Name: Bethany Stiefel
Program: IT
Adviser: Dr. Jason Huett
Permanent Email:
NETS-TECHNOLOGY LEADERSHIP STANDARDS (hot-linked for your convenience)
Instructions: For each standard indicator below, name and hyperlink to an artifact that demonstrates performance of the standard; list the course in which (or due to which) the standard was completed; list the semester of the course; include a brief reflection explaining how the standard was met and its impact on your growth; list the conceptual framework descriptor that best aligns with the artifact and standard; and write a brief reflection explaining how the conceptual framework descriptor fits. (The conceptual framework descriptors are listed at the bottom of the page).
TL-I. Technology Operations and ConceptsEducational technology leaders demonstrate an advanced understanding of technology operations and concepts. Educational technology leaders:
Performance Indicator / COE Conceptual Framework Indicator / Artifacts and Reflections
a. Demonstrate knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts related to technology (as described in the ISTE NETS for Teachers 2000). / Knowledgeable: The candidate should be able to demonstrate general knowledge inherent in a liberal arts curriculum, advanced knowledge in content areas, and specific knowledge in professional education for the implementation of transformational systemic change. / Artifact: Program and Portfolio Focus
Course: MEDT 8463
Semester: Spring 2010
NETS Reflection: The program and portfolio focus enabled me to use my knowledge from what I had already learned in the program to guide the direction in which I would like to focus for the remainder of the program. For this assignment I created a glog depicting my goals, interests, and plan for the remainder of the IT program.
Conceptual Framework Reflection: My program and portfolio focus project allowed me to show that I am inquisitive by listing interests I would like to pursue within the program to enhance my knowledge and use of technology in the classroom.
b. Demonstrate continual growth in technology knowledge and skills to stay abreast of current and emerging technologies. / Knowledgeable: The candidate should be able to demonstrate general knowledge inherent in a liberal arts curriculum, advanced knowledge in content areas, and specific knowledge in professional education for the implementation of transformational systemic change. / Artifact:Big Three Report
Course: MEDT 8463
Semester: Spring 2010
NETS Reflection:The Big Three Project allowed me to develop a healthy sense of skepticism when being introduced to new technology instead of just assuming it is much better than a current innovation. The three questions I asked of a new innovation, Google Chrome OS, allowed me to research an emerging technology to determine for myself whether it was a “good” innovation.
Conceptual Framework Reflection: The Big Three Project showed that I am inquisitive because I was able to research Google Chrome OS to seek an emerging technology worth bringing into my school system.
TL-II. Planning and Designing Learning Environments and Experiences
Educational technology leaders plan, design, and model effective learning environments and multiple experiences supported by technology.Educational technology leaders:
Performance Indicator / COE Conceptual Framework Indicator / Artifacts and Reflections
a. Design developmentally appropriate learning opportunities that apply technology-enhanced instructional strategies to support the diverse needs of learners. / Adaptive: The candidate should be able to demonstrate flexibility and strategic planning appropriate to a wide variety of learners for effective transformational systemic change. / Artifact:Collaborative ComicLife Project
Course: MEDT 7464
Semester: Fall 2009
NETS Reflection: For the ComicLife project, each group member created a ComicLife example specific to their area of teaching. These examples went along with a workshop plan to be presented to a faculty to demonstrate how ComicLife could be effectively used in the classroom. This project allowed our group to develop a technologically rich learning environment for students with diverse learning needs.
Conceptual Framework Reflection:My ComicLife example, including the steps for the scientific method, is evidence of my adaptability. My example catered to learners who need visual aids to enhance their understanding.
b. Apply current research on teaching and learning with technology when planning learning environments and experiences. / Inquisitive: The candidate should seek continually to improve their knowledge, disposition, and skills to influence transformational systemic change. / Artifact:Article Summary Table
Course: MEDT 8480
Semester: Spring 2011
NETS Reflection: This assignment allowed apply current research on teaching and learning by summarizing articles I read so that they would support my work in the evaluation I completed.
Conceptual Framework Reflection:The article summary table demonstrated my ability to be inquisitive because it showed how I used current research to help shape research I would later conduct.
c. Identify and locate technology resources and evaluate them for accuracy and suitability. / Reflective: The candidate should be able to demonstrate critical thinking skills in the diagnosis and prescription for transformational systemic change. / Artifact: Diffusion and Adoption Reflection
Course: MEDT 8461
Semester: Fall 2009
NETS Reflection: The Diffusion and Adoption Reflection provided me with an opportunity to evaluate technologies in place at my school. I evaluated the suitability of biometric finger scanning software in the cafeteria. My reflection helped me determine that they were not effective in the cafeteria and more suited to be used in the media center.
Conceptual Framework Reflection: The diffusion and adoption reflection demonstrated my ability to be reflective by using critical thinking skills to diagnose the effectiveness of the finger scanning software in a particular setting at my school.
d. Plan for the management of technology resources within the context of learning activities. / Proactive: The candidate should be able to advocate for the removal of barriers that impede lifelong learning and hinder transformational systemic change. / Artifact:Concept Map
Course: MEDT 7467
Semester: Fall 2010
NETS Reflection: The concept map allowed me to demonstrate how I plan for the management of technology resources within the context of learning because the concept map was used to help guide the teacher and students in the direction in which their tasks would flow.
Conceptual Framework Reflection: This assignment showed how I can be proactive because I included remedial tasks in the concept map for students who do not fully comprehend the material the first time.
e. Plan strategies to manage student learning in a technology-enhanced environment. / Decisive: The candidate should be able to demonstrate knowledge and skills when making decisions that will influence effective transformational systemic change. / Artifact:Destructive Forces Website
Course:MEDT 7467
Semester: Fall 2010
NETS Reflection: The destructive forces website demonstrated my ability to plan strategies to manage student learning in a technology-enhanced environment by creating a website centered on the standards they are required to master as a part of the GPS curriculum.
Conceptual Framework Reflection: This assignment demonstrated my ability to be decisive because I made decisions about the content of the website as well as strategies of how the students would learn it.
f. Identify and apply instructional design principles associated with the development of technology resources. / Knowledgeable: The candidate should be able to demonstrate general knowledge inherent in a liberal arts curriculum, advanced knowledge in content areas, and specific knowledge in professional education for the implementation of transformational systemic change. / Artifact:10 Photo Assignment Project
Course: MEDT 7466
Semester: Summer 2010
NETS Reflection:The 10 Photo Assignment allowed me to apply instructional design principles to digital photography so that it could be used effectively in the classroom.
Conceptual Framework Reflection: This photos I compiled from this assignment demonstrated my knowledge of different concept applications in photography and how to use these skills to enhance learning in my class.
TL-III. Teaching, Learning, and the Curriculum
Educational technology leaders model, design, and disseminate plans that include methods and strategies for applying technology to maximize student learning.Educational technology leaders:
Performance Indicator / COE Conceptual Framework Indicator / Artifacts and Reflections
a. Facilitate technology-enhanced experiences that address content standards and student technology standards. / Adaptive: The candidate should be able to demonstrate flexibility and strategic planning appropriate to a wide variety of learners for effective transformational systemic change. / Artifact:Collaborative Digital Storytelling Project
Course: MEDT 7464
Semester: Fall 2009
NETS Reflection: The Digital Storytelling Project was a collaborative effort in which we created a workshop plan including examples of how digital storytelling could be used as effective teaching method to address content standards in the classroom.
Conceptual Framework Reflection: In my role as group leader, where I created a workshop plan, and delegated and oversaw examples and tasks completed by group members, my adaptability was evident in my flexibility and strategic planning to address the needs of a wide variety of learners.
b. Use technology to support learner-centered strategies that address the diverse needs of students. / Adaptive: The candidate should be able to demonstrate flexibility and strategic planning appropriate to a wide variety of learners for effective transformational systemic change. / Artifact:Collaborative Voicethread Project
Course: MEDT 7464
Semester: Fall 2009
NETS Reflection:For the Voicethread Project, I took pictures of my students as they made brownies. To review steps in a process I uploaded the pictures onto Voicethread and allowed the students to make comments on them. The ability to read and type varies greatly in my class. This project allowed me use technology to support learner centered strategies to address the diverse need of my students.
Conceptual Framework Reflection: The Voicethread Project demonstrated my adaptability by showing how I can be flexible to plan for a wider variety of learners.
c. Apply technology to demonstrate students' higher-order skills and creativity. / Empathetic: The candidate should be able to develop the sensitivity for individual, family, and institutional needs that will embrace transformational systemic change. / Artifact:Project Based Learning Proposal
Course: MEDT 7464
Semester: Fall 2009
NETS Reflection: For the collaborative Project Based Learning Proposal, my job was to create the workshop plan and create an example of how to use project based learning in the Special Education classroom. The workshop plan and example exhibits my ability to apply technology to have students demonstrate higher order thinking skills and creativity.
Conceptual Framework Reflection:This project demonstrated my adaptability because the Special Education students I teach require additional explanation and visual aids to enhance their comprehension. The activity I created allowed students to view an instructional PowerPoint and complete the baseball measuring activity first by measuring their steps before transitioning to formal units of measure.
d. Manage student learning activities in a technology-enhanced environment. / Leading: The candidate should be able to demonstrate effective leadership skills to initiate and facilitate transformational systemic change. / Artifact:Building a Wiki with Google Sites
Course: MEDT 7462
Semester: Spring 2010
NETS Reflection:Building a Wiki with Google Sites allows me to manage student learning in a technology enhanced environment because I am able to monitor student interaction and work while on the wiki.
Conceptual Framework Reflection: This project shows my leadership skills by initiating and facilitating a new technology because no one else in the school has a class wiki. By maintaining a wiki, I was able to advise other teachers how to effective use wikis in their own classroom practices.
e. Use current research and district/state/national content and technology standards to build lessons and units of instruction. / Collaborative: The candidate should be able to develop skills to work effectively with various stakeholders involved in the educational process that will bring about transformational systemic change. / Artifact: Collaborative Lesson Plan
Course: MEDT 7466
Semester: Summer 2010
NETS Reflection: This lesson plan showed how my group used state and national standards to plan a lesson for AP English students involving photography.
Conceptual Framework Reflection: The collaborative lesson plan was completed collaboratively between three Ed. S. students. This demonstrates my ability to develop skills and work effectively with various stakeholders.
TL-IV. Assessment and Evaluation
Educational technology leaders communicate research on the use of technology to implement effective assessment and evaluation strategies.Educational technology leaders:
Performance Indicator / COE Conceptual Framework Indicator / Artifacts and Reflections
a. Apply technology in assessing student learning of subject matter using a variety of assessment techniques. / Culturally Sensitive: The candidate should be able to develop awareness and understanding of individual and group differences when diagnosing and prescribing transformational systemic change. / Artifact:Collaborative Blog Project
Course: MEDT 7464
Semester: Fall 2009
NETS Reflection: The Collaborative Blog Project allowed me to create a blog in which I updated weekly. Using a blog in the classroom, such as the one I created, would allow me to assess student knowledge by reading their comments.
Conceptual Framework Reflection: Each student learns differently and this project would allow me to demonstrate cultural sensitivity by creating an assignment where all students are comfortable contributing to a class discussion.
b. Use technology resources to collect and analyze data, interpret results, and communicate findings to improve instructional practice and maximize student learning. / Proactive: The candidate should be able to advocate for the removal of barriers that impede lifelong learning and hinder transformational systemic change. / Artifact:Evaluation Data Collection and Report
Course: MEDT 8480
Semester: Spring 2011
NETS Reflection: To complete my evaluation report I researched previous studies using Galileo. I also created an online survey for teachers to complete during the data collection process. When the data was collected, I used Google Docs to analyze the data and put the stats into tables and graphs. Without this technology, my evaluation would have been much harder to complete.
Conceptual Framework Reflection: This assignment showed how I can be proactive because I used previous research to help shape my own evaluation process.
c. Apply multiple methods of evaluation to determine students' appropriate use of technology resources for learning, communication, and productivity. / Decisive: The candidate should be able to demonstrate knowledge and skills when making decisions that will influence effective transformational systemic change. / Artifact:Assessment Plan
Course: MEDT 7467
Semester: Fall 2010
NETS Reflection: The assessment plan allowed me to apply multiple methods of evaluation to determine students’ appropriate use of technology resources for learning, communication, and productivity because it allowed me to create remedial and acceleration activities based on the assessment results.
Conceptual Framework Reflection: This assignment demonstrated how I can be decisive because it allowed me to demonstrate my knowledge as an educator to plan for more than one assessment outcome.
TL-V. Productivity and Professional Practice
Educational technology leaders design, develop, evaluate and model products created using technology resources to improve and enhance their productivity and professional practice.Educational technology leaders:
Performance Indicator / COE Conceptual Framework Indicator / Artifacts and Reflections
a. Use technology resources to engage in ongoing professional development and lifelong learning. / Inquisitive: The candidate should seek continually to improve their knowledge, disposition, and skills to influence transformational systemic change. / Artifact:Professional Development Reading Article Review
Course: MEDT 8463
Semester: Spring 2010
NETS Reflection: Reviewing an online article on the effectiveness of an Assistive Technology Training Program allowed me to engage in ongoing professional development and lifelong learning.
Conceptual Framework Reflection: Researching this program through an article review showed that I am inquisitive because I reviewed the article to improve my knowledge of assistive technology to better understand how to use it effectively in my classroom.
b. Continually evaluate and reflect on professional practice to make informed decisions regarding the use of technology in support of student learning. / Reflective: The candidate should be able to demonstrate critical thinking skills in the diagnosis and prescription for transformational systemic change. / Artifact:Personal Technology SWOT Analysis
Course: MEDT 8463
Semester: Spring 2010
NETS Reflection:The Personal Technology SWOT Analysis allowed me to evaluate and reflect on my professional practice by analyzing my strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and strengths in reference to the IT program.
Conceptual Framework Reflection: The SWOT Analysis demonstrated my ability to be reflective because I had to draw upon my practices in the classroom as well as use critical thinking skills to determine how it applied to the knowledge I have gained from the IT program.
c. Apply technology to increase productivity. / Collaborative: The candidate should be able to develop skills to work effectively with various stakeholders involved in the educational process that will bring about transformational systemic change. / Artifact:Google Docs
Course: MEDT 7464 & MEDT 7462
Semester:Fall 2009 & Spring 2010
NETS Reflection: I used Google Docs as a means to collaborate with other students in my MEDT 7464 class to discuss group projects created in the class. I also used have used it at school to make collaborating with other teachers more efficient and productive.
Conceptual Framework Reflection: Using Google Docs shows my ability to collaborate with others to make work experiences more effective and productive.
d. Use technology to communicate and collaborate with peers, parents, and the larger community in order to nurture student learning. / Collaborative: The candidate should be able to develop skills to work effectively with various stakeholders involved in the educational process that will bring about transformational systemic change. / Artifact:Getting Started with Gmail
Course: MEDT 7462
Semester: Spring 2010
NETS Reflection: Getting Started with Gmail was assigned to help us more effectively communicate and collaborate with the instructor, peers, and parents of students.
Conceptual Framework Reflection: This activity gave me insight on how to use Gmail in my school setting as well as graduate setting to make collaboration more productive and efficient.
TL-VI. Social, Ethical, Legal, and Human Issues
Educational technology leaders understand the social, ethical, legal, and human issues surrounding the use of technology in PK-12 schools and develop programs facilitating application of that understanding in practice throughout their district/region/state.Educational technology leaders: