Honors Biology Information Sheet

Mrs. Gallo

  • Where you can contact me:
  • Classroom: Room 211
  • Email: (I frequently check my e-mail throughout the day and will check it in the evenings between 6 and 9 p.m.)
  • Voicemail: Ext. 4497
  • What you need to bring to class each day:
  • A notebook, your textbook, a three ring binder for handouts, yourstudent I.D., and a pen/and or pencil.
  • What you won’t bring to class each day:
  • Food, beverages, hats, ipods, or cell phones.
  • What will happen if you are late to class?
  • The classroom door is closed as the bell rings.
  • If I need to open the door for you, you are tardy, unless you have a pass signed by a school official. I will call home after you are tardy twice. A third tardy will result in a teacher administered detention.
  • How your grades will be determined:
  • Grades will be determined using the district grading policy outlined in your student handbook. We will be using a cumulative point system, meaning your final grade will be the points you earn divided by the total possible points.
  • You will get at least a 3 days notice on all tests. Quizzes may be announced or unannounced.
  • LATE POLICY: You may hand in an assignment or lab report late

ONE DAY and your grade will be reduced 50%. After one day late, there will be no credit. If you cut class you will receive NO CREDIT.

  • MAKE UP POLICY: All missed work due to absence will be entered as a zero in the grade book until it is made up. You have 5 school days to make up missed work. You are responsible for finding out about missed work!
  • What will happen if you are absent from class:
  • You are responsible for all work and handouts you missed while you are absent. You can access these materials from my website calendar.
  • You should get class notes from a classmate and come to me if you do not understand the material.
  • If you are absent only one day and a test was given, you are expected to take the test the day you return, except under extreme circumstances.
  • If you are absent on the review day before the test, YOU ARE STILL EXPECTED TO TAKE THE TEST ON THE SCHEDULED DAY!
  • Please notify me beforehand if you are going to be out of class because of a guidance appointment, school or personal function. All work that is due should be sent with a classmate or given to me before class. Tests should not be missed.
  • Cheating & Plagiarism Policy: Anyone caught cheating will receive a zero for the assignment and I will phone home to report the incident to your parents. Repeated or large scale cheating will result in disciplinary action by the administration.
  • Plagiarism is a serious issue and we will review proper citation methods prior to any project or long term written assignment.

I reserve the right to modify this course guide as needed.

I am excited to be your teacher this year. I want to help you achieve, so please come to me with any questions and concerns either in person or by email.