Dylan Thomas Swansea Abertawe 2014 – Co-ordinating Group

Meeting @ 2pm 06.12.13. - Room 1.2.1, Civic Centre



Spencer Feeney (SF) / Chair
John Spurr (JS) / Swansea University
Victoria Trott (VT) / Freelance Travel Journalist
Ann Jordan (AJ) / Elysium Gallery
Marie Szymonski (MS) / National Waterfront Museum
Catherine Lewis (CL) / Tourism Swansea Bay
Paul Whittaker (PW) / Mumbles Traders Association
Neil Ronconi-Woolard (NRW) / Representing Julie James AM
John Birmingham (JB) / City & County of Swansea


Geoff Haden (GH) / Dylan Thomas Birthplace
Huw Tregelles-Williams (HTW) / Swansea Festival
Adrian Metcalf (AM) / Lighthouse Theatre
Emma Cartwright (EC) / Mission Gallery
Tara Croxton (TC) / Welsh Government
Pierre Davies (PD) / Do Not Go Gentle Festival
Iwan Davies (ID) / City & County of Swansea
Geraint Davies (GD) / MP Swansea West
Dreena Morgan-Harvey (DMH) / Dylan Thomas Theatre
Julie James AM (JJ) / AM Swansea West
Garethe El-Tawabe (GET) / Swansea Museum

1.0 Apologies & New Members

1.1 Apologies as above, SF introduced VT to the group.

2.0 Minutes of the Last Meeting

2.1 Point 1.1 - SF asked when 2014 events would appear on ‘www.dylanthomas.com’ and when tweets would be sent out from #dylanthomas2014. JB said that a new look website was imminent and he would check when on the Twitter account would be going live. SF encouraged members to promote their own events via social media.

Action JB

2.2 Point 1.2 - SF enquired as to if anyone had seen the Dylan Thomas branded bus. VT has seen it in Skewen and JB had seen it at Penllergaer. SF thought that a story about the bus would be appealing to the media; is a photograph opportunity a possibility? JB will find out.

Action JB

2.3 PW had tried to obtain ‘Dylan Thomas 100’ and ‘Dylan Thomas Swansea Abertawe 2014’ logos for projection purposes but encountered some difficulties, was access to logos going to be a problem? SF asked members to contact JB if they encountered any difficulties.

2.4 Point 1.3 SF asked if the Dylan Thomas Swansea Abertawe 2014 PR agency ‘Working Word’ could present to the group. JB is to make enquiries.

Action JB

2.5 Point 2.3 PW is developing the idea of ringing church bells on the centenary of Dylan Thomas’ birthday and a torch-lit procession in Mumbles was also a possibility.

2.6 Point 2.4 Regarding the possibility of Dylan Thomas coins and stamps JB said that an update from the Welsh Government was expected in the New Year.

2.7 Point 2.8 JB said that he was in dialogue with the Royal Navy regarding a Dylan Thomas related concert by the Royal Marines Band in 2014.

2.8 Point 2.9 JB had made enquiries about obtaining feedback about re-naming Cardiff Airport via ‘Swansea Voices’, unfortunately this wasn’t possible as Swansea Voices was restricted to questions about Council services.

2.9 Point 5.1 JB passed contact details of Sir Peter Blake’s agent on to PW.

3.0 Project updates

3.1 AJ said that Elysium Gallery were planning Dylan Thomas related events including an international drawing festival entitled ‘From Here to There’ (featuring a Colorado, USA cultural exchange) and an international painting Exhibition themed on ‘Portrait of the Artists as…’

3.2 JS mentioned that a Dylan Thomas centenary cycle ride from Laugharne to Swansea was being developed for 22nd June 2014.

3.3 SF thought that the Tomos Watkin brewery had plans to brand a beer and CL thought that Penderyn may have similar plans. JB is to find out more.

Action JB

3.4 JB gave an update on behalf of GH…

3.5 There is growing support for an International Dylan Thomas Day on 14th May, the anniversary of the first public performance of Under Milk Wood in New York.

3.6 Dylan Thomas Birthplace is working towards the summer conference of the ‘Lithouses Group’ (approx. 35 venues attached to literary figures) to be held in Swansea in July.

3.7 Fundraising for a Dylan Thomas statue is on course.

(4) Event calendar update

4.1 JB distributed the latest 2014 ‘Dylan Thomas Swansea Abertawe 2014’ events list (attached).

5.0 Any other business

5.1 NRW announced that JJ had gained support from Welsh Government ministers in having a ‘Dylan Day’ in order to create a lasting legacy. The group supported 14th May becoming an annual international Dylan Day.

5.2 AJ considered using the big screen in Castle Square to screen relevant films, Andrew Sinclair’s 1972 production of Under Milk Wood was suggested. JB is to look into rights issues regarding screening the film.

Action JB

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