Year 1 - LEARNING OUTCOMES & ACTIVITY IDEAS planning tool – October 2008




Knowledge & Understanding

NC1a / Begin to know likes, dislikes and preferences e.g. toys, food, TV programmes, games / I can tell you some things I like and dislike. (TACADE I am, I know, I can Lesson 1)
I can tell you about some of the books I like reading. (TACADE I am, I know, I can Lesson 1)
NC1a& 2c / Begin to understand what is fair and unfair and what is right and wrong / I can talk about a situation I thought was unfair. (TACADE I am, I know, I can Lesson 1)
NC1c / Begin to recognise, name and understand their emotions and those of others. / I can sometimes tell if other people are feeling sad or scared and I know how to make people feel better. (SEAL NB p19)
I know when I am staring to feel angry (SEAL GOFO p9)
I know what happens on the inside and the outside of my body when I start to get angry. (SEAL GOFO p9)
I can tell when I am feeling proud (SEAL GTBM p5)
I can tell when I am feeling worried or anxious (SEAL GTBM p6)
I can tell when I am proud or jealous (SEAL R p5)
I can tell you something that has made me jealous. (SEAL R p5)
I understand that being unkind and hurting someone doesn’t make me feel better. (SEAL R p8)
I know that when you feel sad, it affects the way you behave and how you think (SEAL SNTB p5)

Personal and Social Skills

NC1c / Begin to manage their feelings in a positive way. / I know some more ways to calm myself down when I feel scared or upset. (SEAL NB p11)
I can be kind to children who are bullied (SEAL SNTB p5)
I can explain some things that help me stop worrying (SEAL GTBM p6)
I know some ways to calm down when I am starting to feel angry. (SEAL GOFO p9)
I can think of ways to make me feel better when I feel hurt without hurting others. (SEAL R p8)
A6 / Begin to develop the ability to understand and manage change. / I can tell you about changes that I can make happen. (SEAL C p6)
I can make some changes quickly and easily. (SEAL C p6)
I know that to make some changes is hard and takes a long time. (SEAL Cp6)

Attitudes and Personal Qualities

NC1d&5b / Value the achievements of self, learn from previous experience and have a positive attitude to their learning. / I feel good about my strengths. (SEAL NB p11)
I know we learn in different ways. (SEAL GFG p5)
I can tell you some of my strengths as a learner. (SEAL GFG p6)
I can resist distractions. (SEALGFG p6)
I can learn from my successes. (SEAL GFG p8)
I can say what I want to happen when there is a problem. (set a goal) (SEAL GFG p8)
I can tell you how I learn best. (SEAL GFG p8)
I can tell you something that makes me feel proud. (SEAL GTBM p5)
I can tell you about my gifts and talents. (SEAL GTBM p5)
I know different ways that help me to learn to do things. (SEAL C p6)
NC1e / Begin to set simple goals. / I can choose a realistic goal. (SEAL GFG p6)
I can break a goal down into small steps. (SEAL GFG p6)
I can predict and understand the consequences of reaching my goal. (SEAL GFG p8)




Knowledge & Understanding

NC2e / Understand that people and other living things have needs and they have a responsibility to them, / I can describe how I could look after a pet. (BBC Birth, Care and Growth video)
I can tell you how my needs are changing as I grow up & I am developing an awareness of and respect for other people’s needs. (TACADE I am, I know, I can Lesson 10)
NC2d / Understand how rules help them e.g. school code of behaviour / I can help make the class a safe and fair place. (SEAL NB p7 &12)
NC2f / Begin to know about different groups that they belong to and the important people and roles within them e.g. family, friendship, and clubs. / I know that I belong to a community. (SEAL NB p7 & p12)
I know that I belong to various groups and communities. (TACADE I am, I know, I can Lesson 11)
NC2i / Realise that money comes from different sources and can be used for different purposes / I know that money is used to trade and I am beginning to understand how money is used. (TACADE I am, I know, I can Lesson 14)
I can choose how to spend money.
I can begin to talk about the value of money.
(‘Money Counts’ In My Purse; BBC Active ‘Understanding Money’ DVD)
FC* / Learn about the importance of looking after money and the consequences of losing money / I know how we can keep money safe.
I understand the consequences of losing money or having it stolen.
(‘Money Counts’ The Missing Money Mystery)

Personal and Social Skills

5f / Contribute to the life of the class and school including the school council e.g. begin to show responsibility for self and others / I can help make my class a good place to learn. (SEAL NB p7 & 12)
I know what I have to do myself to make the classroom and school a safe and fair place for everyone, and that it is not OK for other people to make it unsafe or unfair. (SEAL NB p7 & 12)
I know what the school council is and can talk about things I would like to change at school. (Class discussion)




Knowledge & Understanding

NC3e / Know the names of the main body parts.
Science SC2 2a 4a / I can name and correctly label the main external parts of the body. (QCA Unit 2.1-Keeping the body healthy)
Science / Begin to know about the process of growing from young to old (including birth and death) and how peoples’ needs change. / I can tell you how I might change in the future. (SEAL C p5)
I know that some changes are natural and happen ‘by themselves’. (SEAL C p5)
I know that human have babies that grow into children and then into adults (QCA Unit 2.2 – Keeping the body healthy, BBC Birth, Care and Growth video.)
I can tell you what I can do now that I couldn’t do when I was a baby. (Health for Life 1 p25)
NC3b / Begin to understand how we keep healthy e.g. eating, exercise and hygiene. / I can identify some things I eat and drink, and some activities I do which help to keep me healthy (QCA Unit 3:1 – Making choices for a healthy life)
I understand what it means to be healthy. (TACADE I am, I know I can Lesson 15)
NC3f / Begin to understand that all medicines are drugs - establish safety rules with medicines and substances in home and school. /

I know that all medicines are drugs. (QCA DAT Unit A)

I know that some things that go into and onto my body are good for me and that some can be harmful.(QCA DAT Unit A, Health for Life 1 p40 & p51)
I know why medicines are taken.(QCA DAT Unit A)

I know simple rules for taking and storing medicines. (Health for Life 1 p54, p55 & p56, CEA p73)

NC3g / Know basic rules of personal protection including sun, road, water and classroom safety in relation to self and not touching another person’s blood. / I know the rules for crossing the road safely. (Health for Life1 p73)
I know what to do when I am lost. (Health for Life 1 p69)
I can explain how rules help keep us safe (QCA DAT Unit A)

Personal and Social Skills

&3b / Develop the ability to make simple choices that improve their health, well-being and personal hygiene. / I can describe and carry out basic hygiene routines, using soap, toothpaste and shampoo correctly. (TACADE I am, I know I can Lesson 16)
I can describe how to look after particular parts of my body & I can explain why it is important to keep clean. (QCA Units 2.3 & 2:4 – Keeping the body healthy)

Attitudes and Personal Qualities

3g&5b / Feel good about oneself — the desire to be safe, feel positive. / I can say something positive about myself. (QCA Unit 2.1 Keeping the body healthy)
NC5h / Begin to recognise when they and others need help and sources of help (doctor, dentist, teacher, school nurse, and parent). / I can describe a situation where I would need adult help. (QCA Unit 1:4 Special people)
I can identify ‘safe’ people in my community that I can ask for help. (Health for Life 1 p35, 69 & p78)
I know when I am feeling unwell and who could help me. (QCA DAT Unit A)
I know who can help me best when something is wrong. e.g., dentist for toothache (Health for Life 1 p42 )




Knowledge & Understanding

&5f / Begin to understand behaviours, which are helpful and unhelpful to make all children feel safe and happy. / I know what I have to do myself to make the classroom and school a safe and fair place for everyone, and that it is not OK for other people to make it unsafe or unfair. (SEAL NB p7 & 12)
NC4d / Begin to understand the different relationships experienced by the individual with others including family and friends. / I can tell you what being a good friend means to me. (SEAL GOFO p6)
I know the people who are important to me. (SEAL R p5)
I can identify special people in my life; (QCA 1:1 Special people)
I can demonstrate some of the skills needed to make and maintain friendships; (QCA 1:2 Special people)
I can describe why certain people are special to me, I can describe my own family circumstances and I can describe different ways that families can show they care for each other. (QCA 1:3 Special people)
NC2e / Begin to understand about people’s basic needs – food, clothing, rest, and shelter. / I can contribute to a list of basic human needs and I can describe the basic needs of a specific animal. (QCA Cit Unit 3 p3-4)
NC4c / Identify and respect similarities and differences between people including physical appearance, culture, family, religion and language. / I can tell you how I am the same as and different from my friends. (SEAL SNTB p5 & SEAL NB p11)
I can describe a number of different family situations; (QCA 1:3 Special people)
I can identify some similarities and differences between people from different cultures. I understand that differences can enrich our lives. (TACADE I am, I know, I can Lesson 24)
NC4e / Begin to know what bullying is, that there are different types of teasing and bullying and that bullying is hurtful and wrong. / I can tell you what bullying is (SEAL SNTB p4 &5)
I can tell you how someone who is bullied feels (SEAL SNTB p5)

Personal and Social Skills

&5e / Listen to each other in formal and informal situations. / I can listen well to other people when they are talking. (SEAL GOFO p8)
I can tell you what the signs are that someone is listening. (TACADE I am, I know, I can Lesson 6)
NC4b / Learn to share and co-operate with others during play and work. / I can work well in a group (SEAL GOFO p 6)
NC4a / Begin to respond appropriately to different behaviours and know when to use peaceful problem solving. / I know some ways to solve a problem (SEAL NB p9)
I can use peaceful problem-solving to sort out problems so both people feel OK. (SEAL GOFO p10)
I can think of lots of different ideas and solutions. (SEAL GFG p8)
I can use the problem-solving process (SEAL GTBM p6)
&5g / Respond positively to the diversity and similarity of individuals and groups, including beginning to question stereotypes. / I feel good about the ways we are similar in the group and the ways I am different. (SEAL NB p11)
I am proud of the ways in which I am different (SEAL SNTB p5)
I can understand that differences can enrich our lives. (TACADE I am, I know, I can Lesson 24)
NC4e / Learn how to respond appropriately to bullying. / I can be kind to children who are bullied. (SNTB p5)
I know some people in and out of school who I could talk to if I was feeling unhappy or being bullied. (SEAL SNTB p5)
I know what to do if I am bullied (SEAL SNTB p5)

Attitudes and Personal Qualities

NC4d / Develop empathy and a caring attitude for others e.g. family and peers. / I know how to make up with a friend when we have fallen out. (SEAL GOFO p10)
I understand that being unkind and hurting someone doesn’t make me feel better (SEAL R p8)
NC4a / Recognise that certain actions may have consequences for others. / I can predict and understand the consequences of my solutions or ideas. (GFG p8)
D14 / Value the achievements of others. / I can help another person feel proud. (SEAL GTBM p6)
I can feel proud on behalf of my friends when they have done something well. (SEAL R p5)


Year 1

*FC Financial Capabilty learning intention taken from Financial Capability through Personal Finance Education Guidance for Schools at Key Stages 1 & 2 (July 2000)