DPOAE Screening Criteria Page 2 of 2

DPOAE Pass/Refer Criteria

The Scout Sport software includes five pre-set screening protocols representing typical protocols used in DPOAE screening programs to detect hearing problems in newborns. Each protocol automatically displays a Pass or Refer result at the end of the test as well as in the report print-out. Although this type of protocol cannot be edited from within the Scout program, users can contact their Bio-logic Customer Support representative to obtain a screening test protocol with the desired modifications. The following information shows the similarities and differences for all screening protocols included with the Scout software.

All screening test protocols have the following setup parameters in common.

Recording/Stimulus Parameters

L1 65 dB SPL

L2 55 dB SPL

F2/F1 Ratio 1.2

Minimum # samples 40

Sample size 1024 points (20 msec sample)

Stopping Rules

DP amplitude ≥ 5 dB SPL and DP-NF amplitude ≥ 8 dB SPL


Minimum Noise Floor Amplitude ≥ -17 dB SPL


Time Out: 15 sec (above 3kHz), 20 sec (3 kHz and below)

Pass/Refer Criteria

Minimum DP amplitude ≥ (see protocol descriptions below)


DP-NF amplitude ≥ 6 dB

Number of frequencies for Pass? See protocol descriptions below.

Screening Test Protocol Differences:

The differences between screening test protocols occur in the F2 frequencies included in the test, the number of frequencies included in the test and the number of frequencies that must meet the pass criteria to achieve a Pass result at the end of the test. The DP amplitude pass/refer criteria are based on data published by Gorga, et.al.

2-5 kHz Screen, 3 of 4 for Pass

F2 frequencies DP amplitude for Pass (dB SPL)

5014 -6

3983 -5

2999 -8

2015 -7

2-5 kHz Screen, 4 of 6 for Pass

F2 frequencies DP amplitude for Pass (dB SPL)

5014 -6

4217 -5

3561 -5

2999 -8

2530 -8

2062 -7

2-5 kHz Screen, 3 of 5 for Pass

F2 frequencies DP amplitude for Pass (dB SPL)

5014 -6

4217 -5

3514 -5

2765 -8

2015 -7

2-6 kHz Screen, 4 of 6 for Pass

F2 frequencies DP amplitude for Pass (dB SPL)

5998 -7

4779 -6

3749 -5

3046 -8

2343 -7

1968 -7

2-6 kHz Screen, 3 of 5 for Pass

F2 frequencies DP amplitude for Pass (dB SPL)

5998 -7

5014 -6

3983 -5

2999 -8

2015 -7

Related Topics:

Using Preset Diagnostic Test Protocols

Finding Customer Support

Creating a New Protocol

Selecting a Protocol

Saving a Protocol

Collection Parameter Descriptions

Scout© OtoAcoustic Emissions Systems Version 2.1