Section 7315. Relocation Requirements.

(a) The Sponsor of a Project resulting in displacement of residential tenants shall be solely responsible for providing the assistance and benefits set forth in this section and in applicable state and federal law, and shall agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Department from any liabilities or claims for relocation-related costs.

(b) All tenants of a property who are displaced as a direct result of the development of a Project shall be entitled to relocation benefits and assistance as provided in Title 1, Division 7, Chapter 16 of the Government Code, commencing at Section 7260, and Subchapter 1 of Chapter 6 of Title 25 of the California Code of Regulations, commencing at Section 6000. Displaced tenants who are not replaced with Eligible Households under this Program shall be provided relocation benefits and assistance from funds other than Program funds.

(c) The Sponsor shall prepare a relocation plan in conformance with the provisions of California Code of Regulations, Title 25, Section 6038. The relocation plan shall be subject to the review and approval by the Department prior to the disbursement of Program funds.

(d) All Eligible Households who are temporarily displaced as a direct result of the development of the Project shall be entitled, upon initial occupancy of the Rental Housing Development, to occupy Assisted Units meeting the tenant occupancy standards set forth in Section 8305 of this title.

(e) All in-Eligible Households who are temporarily displaced as a direct result of the development of the Project shall be entitled, upon initial occupancy of the Rental Housing Development, to occupy any available non-Assisted Units for which they qualify.

(f) Notwithstanding the preceding subsections, tenants who are notified in writing prior to their occupancy of an existing Unit that the Unit may be demolished as a result of funding provided under the Program shall not be eligible for relocation benefits and assistance under this section. The form of any notices used for this purpose shall be subject to Department approval.

NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 50406(n), 50675.1(c) and 50675.11, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Government Code, Title 1, Division 7, Chapter 16 (commencing with Section 7260).

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MHP – Supportive Housing Regulations, Article 6, effective 5/14/05