Valero Terminaling and Distribution Company



The purpose of this Procedures Manual is to describe and provide an understanding of the requirements contained in the Valero Terminaling and Distribution Company (Valero) “General Safety & Environmental Procedures. This manual provides Valero Employees and Contractors key information to perform tasks and activities within Valero Operations and Facilities in a safe and healthy manner. These procedures align with regulatory requirements and best industry practices for performing work safely. All Employees will be provided training in these procedures to ensure understanding and competency. Additional procedures on Regulatory Agency requirements and application can be found in the General Operating Procedures (GOP’s) and the Terminal OM&E Compliance Manuals


The procedures contained in this manual covers the typicalHealth, Safety and Environmental (HSE) related tasks which are performed at Valero and the additional procedures needed to manage risk and change when procedures need to be developed and/or reviewed by those identified in the approval process. These procedures will apply to all Valero Employees and Contractors performing tasks and activities in Valero Operated Facilities and/or operations.


Management has determined that the Valero companies (including The Premcor Pipeline Company and The Premcor Refining Group Inc.) must have consistent approaches to achieving HSE excellence. A significant effort has been undertaken to develop continuity in procedures which impact safe operations and regulatory compliance at all facilities.

Procedures were organized and numbered starting with 100 Series procedures through 900 series procedures. Each series addresses an area of HSE requirements, as shown below:

Series / Health, Safety and Environmental Area
100 / Personnel Safety
200 / General Safety
300 / Work Preparation
400 / Emergency Preparedness (See FRP)
500 / Health
600 / Protective Clothing and Equipment
700 / Operating and Process Equipment
800 / Environmental
900 / Regulatory Compliance (See GOP’s and OM&E Compliance Manuals for specific Agency Procedures)

Initially procedures development was focused on higher risk and regulatory procedures. Also included were those procedures which were needed to safely manage key Valerooperations and activities. Secondary procedure needs were also identified to be completed in subsequent stages of procedure development.

Valero Terminaling and Distribution Company / Last Revised 01/10/07