Questions mostly by Brian Rooney with some by Chris Borglum

1.)The family’s last name is never mentioned. The location of the family’s somewhat shabby home is never identified. Created by Linwood Boomer, who once played Adam on ‘Little House on the Prairie,’ this show features characters such as Francis, the delinquent older brother who’s sent to an Alabama military school, and Stevie, a wheel chair bound genius. FTP, name this new FOX show that follows The Simpsons.

Malcolm in the Middle

2.))Nitrogen can be oxidized in one step whose enthalpy change will equal 68 kilojoules. Nitogen can also be oxidized in two distinct steps, the first of which will have an enthalpy change of 180 kilojoules, while the second has an enthalpy change of negative 112 kilojoules, resulting again in an overall enthalpy change of 68 kilojoules. This is an example, FTP, of what law which states that the enthalpy change of a reaction is the same regardless of whether it takes place in a single step or series of steps?

Hess’s Law

3.)The social matrix seen in the work of this Christian humanist showed a world hostile to the dying remnants of medieval monasticism. Based on evidence contained within the stories, French nobility welcomed outspokenness in sexual matters and condoned Protestant-like religious views. FTP, what sister of King Francis I and protector of Rabelais has her name associated with these stories contained within the ‘Heptameron?’

Marguerite of Navarre

4.)Alessandro Moreschi, who died in 1922, was the last of this profession. Nicolini, Senesino, Farinelli, and Cafarelli were some of Moreschi’s most famous predecessors. Condoned by the Roman Catholic Church on the grounds that St Paul, in one of his epistles, indicated that women should remain silent in church, what term, FTP, is used to designate male singers whose sexual organs were modified to preserve their voices for singing?

Castrato (accept plural castrati; also can accept Evirato)

5.)‘In the Beginning,’ ‘Gospel of the Brothers Barnabus,’ ‘The Thing Happens,’ ‘Tragedy of an Elderly Gentleman,’ and ‘As Far as Thought Can Reach’ are the five parts that combine to form a study of creative evolution in, FTP, what George Bernard Shaw play that traces the evolution of man from his creation to the year 31,920 A.D.?

Back to Methuselah

6.)All quiz bowlers should know by now that Proxima Centauri, at 4.26 light years away, is the closest star to Earth. To the naked eye, it appears as a point source of light. However, its actual radius can be calculated using, FTP, what law that says radiancy is proportional to the fourth power of the absolute Temperature?

Stefan-Boltzman Law

7.)He credited his reading of David Hume with awakening him from his dogmatic slumber to become a more critical philosopher. His Religion Within the Limits of Reason Alone prompted a government order not to write on religion any more. FTP name the author of Critique of Practical Reason and Critique of Pure Reason.

Immanuel Kant

8.)The Japanese fleet of 64 warships lost some 500 aircraft, 3 battleships, 4 carriers, 10 cruisers, 11 destroyers, and one submarine. The American fleet of 216 warships, in contrast, lost 3 light carriers, 2 destroyers, 1 destroyer escort, and some 200 aircraft. Designated as the largest naval battle in history, provide, FTP, the name of the WWII battle off the Phillipines coast that occurred October 17-25, 1944.

The Battle of Leyte Gulf

9.)For over a century, Wild Fruits sat unread and ignored in the New York Public Library. That botanical description and philosophical rumination was considered unpublishable until Bradley P. Dean decoded the author’s notoriously illegible handwriting. So nearly 140 years after his death, we have a newly published work by, FTP, what author of Civil Disobedience and Walden?

Henry David Thoreau

10.)Charles Duke, James Irwin, Edgar Mitchell, Harrison Schmitt, John Young, David Scott, Alan Bean, Charles Conrad Jr., and Eugene Cernan are members of an extremely select fraternity of men. FTP, they, along with Alan Shepard Jr., Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin, and Neil Armstrong, are the only humans to accomplish what feat?

Walk on the Moon (accept obvious equivalents; prompt on astronauts, Apollo, etc.)

11.)A full census of the population was initiated some four centuries before a similar survey was undertaken in Norman England. The Grand Canal connecting the lower valley of the Yellow River to the eastern banks of the Yangtze was completed. Every perspective government official was subjected to a series of rigorous civil service exams. FTP, these innovations were all brought about in what Chinese dynasty that lasted from 618-907 C.E.?

Tang Dynasty

12.)It appears to consist mostly of frozen gases and has a radius of 642 km. Discovered by James Walter Christy and Robert S. Harrington in 1977, FTP, give the name of the satellite of the planet discovered by Clyde Tombaugh in 1930?


13.)Widow Fanny Farrelly awaits the arrival of her daughter Sara, Sara’s husband Kurt, and their three children. A leader in the anti-Nazi resistance movement, Kurt was forced to flee Europe. However, Count Teck de Brancovis, a Romanian houseguest of Fanny’s and Nazi supporter, threatens to expose Kurt to the German Embassy. These events all take place in, FTP, what Lillian Hellman play, published in 1941?

Watch on the Rhine

14.)In 1915, Ernest Just was the first to be honored with it. Other more well known honorees include Robert C. Weaver in 1962, Henry (Hank) Aaron in 1975, Bill Cosby in 1985, and General Colin Powell in 1991. FTP, each of these individuals has been the recipient of what medal awarded annually by the NAACP for the highest achievement by a black American in the previous year?

Spingarn Medal

15.)Around 1810, he and his followers settled in the area of Barataria Bay, near New Orleans and preyed on Spanish cargo ships in area. During the War of 1812, the British attempted to purchase his aid for the attack on New Orleans. Instead, FTP, name this pirate who passed on British plans to the Americans and aided Andrew Jackson in his defense against the British.

Jean Lafitte

1.)One name for this group is derived from the town in southwest France that was their citadel. The group’s beliefs were outlined in the treatise entitled “The Book of Two Principles,” which argued for the existence of two gods, one good and one evil. Because the Roman Catholic Church deemed this group heretical, it raised a crusade that essentially wiped it out. FTP, name this religious sect that flourished in the 14th century and was also known as the Catharists.


2.)He was born in Canterbury, England and graduated from Oxford in 1899. He went to work at Arthur Guiness and Sons, a brewery in Dublin, Ireland and remained at the job for his entire life. Because the brewery prohibited its employees from publishing any of their research, this mathematician published his research under the pseudonym “Student.” FTP, name this man who is credited with developing the “Student’s t-distribution.”

William Gosset

3.)On December 2, 1995, they lost to Wisconson-LaCrosse 20-17 in overtime. Since that loss, they won a string of 54 consecutive games before finally losing again, to Rowan University on December 11, 1999 in a 24-17 overtime loss. FTP, what NCAA Division III school’s football team now holds the record for number of continuous victories having surpassed the 47 straight victories posted by Division I University of Oklahoma?

Mount Union College

19.)Aspirin works by inhibiting the effects of these organic compounds, which are derived from essential fatty acids. Its natural and synthetic forms are used to induce labor or abortion in humans and domestic animals. When these compounds are released from tissue, inflammation occurs. FTP, name these compounds that at low concentration cause the contraction of smooth muscle tissue.


20.)Traversed by the volcanic Barisan Mountains, it’s the world’s sixth largest island, after Greenland, New Guinea, Borneo, Madagascar, and Baffin Island. Sparsely settled compared to neighboring islands, its major cities include Djambi, Medan, and Palembang. FTP name this island, separated by the Strait of Malacca from the Malay Peninsula and by the Strait of Sunda from Java.


21.) After coming to his senses on February. 7, 1812, Mathias Speed cut his boat loose from a collapsing Mississippi River riverbank and moved to the middle of the channel to avoid being crushed by falling trees. When he arrived at this town the next day, there was scarcely any house left standing where once 2000 people lived. For ten points -- what was this Missouri town, the approximate epicenter of an eight-week series of devastating earthquakes?

answer: New Madrid, Missouri

22. Amasa Delano, the captain of a seal-hunting ship, discovers a slave ship off the coast of Chile whose cargo has revolted. Delano eventually saves the captain of the slave ship and his remaining crew. This is a brief description of what Herman Melville short contained in the collection entitled ‘The Piazza Tales?’

Benito Cereno

23.In 1953, John Cage composed 4’33”, which as we all know, took less time to compose than it takes to perform. The “music” of this piece is actually the random sounds produced by the performer, the audience, or any outside medium within hearing range. FTP, what is the term used to describe this type of music that is composed according to chance or random principle?

Aleatory (Alea = “dice”)


Questions mostly by Brian Rooney with some by Chris Borglum

1)Pro-Bowl selections are voted on by fans, and there are two teams-one each from the NFC and AFC. However, All-Pro selections are made by a nationwide media panel and only compose one team made up of the best player at each position. Given a player on the recently released 1999-2000 All-Pro team, name the team he plays for FFPE.

Tight End Tony GonzalezKansas City or Chiefs

Tackle Trevor PriceDenver or Broncos

Safety John LynchTampa Bay or Buccaneers

Defensive End Kevin CarterSt Louis or Rams

Defensive Tackle Warren SappTampa Bay or Buccaneers

Punter Tom TupaNew York or Jets

2)30-20-10 Name the scientist.

30:He became chancellor of the University of California at Berkeley in 1958 and chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission in 1961.

20:Born in Michigan in 1912, he was one of the team of scientists that isolated plutonium in

1937. He also first isolated other transuranium elements like americium and curium.

10: Co-winner of the 1951 Nobel in Chemistry, he lived just long enough to know that element number 106 was named for him.

Glenn Seaborg

3)For the stated number of points, answer these questions about Indonesian politics:

5: He led Indonesia from 1949, when it was granted independence from Holland, until 1965, when he was overthrown:

Achmed Sukarno

10: He led Indonesia as a military dictator from 1965 until 1998 when he was finally deposed

General Suharto

15: Suharto’s successor, B.J. Habibie, proved too unpopular to be reelected. So this blind Muslim cleric was elected President of Indonesia in November 1999 despite having suffered two strokes, because of his uncanny ability to achieve unity between Indonesia’s many various factions.

Abdurrahman Wahid

4)Given characters from Thomas Hardy novels, identify the novel FTPE.

A.Sergeant Troy, Gabriel Oak, Bathsheba Everdene

Far From the Madding Crowd

B.Michael Henchard, Richard Newson, Donald Farfrae

The Mayor of Casterbridge

C.Eustacia Vye, Clym Yeobright, Damon Wildeve

The Return of the Native

5)Given titles and a basic summary of reform minded works, identify their authors for TPE.

River of Grass: a campaign to save Florida’s Everglades

Marjorie Stoneman Douglass

How the Other Half Lives: about slum conditions in 19th century New York City

Jacob Riis

A Century of Dishonor: about the U.S. government’s mistreatment of Native Americans

Helen Hunt Jackson

6)Identify the following about Alexander the Great's victory in the battle of Arbela FTP each.

A. Alexander defeated what Persian king at this battle?

Answer: Darius III

B. The battle took place on this plain; some call the battle of Arbela, the battle of this.

Answer: Gaugamela

C. In what year did this battle occur?

Answer: 331 BCE

7)FTSNOP name the Irish artist or group who recorded the following albums:

5) Zooropa, War, The Unforgettable Fire


10) To the Faithful Departed, Bury the Hatchet

Answer:The Cranberries

15) Legend, Landmarks, Lore, The Angel and the Soldier Boy


8)I will name a river, and for 5PE name two national capitals that lie on that river. If you can only name one, you will still earn five points.

a)Danube River

(any two: Vienna, Austria; Bratislava, Slovakia; Budapest, Hungary; Belgrade; Serbia or Yugoslavia)

b)Mekong River

(Vientiane, Laos and Phnom Penh, Cambodia)

c)Niger River

(Bamako, Mali and Niamey, Niger)

9.Name the play 30-20-10:

30: Some of the plays characters include Gladys, the promiscuous daughter; Henry, the hostile and destructive son who represents the biblical Cain; and Sabina, the maid who represents the eternal temptress Lillith

20: The play’s main characters George and Maggie Antrobus face the trials of humanity through the ages while sitting in their living room

10: This play, published in 1942 by Thornton Wilder, won the 1943 Pulitzer Prize

The Skin of Our Teeth

10.Identify the following scientists of the middle ages or early Renaissance FTPE.

This Englishman demonstrated the circulation of blood.

William Harvey

This Flemish scientist working in Padua published an influential treatise on anatomy in the 16th century.

Andreas Vesalius

Nicknamed Il Nolano, this Italian philosopher/scientist’s advocacy of Copernicus got him burned at the stake in 1600.

Giordano Bruno

11)Identify the African-born authors of the following literary works FFPE:

A.DisgraceJ. M. Coetzee

B.Things Fall ApartChinua Achebe

C.A Guest of HonorNadine Gordimer

D.The PlagueAlbert Camus

E.The Lion and the JewelWole Soyinka

F.Palace WalkNaghuib Mahfouz

12) Answer these questions about whales FTP each.

A. Whales are a member of what Order of Mammalia?

Answer: _Cetecea_ (seh-TEE-shah)

B. This is the set of filaments in the place of teeth by which blue whales strain plankton from the water.

Answer: _baleen_

C. This smelly substance often from the gut of sperm whales is often used in making perfumes.

Answer: _ambergris_ (am-burr-GREASE)

13)Given a President and election year, name the second place finisher F5PE:

John F. Kennedy, 1960Answer:Richard Nixon

Jimmy Carter, 1976Answer:Gerald Ford

Woodrow Wilson, 1912Answer:Theodore Roosevelt (Taft finished 3rd)

William McKinley, 1896Answer:William Jennings Bryan

Harry Truman, 1948Answer:Thomas E. Dewey

Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 1944Answer:(again) Thomas E. Dewey

14) Name the following works from descriptions for 15PE. If you also need the name of the composer, you will only receive 5 points.

15: This is more properly a secular cantata rather than an opera, taking as its text several goliardic songs found in the abbey of Benediktbeuern.

5: Carl Orff

Carmina Burana

15: The King of Clubs fears his ailing son the prince will die and is told only laughter will cure him; the with Fata Morgana accidentally succeeds by falling flat on her back; she then sens the Prince on journey for the title objects

5: Serge Prokofiev

Love for Three Oranges

15) Elisabeth Kubler-Ross’ 1969 book ‘On Death and Dying’ lists five stages of the dying process. FFPE and five more for answering them all correctly, name these five stages.

Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance

16) Answer the following questions regarding a Shakespearean play set during the Roman Battles with the Goths FTPE

Name the play and you will also name the main character

Titus Andronicus

Name of the Queen of the Goths who is captured by the title character


Name of the title character’s daughter who presents a grisly scene when she enters the stage after being raped, her hands cut off and tongue cut out to prevent her from revealing the name of her rapist


17)The Cenozoic Era is divided into two periods, the Holocene and the Tertiary. The Tertiary period is then further divided into five epochs. For 5 pts. each or 30 for all 5, name the five tertiary epochs.

1.) Paleocene2.) Eocene3.) Oligocene4.) Miocene5.) Pliocene

18)Answer these questions about a hijacked cruise ship.

a. [5] This Italian Cruise ship was hijacked on October 7, 1985 by members of the Palestinian National Front.

ANSWER: Achille Lauro /uh KEEL lay, LARR oh/