailed information on the function of the NES General Practice NursingEducation Supervisorrole inthe job description below.

How will I be approved as a NES GPN Education Supervisor?

It will be necessary to demonstrate successful completion of an accredited course such as a Practice Teacher (Sign-off component not required) or equivalent. Also completion of additional supplementary training on specific skills required to deliver the NES GPN programme to nurses to become a general practice nurse is necessary. Approval will be maintained through demonstration of relevant continued professional development and reappraisal.

How does this role link to other NES training programmes?

This role is similar to other vocational training schemes delivered in NES, in particular the successful Scottish Practice Management Vocational Training Scheme which is based in the General Practitioner Section of the Medical Directorate in NES.

NES has well established training programmes for doctors, pharmacists and dentists. In addition there are managed education programmes to prepare Chaplains and Clinical Psychologists. NMAHP has introduced a number of excellent education programmes (e.g. Flying Start, Early Clinical Career Fellowships)

What is involved in the role of a GPN Education Supervisor?

Education Supervisors are geographically matched with Trainees, who are new to General Practice Nursing, to complete the national educational programme to prepare registered nurses who are newly employed in general practice to become a General Practice Nurse. Each programme of learning is expected to last for 15 months during which Trainees are offered regular tutorials from the Education Supervisors. Not all tutorials require to be face to face, some can be by telephone or Skype/VC. It is anticipated that trainees will attend a programme of 5central training events which GPN Education Supervisors are occasionally expected to attend. All GPN Education Supervisors are supported in this role by the NES National Co-ordinator for GPN and allocated a supportive training grant of £4,000, which is held by NHS Education for Scotland and claimed quarterly. The grant should cover tutorial preparation time and traveling expenses to meet up with the Trainee. The costs associated with Central events (including transport costs) - are additionally paid by NES. All GPN Education Advisors will be formally reappraised for their role every two years.This requires evidence of continued professional development and continued expertise in general practice nursing knowledge and skills.


Application Forms must be received by the closing dateMonday 16th April 2018.

Please give yourself time to satisfactorily complete your application formand it is important to refer to the criteria in the person specification.In the free text sections on your role purpose / summary of responsibilities and your statement to support application you should provide information from your work experience which best demonstrateshow you meet the person specification. Be clear and specific.

In addition please include with the Application Formasupporting letter from your employing general practice that states you are able to take up the role of a GPN Education Supervisor if you successfully complete the NES programme of preparation.


If you are short-listed and invited to attend the selection event, you will be notified via

email. Please check your e-mails regularly includingyour junk mail folder.

The selection event to undertake the preparation to become a GPN Education Supervisor will be based on performance at a halfday Trainers’ Selection Centre. Traveling expenses will be reimbursed. The selection event will take place on:

Wednesday 18th May 2018 in NES office, 102Westport, Edinburgh EH3 9DN

Selection Event Format

Applicants will be short listed to attend a half day selection event. This event will provide more information on therole of Education Supervisor in the national educational programme to prepare registered nurses who are newly employed in general practice to become a General Practice Nurse.Applicants will take part in a panel interview and a group activity based assessment. Further information on the selection event programme will be provided if you are short listed.

You will be advised at the selection event when you should expect to hear the outcome. Post selection event feedback will be available to all candidates on request.

Supporting documentation

In addition to the required documentation to support any statements made in your

application, it is mandatory that you also bring the following documents (original

plus one copy) to the selection event you are invited to attend:

  • Original proof of identity. Please note, only a passport will be accepted
  • Two documents to provide evidence of address
  • Your NMC certificate
  • Evidence of all qualifications listed on your application form, including officialtranslations if the original is not in English
  • Evidence of eligibility to take up employment in the UK if applicable.


What key skills are required for the role?

We are looking for experienced, motivated andenthusiastic general practice nurses.Good communication,interpersonal, organisational and facilitationskills are required.

Why is payment of the bursary made through the mainemployer being used?

It is important to have nurses who are currently working in general practice to undertake these roles. To make sure the payment processis transparent andstandardized NES uses this format and is common for other primary care professionals such as GPs and Practice Managers.

It says on the advert that travel will be required – what doesthis mean?

During preparation to become aGPN Education Supervisor, successful candidates will be expected to travel to central training events which may involve overnight stays. The number of these events is not expected to be more than four in a six month period. On successful completion of the preparation to become a GPN Education Supervisor travelwill be required to the trainees general practice location and nationally for occasional networking for development orfacilitating educational activities.

What support will be available for postholders?

There will be an on-goingdevelopment programme for the GPN Education Supervisors organized and managed by the NES National Co-ordinator for GeneralPractice Nursing. In addition there will be ongoing personal support from the National Coordinator for General Practice Nursing, and locally from a variety of sources such as GPN Education Advisors and NES GP Education Supervisors.

What should I know about the Trainees?

There is funding for approximately20/30 Trainees thus not all GPN Education Supervisorsare likely to have traineesevery year, and it is possible that more than 1 trainee maybe allocated to a supervisor. Nor do they have to accept their ‘matched’ Trainees. Trainees and GPN Education Supervisors must feel comfortable with each other. Should there be a problem with the “matching,” the NES National Co-ordinator for GPN will discuss this further. The decision as to where and when meetings take place is made by both parties, generally the trainee and GPN Education Supervisors should share the travelling time and costs between them.

What are ‘Central Training Events’ and where are they held?

It is expected that Central Training Events are held throughout the training year starting at lunchtime, include an overnight stay and continue with a further full training session the next day. Education Supervisors should attend at least one of these.

How much time will the GPN Education Supervisors need to commit to the programme?

Education Supervisors are expected to spend approximately 8 hours / month on tutorials. There needs to be time to plan and prepare tutorials and time to review the Trainees written work. Over time this becomes less time consuming with experience.

Is the Trainee’s General Practice Nurseand Employing Practice involved?

If the Trainee has aGeneral Practice Nurse working alongside (or GP mentoring partner)they are crucial to the programme. (S)he will be encouraged to be involved in training and the GPN Education Supervisor should meet with them on the first visit to the Practice and keep them fully updated and involved during the year.

The practice should provide protected learning time, additional funding (if required), training experience and personal support. The Practice will be required to provide a letter of support on application of the trainee and sign an agreement with NES. The training scheme requires a partnership commitment from NES, the Practice, GPN Education Supervisor and Trainee.



Job Title /

NES General Practice NursingEducation Supervisor

DEPARTMENT AND Location / NHS Education for Scotland (Medical Directorate)
Immediate MANAGER’S TITLE / National Co-ordinator for General Practice Nursing
The General Practice Nursing (GPN)Education Supervisoris a new NES role within General Practice Nursing in the General Practice Section of the Medical Directorate.
The main purpose of the GPN Education Supervisor role is to:
Provide supervised training, as part of the NHS Education for Scotland (NES)General Practice new national educational programme to prepare registered nurses who are newly employed in general practice to become a General Practice Nurse. This programme of learning will enable trainees to develop and reach the nursing care required of Level 5/6 in the Career and Development Framework for General Practice Nursing (due to be published in 2012).
This new training programme will provide the opportunity for a national approach to preparation to become a general practice nurse. The NES GPN Education Supervisors will work closely with the NES National GPN Co-ordinator.This will provide a career opportunity in education for highly experienced and motivated individual general practice nurses.
The principle aims of NES GPN Education Supervisorsrole are to:
  • Support and assess registered nurses, new to working in general practice, to successfully complete a programme of education to become a General Practice Nurse.
  • Tutor and mentor one trainee registered nurse on theNESGeneral Practice educational programme to become a General Practice Nurseover one academic year.
  • Contribute to teaching and development of the programme content.
  • Occasionally deliver specified teaching at central training events.
  • Communicate to the NES National Co-ordinator for GPN their trainee’s progress in the NHS Education for ScotlandGeneral Practice Nurse training.

NES is a special Health Board sponsored by the HR Directorate of the Scottish Government Health Department employing over 500 staff across Scotland in Regional Offices. NES corporate departments provide financial and human resource provision, access to expertise in education resources, IT and the Knowledge Network. The General Practice section of the Medical Directorate will, under the leadership of the NES National General Practice Nurse Co-ordinator, fund GPN Education Supervisors to mentor, teach and assess GPN trainees on the new national programme education to prepare registered nurses to become general practice nurses.
GPN Education Supervisors will be experienced general practice nursescurrently employed within a General Practice located within NHS Health Boards in Scotland and successfully completed a NES programme of preparation GPN Education Supervisors. Approved GPN Education Supervisorswill be geographically matched to support NES GPN Trainees. New GPN Education Supervisors are supported to become approved in this role by completing a funded programme of preparation. Each GPN Education Supervisor is allocated a supportive training grant of £4,000, which is held by NHS Education for Scotland and claimed quarterly by the employing general practice. Traveling expenses to central training events are separately funded. Include information that captures the range and scope of the post, (e.g. support, technical, advisory, supervisory, managerial) within your department. Also include details of any measurable resources for which you have either some control or impact, e.g. budgets, numbers of staff, property, IT equipment, software packages, etc.
When undertaking sessions for NES the GPN Education Supervisors will report to and receive direction, management and leadership from the NES National Co-ordinator for General Practice Nursing.
Draw a chart, showing how your job relates within a departmental structure, incorporating as appropriate, your manager's job, your manager's manager, your peers and jobs that report to your post, directly and indirectly. If more convenient, this may be attached separately. NB: Do not include names.
The Medical Directorate of NES supports doctors in training across four postgraduate geographical deaneries, varying in size and complexity, with some 33 recognised subspecialty programmes. It places great emphasis on the importance of inter-professional approaches to the delivery of education and training. GPs work in primary healthcare teams and many of the recent GP-led initiatives in Scotland involve other members of the primary healthcare team. This includes the successful national education programme for Practice Managers in the Scottish Practice Managers Development Network (NES).
A short summary of the contribution to NES of the department in which you work. This wording will be the same for each post in your department/section and will be confirmed by the relevant Line Manager.
  • Support the NES National Co-ordinator for GPN to successfully deliver a national NESGeneral Practice Nurse Training Programme.
  • Work in partnership with local and national stakeholders to promote the national learning programme for nurses to become a General Practice Nurse.
  • Contribute to the NESGeneral Practice Nurse training programme to enable nurses new to working in general practice to deliver a safe, effective and person-centred care.
  • Prepare and deliver education plans on specific areas of expertise to support the delivery of the NESNESGeneral Practice Nurse training programme.
  • Within a support structure deliver a work based learning programme for nurses undertaking the NESGeneral Practice Nurse training programme.
  • Support the delivery, facilitationand evaluation of central education events.
  • Use quality assured methods to assess trainee progress for successful completion of the programme including clinical skills assessment.
  • Create and update databases and reports to develop and gather information about trainee progress.
  • Support the evaluation of NESGeneral Practice Nurse training programme.
  • Work with the National Co-ordinator for GPN and GPN administrator to monitor and manage a budget for expenses related to the post.

Equipment, machinery and systems
  • Regular use of computer.
  • A working knowledge of the following software packages
  • Word
  • PowerPoint
  • Excell
  • Regular travel to various local and national meetings
  • Use of audiovisual equipment such as data projectors, laptop computers and overhead projectors.

The role of the GPN Education Supervisor is supported by the Medical Directorate within NES. The postholder is expected to work, with support from the National Co-ordinator for General Practice Nursing, to plan, prioritise, and set objectives as part of delivering the NESGeneral Practice Nurse training programme.
Candidates in preparation for the role of GPN Education Supervisors and successful candidates will report to the National Co-ordinator for General Practice Nursing. The GPN Education Supervisors will be expected to communicate effectively with a wide range of health professionals including:
  • National Co-ordinator for GPN and GPN administrator
  • HEI lecturers and tutors
  • NESGeneral Practice Specialist Nurse Trainees
  • GPN Professional Leads (or Primary Care Lead Nurse)
  • Practice nurses, general practitioners, practice managers.

Political awareness to be able to work operationally across organizational boundaries.
Working in a professional and collaborative way with a range of professional colleagues while maintaining expertise in general practice nursing.
Providing autonomous educational support and guidance for the NESGeneral Practice Nurse Trainees in a challenging and changing employment, workforce and regulatory contexts.
Managing time effectively to achieve required outcomes within the constraints of the role.
Providing high quality reports on activity and assessment of the NES GPN Trainee.
Travel to visit NES GPN Trainee and attend central training events.
Key board and IT skills
Moving presentation and teaching equipment.
Produce detailed, accurate and comprehensive trainee reports.
Problem solve around delivering complex information to trainees.
Manage prolonged periods of concentration.
Communicate complex information to individuals and groups in relation to learning.
Managing change.
Negotiation with trainees on complex and sensitive matters supported by the National Co-ordinator for GPN.
Working Conditions
Exposure to a variety of environmental settings including clinical areas in general practices and education/teaching venues.
  • Registration with NMC as first level nurse
  • Educated to first level degree or equivalent
  • Experienced General Practice Nurse currently employed in Scotland
  • Experience in, and commitment to, teaching and facilitation of learning and development in general practice nursing
  • Demonstrates wide range of knowledge & skills in delivering quality contemporary General Practice Nursing care.
  • Willing to undertake appropriate preparation and training required to become and remain a GPN Education Supervisor.
  • Critical appraisal skills with the ability to present and disseminate complex information using both written and verbal methods.
  • Working in a quality learning environment
  • IT skills
  • Team Player, able to be flexible and adaptable
  • Able to act autonomously
  • Reflective, self analytical and open minded
  • Ability to support others in a rapidly changing health care environment
  • General Practice employer committed to supporting a GPN Education Supervisor
  • Adequate time commitment to NES GPN Trainee
  • Willing to travel distances to meet with NES GPN Trainee and attend central events.

Person Specification

Post Title: NES General Practice Nursing(GPN) Education Supervisors